Bad Dreams
Bad Dreams
R | 08 April 1988 (USA)
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Unity Field, a "free love" cult from the '70s, is mostly remembered for its notorious mass suicide led by Harris, its charismatic leader. While all members are supposed to burn in a fire together, young Cynthia is spared by chance. Years later, the nightmare of Unity Field remains buried in her mind. But when those around Cynthia start killing themselves, and she begins having visions of Harris, she may be forced to confront the past -- before it confronts her.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
tdrish How do I begin to describe this? I have seen this title one time in my life, and that was one time too many. How do I describe that mess I saw? Okay, so we jump in the car, and take that trip down memory lane. I was 14 years old when I watched this...I suppose I was expecting a lot of suspense. What I got, was under and hour and a half of implausible chaos. Right around 1975, a bizarre cult that would talk you into suicide, led by Harris ( rest in peace, Mr. Lynch) leads his sheep into his world of belief. One girl survives, chickening out of the suicide ritual, when a fire erupts, leaving many casualties, and burning Harris alive. Now 13 years have passed, and the only survivor awakens from a long coma, only to awaken to a continuing nightmare...she is haunted by Harris, who still wants her dead. He won't kill her, he wants it to be a suicide. Wow! The high rating, people must be entertained, thinking teen suicide is a joke! What's a joke, is the fact that this was a successful movie back then. On the plus side, I admire that something new was tried here, back in 1988, when this was released, the market was battered by countless slasher and horror movies similar to its genre, Bad Dreams was at least something new. Almost 30 years later, I won't give this movie the time of day. It's uneven, I thought the story line was lacking, and it just depended way too much on soap opera drama. Not to mention...I thought everybody in this movie was weird, especially Dr. Karmen. What was there to like, when you can't even like a character in the movie? Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not convinced of it. There was more bad then good, from what I remember. All in all, I would encourage you to bypass this one up, it's not one of the better films, it's certainly not the worse, but just to save you some time if you're the average person...4 out of 10 stars from me. ( PS: THE ENDING OF THE MOVIE IS A MAJOR LET DOWN!)
Toronto85 Bad Dreams is a fun late 80's horror film that feels a lot like The third part of A Nightmare on Elm St. Like that movie, Bad Dreams takes place in a hospital setting. The story goes that a girl named Cynthia was the sole survivor of a mass suicide in a cult community named "Unity Fields". She ends up in a coma for thirteen years, but when she awakes, several of her fellow patients at the psychiatric hospital start dying. It appears like they are committing suicide, but could it be murder? The film is a lot like A Nightmare on Elm St 3, which also stared Jennifer Rubin. There is a burned man seemingly going after the patients, the doctors believe the people are killing themselves are refuse to think otherwise. Although it is similar, Bad Dreams is a decent horror flick with some gruesome moments.The hospital setting in a horror film is always fun to me. You would think it's safe, but it almost never is. The acting is pretty good in this as well. There is also a nice little twist to the story as well. The DVD is hard to find, I own the VHS. So if you come across this, I say buy it.8/10
Vomitron_G As far as 80's horror movies go, this one is very decent. I'm sure that if I had seen it back in the 80's, I would even have rated it a bit higher. Like many fellow viewers on here already stated, the story indeed shows a lot of similarities to "A Nightmare on Elmstreet, part 3". Jennifer Rubin looked beautiful as ever and gave a decent performance. Richard Lynch was perfectly creepy as the leader of the hippie-cult who comes back to haunt Jennifer's dreams. The killings among the mental patients were pretty gory and bloody. And the hippie-rock song over the opening-credits struck the right chord too (that rarely happens when you watch 80's movies these days). Even though the twist near the end was something I didn't see coming, I didn't like it that much. Still, this is a rather enjoyable and competently made late 80's horror movie.And here's a bit of trivia: Cult actor Richard Lynch is known for his slightly disfigured facial features. These were the result of a horrible accident in the late 70's (I believe). Because of an LSD-trip gone bad, Mr. Lynch set himself on fire. Ironically, in "Bad Dreams" he plays a hippie-cult leader who sets himself, and his members... on fire. In the movie, however, he looks a little bit more 'burned up & crispy' then he does in real life. Great flamey effects, by the way
Rautus Bad Dreams (1988) Directed by: Andrew Fleming Story by: Andrew Fleming & Michael Dick & P.J Pettiete & Yuri Zeltster Screenplay by: Andrew Fleming and Steven E De Souza Review: Bad Dreams is a late 80's horror movie that's often overlooked, it's got some good performances from Bruce Abbot, Jennifer Rubin and Richard Lynch. The rest of the cast do a pretty good job too.The movie does have a few similarities to A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors such has the burnt villain, the mental hospital and patients. The film has some pretty good FX such has the burnt body of Harris (Richard Lynch) and the gore effects. The Plot:A young girl named Cyinthia (Jennifer Rubin) is a part of a love cult called Unity Fields who one day commit mass suicide by setting themselves on fire. Cyinthia is the only survivor and after 13 years she comes out of a coma and finds herself in a mental hospital. Her memories of what happened are suppressed but with the help of Dr. Alex Karmen (Bruce Abbot) she slowly begins to remember. Soon she begins to see Harris who tells her to join them otherwise someone else will take her place until she accepts. Has her fellow patients in the group begin to commit there own suicides it's only a matter of time before Harris will come to claim her soul, could Harris be back from the dead or could there be another explanation to Cyinthina's Bad Dreams.Overall:Bad Dreams is a underrated horror movie that should be seen. It's got an interesting plot, good gore and make up effects, good performances and a great twist at the end. Check this film out.