Hot Shots!
Hot Shots!
PG-13 | 31 July 1991 (USA)
Hot Shots! Trailers

The gang that created Airplane and The Naked Gun sets its sights on Top Gun in this often hilarious spoof starring Charlie Sheen, who previously only inspired laughs with his personal life. He plays Topper Harley, a fighter pilot with an ax to grind: clearing the family name. He gets involved in a relationship with Valerie Golino, a woman with an unusually talented stomach. But his mission is to avenge his father. Lloyd Bridges, late in his career, revealed an aptitude for this kind of silliness, here as a commander who is both incredibly dim and delightfully accident prone. Directed by Jim Abrahams, the film makes fun of a variety of other films as well, from Dances with Wolves to The Fabulous Baker Boys. It was so successful that they all returned in the sequel, Hot Shots! Part Deux.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Hitchcoc I get a kick out of these hit and miss comedy tributes to recent films. The more sight gags and ridiculous comments they can make, the more fun. I think the classic for this will always be the first "Airplane" movie. In this one, Charlie Sheen reprises Tom Cruise's character from "Top Gun." When the eggs started frying on that girl's body, I nearly fell off my chair. Not to mention that the plot itself and the mission involved are absolutely ridiculous. Except for the fact that they could not be anything else. The inimitable Charlie Sheen with his over-confidence and his somewhat bewildered look is the perfect choice for this. He has that handsomeness that works in this role. If you want to laugh out loud, take a chance.
gwnightscream Charlie Sheen, Valeria Golino, Cary Elwes, Jon Cryer and Lloyd Bridges star in this 1991 comedy. This is obviously a spoof of "Top Gun," but also pokes fun at other classic films like "Dances with Wolves," "Gone With The Wind" and "Superman." Sheen (Wall Street) plays Topper, a navy pilot who has issues mainly dealing with his father's death. Soon, he's recruited to lead a mission to destroy a nuclear plant with other fighter pilots and they eventually learn that someone's sabotaging the planes. Golino (Rain Man) plays Ramada, a psychiatrist whom he gets help and finds romance with, Elwes (The Princess Bride) plays Kent, a pilot and Ramada's ex-boyfriend who doesn't get along with Topper, Cryer (Two and a Half Men) plays pilot, Washout who has walleye vision and the late, Bridges (Airplane) plays senile Admiral, Tug Benson. This is a good comedy spoof with a good cast and if you like "Airplane" and "The Naked Gun" films, I recommend this.
SanteeFats This is an awesome movie that is sooo funny. Lloyd Bridges is great as the dumb ass admiral. Charlie Sheen is excellent as Topper Harley the main character of this show. It is a parody of Top Gun and it is spot on!! Valeria Golino does a nice job and she is super hot (pun intended) in the 9 1/2 Weeks scene. The humor, puns, and overall parody is just hilarious in my opinion. The coed barracks scenes . Why Kristie Swanson took her role is beyond me. She never really did much in the movie. Wash Out is played very well by John Cryer and Dead Meat is such a douche but also very funny. Efrem Zimbalist Jr. is the greedy defense contractor who has corrupted the performance data of his equipment with the help of one of the officers involved with the tests. Of course he gets his in the end. I think the closing scenes when the credits roll are extremely funny. I think this is one kick ass movie.
FilmBuff1994 Hot Shots is a good movie with a good story line,a great cast and plenty of hilarious scenes.Its from one of the writers of Airplane and Naked Gun,but this movie certainly doesn't have as memorable or funny scenes,and no lines that you will find yourself quoting for the rest of your life.But its still a decent funny movie,better than Top Gun,the movie it parodies,I'm never been a big fan of Top Gun because its just very boring and extremely cheesy.I did get a good kick out of seeing Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer,starring alongside each other long before Two And A Half Men,I find Jon Cryer very funny,and is the only reason why I still watch the new Two And A Half Men episodes.Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) must save a mission that has been sabotaged by weapon manufacturers.