Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
G | 06 February 2007 (USA)
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time Trailers

When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Eric Stevenson I'm not just going to judge Direct To Video Disney sequels here. I'm looking at all Direct To Video movie sequels and consider this to be one of the best among any of them. This movie features Lady Tremaine (AKA the wicked stepmother) stealing the fairy godmother's magic wand and traveling back in time to make it so that her daughter, Anastasia is the one the Prince marries. What I like about the movie is how smart Cinderella and the good guys are. Upon finding out this ordeal, they immediately try to set things right. The villains are pretty smart here too.Then again, it is the side characters like the prince who are focused more on in this movie. Honestly, that works out quite well. We get some good tension brought up everywhere and nice action to go with it. Maybe it was too short, but still enjoyable. It's certainly much better than the second one which it even alludes to here. The story really does make sense. The wicked stepmother breaks Cinderella's other glass slipper, making me wonder if this was reused for the live-action version. That version, the original cartoon, and "Ever After" are all better versions of the classic tale, but this is still good. ***
xxiaowenxx How good it was. It was definitely a twist but beautifully done, and might had sled a few happy tears at the end. What I really enjoyed was they gave Cinderella more character, especially that part with her in the pumpkin. Not only is she kind and sweet but she was a bad ass side and didn't back down. Also, the react to the prince with the mice, I thought was dead on. I didn't care for the farce moments through but I'm not usually a farce person. There are a few things I disliked but it is a Disney film. Most of them were nit-pick like why did the prince fall in love. They kept on saying they knew by the touch of the hand, which I don't understand. But it is a fairy tale. And I wish they developed the prince more. Through the major thing I thought was strange was why didn't the stepmother turn her step daughter into Cinderella look alike in the first place. It would seem the obvious choice. Otherwise, it's a great movie.
rorypenland First let me say, that I usually don't like sequels (Aladdin sequels - Lion King Sequels - Ugh!). Few of them come close to the standard of their original. Disney's "Cinderella III: A Twist In Time" is an exception.The story is very well crafted including homage to just about everything from the first. "Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True" (which was a typical quickie sequel - a total waste of time dud) is appropriately never mentioned. The voices are well cast and the animation is movie quality - not a TV show rehash like the extremely disappointing "Princess Tales videos" (shame! shame!) Granted, my child is three and she doesn't know the difference between the bad quality and good quality stuff - but I do and Daddy has to watch these over and over again with his little princess.Without giving away too much, some complain that the evil pumpkin coach scene in this one is a little bit on the scary side. Though my child (again, she's 3) was a bit scared at first, she was excited by it, and Cinderella's comment at the end of the scene made both she and I laugh out loud together. Now she watches that scene again and again.Especially fine performances by the deliciously wicked stepmother, Lady Tremaine and her daughters Drusilla and Anastasia. The opening song is hysterical when it gets them and Drusilla's every sarcastic remark still makes me smile ("A stick... let's beat her with it." / "Oh... I wonder if it fits?"). The music is very good in this one as well.My only disappointment is that they axed the other mouse characters besides Jaq and Gus an Bruno is also missing.But for the money, it is an excellent ride.
goldenrosetuxedo I will say that when I first saw the trailer for this movie, I was impressed. The idea of the stepmother getting a hold of the wand and turning back time is pretty neat! I've not seen the second movie, nor do I plan to.The animation for this film is decent, though sometimes Cinderella looks like a man and her head is too big. The jokes are cheesy and the majority of the plot is see-through, but what can I do? I'm an adult and may have lost some of my child-like innocence. The music is unmemorable...sort of.Good film for children as a sequel but is much too reminiscent of The Little Mermaid in places and other Disney films to be unique. Watch if you're intrigued by the plot setup but don't bother buying this one unless it's for your kids.