Reality Check
Reality Check
R | 15 July 2002 (USA)
Reality Check Trailers

Four young women and three young men, totally strangers to each other, are sent to an isolated house with the crew members of a reality show to stay living together for three months without any means of communication with the exterior, and in the end, the winner will get a prize of US$ 100,000.00. When the cameraman is found dead in a barn, the group becomes hysterical, since nobody knows who is trustful.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
adidasraver Obviously you can pretty much tell from the start that this will be awful. The biggest problem I had with the execution of the idea was the way in which the story was presented. The idea seemed OK in theory, but the overall end result missed that idea.I think this would have worked better if they had incorporated less of the Reality TV Style scenes and shots, and instead either gone with a documentary or straight up fly on the wall type treatment. With the TV shots added, it came off like a spoof or at the very least confused about how much comedy to incorporate.The acting, at times was laughably terrible from this group of relatively unknowns at the time due to character writing that seemed disjointed and awkward. The pacing seemed to actually be the one big bright spot of the bunch, though the "kills" left a lot to be desired by today's standards. A lot of the time it felt like there was a lack of a payoff, or anticlimactic ending to the buildups that the director was working for.Overall I wouldn't recommend this. I got it for a dollar and I still feel like I got ripped off but that's more because of the time I invested watching Reality Kills. Skip this one unless you're into movies that are of the "So Bad they're Good" variety and even then you'll still probably end up disappointed.
bowmanblue I write a lot of reviews on films and, normally, try to find something positive to say about a movie. No matter how bad it is, there's at least a couple of good points. In fact, I hate people who say things like 'Worst movie ever!!!!' (note the annoyingly large amount of exclamations marks).Well, this definitely isn't the worst movie ever (in my opinion 'Seed' takes that particular accolade), but it is at least definitely in the bottom of the barrel.My hopes weren't high from the beginning. I think Hollywood should be forced to stamp a great big warning sign on any film which is actually 'found footage.' This emerging genre is certainly cheap to produce. Minimal actors and special effects are required and I daresay the editing doesn't take too long either.Reality Kills is, sadly, one of these 'found footage films. It's constructed like a documentary about people who were murdered in a house... or something. In fact, as soon as I realised it was found footage, I kind of lost interest. This review is only based on the first hour. I couldn't take any more. Cliché after cliché reared its ugly head. From the couple killed while having sex, to the shaky camera-work and killers who run in and run out of frame so quickly, you can barely tell what it was.This isn't the worst movie ever made, but there are plenty of these types of horror films out there and they, at best, only become average - the kind of movie you watch to kill time and forget about afterwards. Sadly, this one isn't even that good. It's just one you need to avoid. Even if you're a massive fan of found footage films, this one doesn't make the grade.
manjodude Saw this movie last night on Youtube. And as you probably presumed, this is indeed one of those low on spooks, a bit high on nudity and a lot on stupidity flicks!.The premise looked interesting initially with seven contestants vying to be the winner of a Big Boss like reality show, but here there's even the director & his camera crew intruding to get exclusive clips for the TV audience! From there, it goes all downhill with negligible focus on the plot and more of a nutty killer on the loose who ticks off the contestants & the crew one by one and takes a video of it too. Even so, I liked some of the murders that happen which were shot in a suspenseful, "Scream" style fashion. But the final moments messed all the nicely done horror or whatever before it. The killer really behaved dumb as in D U M B! And an end which left me muttering, "What the....!".But the performances were a surprise with a lot of them showing an earnest effort. Courtney Peldon(as one of the contestants Charlotte), Sticky Fingaz(has lots of potential, was bit disappointing to see in this muck) as Brock the director and Kristen Miller(a surprise package, with impressive expressions) as one of the crew are some of those that stood out.Verdict: Alas, B acting + C story = still a C or a D movie :>
Jasper P. Morgan It's supposed to be one of those slasher movies I favor - but it's not. I was deeply disappointed with this film. It's as if you take a few girls and guys from a Big Brother camp and put them in a lodge out in the woods, miles from any civilization. They're supposed to stay there for six months and winner gets a hundred thousand dollars - but soon it becomes apparent that one of them doesn't want anybody to survive and get the money. Then the killing starts - members of the crew and the candidates perish one by one. The killings are far from gruesome (the victims are stunned by what looks like electrical shocks and then killed by getting a lethal injection), there is lots of foul language, a few sick jokes, a badly done sex scene, lots of screams and virtually no suspense. I forced to keep my eyes open just to watch it to the end, but it wasn't worth my time. If you consider to watch this movie, well, I'd advise you to rather watch a couple of hours Big Brother instead. That's as dull as "Reality Check", but at least with BB you know you can't expect anything and therefore won't be disappointed - and you won't waste any money. Jasper P. Morgan