NR | 13 March 2015 (USA)
Muck Trailers

A group of friends emerge from the darkness, bloody and lucky to be alive. Having already lost two friends in the marsh, they break into an empty vacation house to take shelter. Whatever was in the marsh is still after them, but it's not the only thing that wants them dead. Something much worse and more savage lays in wait.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Nigel P This is dreadful. A 'skin-flick' laced with sardonic dialogue and crazy, horny teens for whom taking selfies is a way of life and every line is a sexual innuendo. Classy it isn't, but even as a soft-core film, it lacks the courage to provide anything in the way of titillation that isn't 'cleverly' masked by shadows, shower curtains or foliage. Here is a world where everyone aspires to look and act in exactly the same way and casually roll off identical low-brow dialogue.Perhaps it is novel for a film featuring such cutesy smart-arses to begin when the youngsters have already suffered some unspeakable horror and are searching through the night for sanctuary, because that is how this kicks off. We don't know why the scantily-clad youngsters are in the middle of a woodland (even though it transpires they are actually seconds away from suburbia) or what manner of jeopardy they have suffered. Who cares? Not the people behind this bore-fest. After finding an empty house in which to shower and continue to drink (clearly these are priorities), the second male of their number (I'm not sure they even have names, although I heard one called Billy at some point) heads to a bar five minutes away to call for help, but gets side-tracked by yet more rampant girl teens.A joke is attempted. When one teen says to another he's 'At Wes Craven (the name of the bar, I think)', his friend says, 'Wes Craven? Used to be cool but now … eeeeeeewww.' Apparently this is a spoof of 1980's horror 'flicks'. But it really isn't. There's nothing remotely funny here, there's no concept of story, no reasoning for anything, no pretence at the first level of making the viewer want to continue watching beyond the repeated lame nudity teases. It's the worst film I've seen for a very long while and just exists to fill the running time with no discernible lack of talent on display (and yet it appears to be adequately budgeted and directed.Couldn't the money have been spent on something else?) Even the special effects, never called on to do much, fail to convince, with only gurgling sound effects laid over the soundtrack to let us know that a gore scene is being attempted. More fulfilling to simply watch some straightforward pornography and miss out on the stilted, unfunny drivel in between repeated cleavage shots. Awful.
Sophie O Don't get me Wrong, the standard Horror Movie is almost expected to have Nudity, but this is next level. The Director uses every chance he gets to show Boobs, almost like he's compensating for the weak dialogue and plot line (Which is one of the worst, if not the worst I've ever seen) The Characters lack any depth, and are so Irritating to watch and listen to, that I was actually looking forward to their likely demise. The Movie starts at an awkward point, where the Characters have already been through a lot, so straight off the bat, I was wondering what this Movie was trying to convey. For the lack of talent, or acting skills? Boobs. For the lack of relevant story lines, or dialogue? Boobs. Boobs are the glue that holds this weak Movie together, and are probably the only reason this movie Isn't rated a 1. Lucky for the Director, there will always be loads of talent-less actresses with Boob Jobs. Boobs.
whinger1979 First off, having read the majority of the previous reviews for this film, it's obviously not everybody's cup of tea. That said, I thought I'd give it a go anyway & have to say that I'm glad I did. I struggle to understand how this film has such a low rating from so many reviews?!?! The film is full of clichés & gratuitous nudity & to be fair it does feel as though the first 20 minutes of the film are missing. But it didn't take me long to pick up what was happening & I thought the mix of comedic moments & gratuitous gore/nudity were great. It's a fun, tongue in cheek, horror film. If you want serious horror, it's not for you. If you're going to sit there & ask yourself why a man whose friends have been brutally murdered has stopped at a bar for a drink, or to perv on a half naked woman whilst he's searching for help, it's not for you. If you want a silly, over the top, blood/gore/T&A fest, give it a go. You won't be disappointed. Personally, I loved it & eagerly await a sequel.
david-98133 I was hopeful. I was wrong. My wife often chides me for watching crappy movies, and while some are not the best works of film, they are still enjoyable to watch. This was not. This is probably the worst film I've seen in 35 years of watching movies - and I've seen a LOT of 80's B-movies, so I know Crap when I see it. I'm sure the writing sounded witty in their head whilst composing, but it did not work in practice. The situational dialogue and reactions are completely unbelievable. People don't react the way these characters did. Good writing would have helped this film immensely. I'm wondering if Wolsh even passed the script to anyone for their opinion before deciding to do it. Seriously, it's that bad. Nothing about the plot was explained and at the end of the movie you're left wondering what the heck. Now, I understand this is supposed to be part of a trilogy or something, but even basic movies wrap up a little and leave you with some satisfaction before the cliffhanger. I just wanted something explained. Anything. Please! The ONLY positive thing I will say about this was their practical effects. I will give them a pat on the back for that. No CGI is great. So if they were using this to hone their craft in movie making, they achieved that goal. However, any movie needs a plot to follow and there was just no development of any kind. For a horror flick, I expected to see gratuitous T&A, and you get that, but even that isn't done well and I was left hoping they'd just get them off screen so they can move on with the story. Don't even bother with this film unless you are a friend of someone involved in the movie and you owe them a BIG favor, or you just lost a huge dare. God, please don't let them make the rest.