Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn
R | 16 October 2004 (USA)
Breaking Dawn Trailers

Within the confines of an insane asylum languish many would-be seers and messiahs. Medical students meet them day in, day out. But when Eve meets Don Wake, she discovers he's not your run-of-the-mill paranoic. In fact, his visions of her life on the outside tread the line between fantasy and reality as a stalker becomes known to her. She could be in danger; it could all be in her head.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Raul Faust The unknown actress Kelly Overton plays a young doctor who is starting her job with psychiatry in a proper hospital for mental sick people. Once the young physician starts talking to a problematic patient with a visible mental sickness, strange things start happening to her-- that's a cliché line, I know. She hears voices in her room when she's by herself, weird people come by in her apartment and one mysterious voice calls her on the intercom. The problematic patience tells her to look around and be careful about something he never specifies, which catenate to an intriguing plot. Several scenes are tense and extremely entertaining due to the good directing and acting. Kelly Overton varies from good to bad, depending on what the scene is requesting from her. In the end we have a surprise-- which isn't very understandable-- and a feel good ending, mainly because of the photography direction and the beautiful last song. Considering the subject chosen and how original it was back when released, this film deserves nothing less than a 7. Give it a chance.
insomniac_rod I caught this movie on local t.v. at about 4:30 a.m. I didn't have expectations for it but after the opening credits I knew I was into something good.There are situations that are left for your interpretation to "find out" what really happened so your attention is a key factor.The whole psychological thriller situation deals a lot with character development and the way things are executed by the main character.Your sub-conscience also plays an important part because through a series of events and dialogs you will be able to make a correct interpretation and generate an opinion.The technical aspects are very good. Really good in fact. Kelly Overtone is extremely sexy and she's candy for the eye although she's most of the time in her white clothes.The fear factor is almost inexistent but there's plenty of mystery and tension to dig from.I would recommend it for those who enjoy supernatural and psychological thrillers.
Claudio Carvalho The medical student Eve (Kelly Overton) is assigned to care of Don Wake (James Haven), a catatonic patient of a psychiatric Cape State Hospital who was found covered with blood near his dead mother. She must succeed in disclosing the truth about the murder of his mother and improve his conditions to conclude her medical course. She secretly changes his medications and he starts talking to her about a theory of conspiracy leaded by the mysterious Malachi. Eve becomes obsessed and paranoid with her patient while Don dominates her mind deeper and deeper. When she breaks with Don out of the mental institution, she finally discloses the truth about the crime."Breaking Dawn" is reasonable and too long, since the twist is very predictable. In spite of having good performances of Kelly Overton and James Haven, the screenplay is very weak and does not work well. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "À Beira do Abismo" ("Near to the Abyss")
Fizzwizz I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and to date, this year, it is one of my favorites. The story was excellent although the twist at the end was far too predictable and I knew what would happen far too early. Usually when this happens the film is spoiled for me (like "The Others") but even knowing the outcome I still enjoyed it right up to the end. Looking through the comments of others many people were impressed with the performance from Kelly Overton (Eve), I'm afraid I was not. Her performance seemed to be the weak part of the film to me, in contrast to the amazing performance (or characterization) by James Haven (Don Wake) ... I hope we see more of him. What a great little film, highly recommended to all!