Poltergeist III
Poltergeist III
PG-13 | 10 June 1988 (USA)
Poltergeist III Trailers

Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will Tangina be able, yet again, to thwart him?

Cortechba Overrated
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
SnoopyStyle Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt Patricia Wilson-Gardner (Nancy Allen), her husband Bruce Gardner (Tom Skerritt), and stepdaughter Donna Gardner (Lara Flynn Boyle) in the Chicago highrise which Bruce manages. Her relatives don't know the story of her ghostly encounters. Carol Anne is in group treatment under the care of disbelieving Dr. Seaton when Rev. Henry Kane reappears. Tangina Barrons is alerted to his presence.First, it's her older sister. Now, it's her parents. They may as well make Carol Anne an orphan in the movie. It would make more sense. The whole movie is flat. It is not scary and none of it is interesting. I certainly don't want to make fun of "Carol Anne" out of respect for Heather O'Rourke. She remains a positive for the franchise till the bitter end.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is a very scary movie. It is not has scarier the original Poltergeist. Also Poltergeist II the Other side is also scarier. The Poltergeist remake from 2015 is also scarier. But still this a very scary movie. A lot better then A Nightmare on elm street of Silence of the lambs and a lot of other horror movie that are overrated. This movie has a get story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. If you do not get scared of this movie then no movie will scary you. All the Poltergeist movie are must sees. This one is very underrated. It is my lest f.a.v.o.u.r.i.t.e Poltergeist movie. But it is still a great movie.
leplatypus Well, this is the last movie for this amazing young girl and it's just my saddest mourning for an artist ! She was just a lovable, funny, bright kid and an extraordinary actress as well : here, she has really a lot of screen time before she is abducted (again) and she is just excellent ! This last movie was promising because it was a break for the franchise : after the suburb, the country, now, it's the steel of Chicago Skycrapers. In a way, it reminds me of « die hard » or « gremlins 2 » and maybe « Shining » as the entire movie happens in a new, high-tech building that becomes a dangerous place. The mirror-game is a good idea for tension and fear and « Donna Hayward » and Skerit are efficient arrivals. But, unfortunately, that's all because as soon as Heather disappeared and a short breather from the psychic Tangina back for a last time, the movie just falls apart : it's only a hide-and-game in a malfunctioning building : there are no horrific visions, demons, just cold, smoke and water and shouts of names and « help me ». Allen participates in this disappointment as she seems grumpy and not really caring for her niece. Again, i can't explain Kane's obsession with Carol-Anne and her need for the light. At the end, the movie just stops abruptly without resolving some questions (what about the Doppelganger ? why no final words from the family ?). But, it's a bit hollow to comment beyond because we all know what would have been great! So, Heather, now that you are really on the other side, i really hope that you are happy and if you can, try to reach us as well...
atinder This first time I saw this movie full, I never full seen the whole people movie, I have seen bits and bobs of the year.This movie was weakest of the series for sure, I didn't think all that bad,This time is only girl they come back for this sequel and the rest of cast didn't come back for this sequel.This movie had a strange plot, there were some decent moment in this movie, that were worth watching, nothing scary or creepy like first movie.Some of effect in this movie were hit and miss but mostly missing really, as felt really out of place for this movie.Some of acting in this movie was really bad from some of the cast members , the rest of the cast was really good.The ending was okay but could have ended better then that. 4 out of 10