Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland
R | 04 August 1989 (USA)
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland Trailers

Psychotic Angela is itching to do what she does best: slaughter dozens of teenage campers. As luck would have it, the previous site of her murders has been renamed and converted into an experimental summer camp meant to bring together privileged and lower-class teens. On the day the youths are boarding the buses to camp, Angela runs over a potential camper with a garbage truck and assumes her identity. Once she has infiltrated the camp, the real terror begins.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
jacobjohntaylor1 5.3 is overrating this movie. This movie has an awful story line. It not scary at all. The ending is awful. This movie is pooh pooh. Good actor wasted there talent being in this awful movie. Do not wast your time. Do not wast your money. d.Do not see this awful movie. I give 4 out of 10 because it is a stinky pile of pooh. This about some kid going to camp and a murder is kill them off one by one. It could have been a scary movie. If the story line had not been so awful. This movie is very stinky pooh pooh. Do not see it. The people who wrote this movie have no talent. This is a bad movie. Bad movie bad movie bad movie do not see it.
zombiefan89 Angela is FAR different from the shy insecure boy from the first movie. Yes, she's a he, it's revealed in the first one so it's technically not a spoiler for the third one. He has a very sarcastic and quirky sense of humor, however dark and twisted it may be. He delights in killing and seizes opprotunities that seemed rather forced at times. Those trust games and that reporter asking for cocaine were very over the top. This is quite possibly the worst "horror" movie ever made, but that's's a comedy!! I honestly had no idea about that going in. I had just watched the first one, and I hadn't seen the second one yet. Also, it's really not that graphic compared to the first one! Yes, there's blood, but most of the kills are devoid of any real violence. The camera cuts away at the last second, or the attacks seem too "cute" to actually be fatal, like the way he kills one of the counselors by whacking him with stick, which didn't seem to really hurt him at first. It reminded me of that black woman from Tom and Jerry who would beat Tom with a broom. Angela always has some wise crack about every situation, too. There's no real suspense to be had in this movie. you know exactly who Angela is going to kill and in what order. Lines like "Is that all for a good bye? You might never see me again!" give everything away. You know who the killer is the whole movie, unlike in the first one. Accpeting the fact that this is a comedy, I have to give it 10 stars! I laughed at every kill! Pamela Springsteen is a hilarious psychopath, and almost all of the characters are hatable enough, you're glad when they die. Oh, and I love the way they found that Jason mask in the lake, that was priceless!
Boba_Fett1138 Well, of course all Sleepaway Camp movies are pointless ones but at least they still followed a story. This movie is just about Angela killing another bunch of campers one by one. As a sequel it just isn't adding enough to the series, though the genre fans will see some redeeming qualities within this movie.The killings are still nice and original. You have to hand it to the Sleepaway Camp movies that they often managed to come up with some original and gruesome killings. Not the the movie is very graphic though. More gets implied than actually shown on screen, which is a bit odd, since none of the previous Sleepaway Camp movies were holding back. Looks like the uncut version of this movie was never released, probably because the production company went bankrupt a couple of years after this movie got made, during the production of the fourth, never finished, Sleepaway Camp movie called "Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor".The movie perhaps at points turned too much into a comedy and it didn't took itself serious enough. When an horror movie starts to do this it's often a sign that the movie isn't going to be much good, since it needs its campy humor and quirkiness to compensate for what it's lacking in story and horror.The movie got shot at the same time as Part II, yet the movie is quite different from it. As if they spend more time on filming and putting part II together than they did on this one. The movie feels like it got done in a rush and the overall movie feels like an in between movie, the studio made to cash in more on the Sleepaway Camp movies. Not that it helped much, since the production company Double Helix Films went bankrupt, only a couple of years later.I guess its watchable enough for the fans of the genre, though it's also a movie you can easily do without, even when you loved watching the previous two Sleepaway Camp movies.5/10
Michael_Elliott Sleepaway Camp 3 (1989) ** (out of 4)The third film in the series has Angela (Pamela Springsteen) killing a girl and taking her identity, which gets her back into a camp being ran by a goofy old couple who want to take rich kids and mix with poor kids so that they can learn to live together. It doesn't take too long for Angela to go back on a killing rampage.SLEEPAWAY CAMP 3 was shot at the same time as the second film but sadly it's the weakest of the series, which is a real shame when you consider how good the first two were. What was so disappointing is that the second film was so fast, original and catchy that you went into this one hoping for more of the same but that just didn't happen. Instead we're given a rather routine sequel that doesn't really offer up anything new and everything fresh in the second film just comes across as tired and watered down.Everything here is rather lame to be honest. The death scenes in the movie were all trimmed to get a R-rating so even these don't really stand out but you don't need gore in order for a death scene to be entertaining. I say that because the second film wasn't gory but it was clever. Another problem with this film is that the characters just aren't all that likable. The "bad" campers are all rather annoying and none of them are really developed as anything other than the next victim. It also doesn't help that even Angela doesn't have the same flare as in the previous movie.Springsteen gives a good performance in the lead role and there's no question that it's funny seeing someone like Michael J. Pollard (BONNIE AND CLYDE) playing a pervert. If you're a fan of the series then I'm sure you'll be slightly entertained by this third film but there's no question that it doesn't live up to the first two.
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