Black Roses
Black Roses
R | 01 November 1988 (USA)
Black Roses Trailers

Teens in a small conservative town are turned into evil demons thanks to the music of the titular heavy metal band.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
GazerRise Fantastic!
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Scott LeBrun Another entry into that 80s genre trend of "heavy metal horror", "Black Roses" is positively goofy entertainment about the title band, which is about to embark on its first tour. They decide to start in a relatively small burg named Mill Basin, and the kids are happy because this is the most exciting thing to ever happen to their town. But all is not "rosy". The band are Satanists, can transform into demons, and listening to their music causes the impressionable youths to become demonically possessed as well. Mayhem ensues.This may be due to the budget not being particularly impressive, but overall "Black Roses" is fairly mild stuff that never really cuts loose. Only in the last dozen minutes or so does it become pretty cheese-tastic, with some absolutely hilarious-looking low-rent creature FX.At its best, this is somewhat interesting for portraying the generation gap, and the typical reaction of adults and authority figures to the spectacle of heavy metal. The mayor (top character actor Ken Swofford, 'Fame') urges reason, putting forth the fact that he and his peers had parents that disapproved of the musical acts with which they themselves grew up. The hero is actually one of the adults, an English teacher played by John Martin ('Sunset Beach'), who tries hard to inspire and relate to his students.The cast is mostly nondescript, but there are familiar faces that raise the curiosity level: Julie Adams, the leading lady of "Creature from the Black Lagoon", as the uptight Mrs. Miller, real life rock musician Carmine Appice as a Black Roses band member, Paul Kelman, the hero of the original "My Bloody Valentine", and, in a highly amusing film debut, Vincent "Big Pussy" Pastore of later 'The Sopranos' fame. Pastore plays a parent who is attacked by a bug monster that emerges from a speaker.As a parting word, the music is generally pretty good (Me Against the World is by Lizzie Borden) for any metal-head like this viewer. But the movies' few assets can't quite compensate for a completely underwhelming ending.Six out of 10.
The_Void It's hardly surprising that Black Roses is an obscure eighties horror film, as despite a relatively good story and some cheesy special effects; the film doesn't have a great deal going for it. However, Black Roses is fun enough and overall, I'd say it's just about worth seeing. The plot takes its influence from the idea of heavy metal bands with satanic lyrics corrupting their young fans, and by keeping the focus on this idea, the film actually has a bit more substance than the majority of similar movies released around the same time. The style is very much eighties, as the schlock horror blends well with the cheap special effects; and the effects team seems to have taken influence from Sam Raimi's Evil Dead II where the demons are concerned. The plot focuses on a heavy metal band named Black Roses. They decide to put on a concert in a small town, much to the delight of the local kids. Naturally, their parents are left rather unimpressed by the band and their music, and so decide to try and stop the concert from taking place...and they'd be right to, as the band are actually demons in disguise! The film attempts to be both a tongue-in-cheek horror movie and a film about heavy metal, as both the band and the horror are given decent proportions of the screenplay. It has to be said the film succeeds at being neither of the things it attempts to be, as the horror is too silly to be scary and the fact that the band are demons often overtakes the fact that they're a heavy metal band; but most people that see this film won't be too bothered about that. The horror is fairly inventive, and parts of the film that see things such as a monster emerging from a record player are most definitely highlights. The main problem with the movie is the amount of talking, as a lot of the time the parents' attempt to stop the concert becomes the centre focus and it's not all that interesting. The way that the film presents ideas such as the fact that a lot of the Black Roses' fans consider the song writer to be a modern poet are well done, and the band themselves are pretty good too, if you're into eighties metal. Overall, Black Roses isn't worth tracking down and spending a lot of money on; but if you get the chance to see it and you like eighties music and horror, it should suffice.
jamison_hult4646 I remember seeing this one as a kid on Joe Bob Briggs "Up all Night" movie marathon, and I finally picked this B movie gem up for 5 bucks at a local video store! Great movie if you enjoy these type of films.What could be better than sitting back, relaxing, and watching a flick about a group of goody two shoes teens get possessed by demons from Hell who are disguising themselves as a Heavy Metal band! Classic!I especially won't forget the scenes when Big Pussy from the Sopranos Vincent Pastore makes his acting debut, and gets mauled by a demon that attacks him from his sons speaker, or when a brainwashed teeny bopper turns into a long necked lizard creature and attacks her teacherGREAT STUFF!! I recommend this movie to all 80's metalheads whoprobably once tried playing their Twisted Sister backwards, hoping to get a message from the Great Beezelbub himself. Or if your like me and actually enjoy watching this garbage.
fearozzy606 I like the movie even though it is cheesy. I remember it from when I was little. There should have been more nude scenes. Ha Ha. Any way's, I wanna know if there is one singer or are there many. If any one knows please write back, and who are they?