Catch That Kid
Catch That Kid
PG | 06 February 2004 (USA)
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Athletic twelve-year-old Maddy shares an enthusiasm for mountain climbing with her father Tom. Unfortunately, Tom suffers a spinal injury while scaling Mount Everest, and his family is unable to afford the surgery that can save him. Maddy decides to get the money for her father's operation by robbing a high-security bank. She relies on her climbing skills and help from her friends to pull it off successfully.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
mia_wodstrup I've been wanting to watch this film forever. I saw the Danish original "Klatretøsen" when I was 10 years old and still like it very much. However, this remake left me quite disappointed. I've watched a couple of American remakes of Danish films - "Catch that Kid", "The First Time/Love at First Hiccup", the latter being one of my favorite (Danish) films ever.However, the American remakes tend to turn way too cliché for my taste. Lame humor, downright horrible line-delivery, the inability to stay true to the mood in the originals. It seems that lots of key elements are lost in translation. Wouldn't watch either this or "The First Time" again; I would however recommend viewers (and especially non-Danes) to check out the originals.
anxietyresister This is gonna take some explaining, but here we go: There's a girl right? She is training herself to be just as good a climber as her dad, an ex-mountaineer. Her two best friends are, in short: a computer geek and an adrenaline junkie. Her mother has just finished installing a security system at a bank, but it isn't properly tested yet. Despite all this, the arrogant manager of the branch decides to go ahead with a party he had planned. Meanwhile, The girl's dad collapses one night due to the effects of an injury he acquired while on the peaks. The diagnosis isn't good: He will be paralysed for life unless his family can raise 250'000 dollars for a trip to Copenhagen and a mobility restoring operation. Seeing as their attempts at borrowing the cash lead to nought, the kids decide to plan a little heist on mummy's bank the night of the manager's big do. With the young lady's climbing ability, the nerd's technical know-how and the adrenaline guy's habit of getting out of a tight spot, they make a perfect team! In fact, so perfect it could only be dreamed up in a movie screenplay! But forget my cynicism, let's check in on them as they start their raid!And what a bank this is! All you need to sneak in is dress in formal dinner wear, even if you look only 14 years old! Plus to protect.. oh what was it now.. 18 million bullion?.. the institution hires.. you guessed it. Two of the most retarded guards you'll ever likely to meet, one just fresh out of college with no experience and the other a complete psychopath who is in serious need of a dose of Ritalin. Ah, but that's not all! They also have to deal with.. two rottweilers! Scary stuff! Apart from that, there's also the motion detector cameras, the hidden laser that sets off the alarm, the huge drop while our wannabe climber girl is scaling up to the vault.. and yet they pass these tests with ease! if only robbing Lloyd's TSB was this easy! I'd do it myself! I'll tell you what would have made it more interesting.. if the children had run into a gang of REAL policemen while executing their plan other than those two boobs. Would they have accidentally zapped themselves with tazers in the corridor or staged fake sword fights when they're supposed to watching their monitors? No, they probably would have opened fire there and then on what could be for all they know an armed gang. I know, I know, I'm being over the top, but this seriously is one of the most ridiculous scenarios I've ever seen.Oh wait! I haven't even mentioned the getaway on go-carts. Somehow the brats evade two (Yes TWO) panda cars AND a chopper on almost deserted streets, all while low on fuel and ducking under trucks all the way. This is an amazing accomplishment for the young actors, and anyone who accuses the director of having short stuntmen under those helmets is quite patently wrong. Then, when they get to the hospital to take daddy to Denmark, he wants to know where his little precious got all the moolah. Not to worry, Mommy is quickly on the scene with an explanation that will save her daughter from having to break rocks for the next four years. Only problem is, its not a very good one. Only an idiot would believe it. Fortunately though, that sums up 100% of the adults in this film.. they buy it hook, line and sinker. So everything works out fine: Father's gets his operation, Mother saves her job and the Tomboy still gets hang around with her two best mates on the racetrack. The only question remaining is.. which of them does she.. you know.. like LIKE?! Stay tuned to the gripping conclusion to find out. Or maybe not.. 3/10 P.S Oops I got so worked up over the unbelievable plot I forgot to tell what I actually thought of it. Yeah, it sucked like an over zealous vacuum cleaner. And anyone else want to kill that stupid baby? Talk about overdoing the cute! Anyway, tune in next time my wonderful viewers!!
rupture10 I am curious to know what the fascination is with this pitiful excuse for a film. I understand that this film is intended for kids, but come on. Stop underestimating their level of intelligence. The scenes seem formulaic to the point of exhaustion. The beginning seems rushed. The bank manager was one dimensional (c'mon, who's THAT mean?) as were the security guards (who's that STUPID?). I fell asleep half-way through (personally, I found my nightmare about James Lipton getting arrested for exposing his genitals more tolerable than this waste). Don't watch this film and don't take your kids to watch this film, unless you want to traumatize them for life.
Brandt Sponseller A U.S. remake of the Danish film Klatretosen (2002), Catch that Kid is a teen heist film, in a nutshell. When Maddy's (Kristen Stewart) dad needs an expensive operation, she plans a heist to get the money to pay for it, enlisting the help of her two equally inventive friends, Austin (Corbin Bleu) and Gus (Max Thieriot). Catch that Kid is a lot of fun, but viewers who are only looking for "realistic" fare may be disappointed. As a teen heist film, Catch that Kid is heavy on the fantasy aspects, which are frequently more cartoonish than realistic. Whether you'll like it will largely depend on whether you don't mind, or even prefer (as I do), fantasy instead of reality in films. And unlike traditional heist films, Catch that Kid has an overarching "warm and fuzzy" message, with a predictable climax and denouement. Even though it is heavy on fantasy elements, the three stars, Stewart, Bleu and Thieriot, are very believable, in context, in their roles. The film is interesting that in spite of being a heist film, it is also constructed like a more traditional fantasy/adventure story. In this interpretation, the bank is as a castle, presided over by an evil ruler. Our heroes must enter the castle stealthily, foiling the court jesters/castle guards, evading the magical beasts to scale the inner sanctum, retrieve the sacred token, escape on horseback and save the true King. That the plot can work in both the modern heist setting and the traditional fantasy/adventure setting gives in more depth and more unconscious resonance with audiences amenable to less realistic tales. Comparisons can easily be made to other recent films such as the Spy Kids series, the Cody Banks series, or even animated fare such as Kim Possible, but each has its particular niche, and Catch that Kid was just as entertaining to me (a middle-aged male) as any heist film for grown-ups. Finally, in a different tone, let me repeat the rant I gave in my review of The Grudge (2004): It is ridiculous that U.S. distributors and studios feel that we need remakes of foreign films to make them appropriate for consumption. The original versions of these films should just be playing in U.S. theaters in wide release. There is no need to present an almost identical film but just substituting white American actors for non-white or foreign actors. Yes, Catch that Kid is a fine film, but ultimately, I'd rather see something original using this talent, and be treated to the latest foreign films--not just European, but Asian, African, etc.--at my multiplex. In the hope that someone with some pull at the studios reads this, it is also more cost-effective to do this, as (1) you can completely avoid production costs, and simply make domestic distribution deals from which you receive profit, and (2) you can make money off of fans like myself who otherwise pick up the foreign film DVDs in foreign manufactured or even bootleg versions.