G | 29 February 2008 (USA)
Minutemen Trailers

When three high-school friends invent a time-machine, they decide to use it to go back in time and prevent other youngsters from making humiliating mistakes.

TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
LittleNiniel I have never really been much fan of any Disneys movies at all. Not even the classic cartoons like Bambi, Cinderella, The Jungle Book and so on... And well the recent live action movies on Disney is more like I watch if I don't have better things to do. I can get quite a tricky person to impress with Disney movies - and now I'm talking about the TV-movies, mostly not those who makes it to the big screen (like POTC). Anywho although movies like Wendy Wu and those other movies I have now forgotten the name on... shame on me... I actually enjoyed Minutemen.It's not going to my favorite list of movies of all time, but of Disney I'd say its on the top without much problem. The acting is mostly good and for once I felt that most of the characters got a little more "fleshed out". Meaning a little more depth. And I have to agree with some comments I have read, its good that the whole meaning of the movie is forced upon you. The friendship is sweet, characters are charming, the little sister is an annoying brat and the lines are funny.Deffently worth to check out.
hermione2be I'm 19 and what can I say I love these simple plots and amusing character-story lines. The Minutemen is an amusing piece about how those little things mean so much. Even those large moments are more important than we often first give them credit for.Charlie is a great character and Jeanette is a hoot. These two are funny to watch and I'd watch it again for no other reason than them.Zeke is... tall. But he really connects with the inner self that believes we need nothing more than ourselves.Virgil, however, has fewer redeemable qualities. While I commend Jason's acting ability (while watching the entire movie I never once found him to be like his "Cory in the House" character) this character is so unlikeable. Virgil is callous and too self-centered.Personally my favorite character is Jeanette. And the hero is Charlie, not Virgil.
DarkVulcan29 If you loved Sky High(2005), High School Musical(2006), High School Musical 2(2007), and Wendy Wu:Homecoming Warrior(2006), then this movie is right down that ally, a good blend of sci-fi and comedy. The three main stars in this film seem to do well, and they play off each other enjoyable. It's about a teenage geek(played with a funny awkward charm by Jason Dolley) named Virgil Fox, and is friend boy genius Charlie Tuttle(Luke Benward) invents a time machine, they take outcast Zeke(Sky Highs, Nicholas Braun) along for the ride. They all decide to use the time machine to save teenagers from embarrassing moments, has they go back a day early to prevent it. And all of them use snow suit out fits to wear, and end up becoming time traveling superheros. Disney has done it again.
aiyana-rachael It's a DCOM. There's only so much you can expect from it, right?When I'm bored some afternoon, stuck home with nothing to do, I often watch a dcom. Or two if I'm feeling like tearing my hair out of my head. Actually, if I watch two, I generally feel like tearing my hair out of my head by the time I'm done because they're just...that bad. Seriously. A general DCOM has bad acting, bad filming, a bad storyline and undeveloped characters. They normally have a couple funny moments, and a good message, but that's about all they have going for them..I love Jason Dolley. He is, most definitely, my favourite actor of all time, and he has been for over a year. He's a very good actor, and I also like what he stands for and such. He seems like a good role model as well. When I heard he was going to be in a DCOM I was like...OK. Even if the movie's bad, then I can still look at him, making it all worthwhile.SO I watched the movie, and was pretty surprised by how decent it was.The story-line wasn't all that bad. In fact, for a DCOM, it was pretty darn amazing. Sure, it had an occasional flaw, and some parts were sadly predictable... but it had a strong, great, underlying theme of friendship, and love, and loyalty, and it really connects to a high schooler's heart. Near the end, when Virgil is contemplating going back and changing things so "The Incident" never happens... Charlie shares how he's feeling... and tells him how the day that Virgil hated so much was his FAVOURITE day because he'd become Virgil's friend.Awww it was so deep! <3The acting was pretty good too. Jason is great, as a rule, and I certainly didn't find myself cringing as I watched the movie, praying that the acting would improve. The characters were well developed, and well portrayed. The principal REALLY got on my nerves... but hey, he was the only one. I liked the friendship with Virgil, Stephanie, and Derek as well. It added a deeper thought to the movie, and it really showed "true friends" and "Users". It was very accurate to high school life.The soundtrack background music was great too. It added a great feel to the movie, and was lively and complimentery to the movie itself.It also had some pretty funny moments. Seriously. Watch it. i don't want to spoil it for you... but it's a funny movie. A couple downsides:The black hole was pretty pathetic. As were a lot of the special effects. The principal was SO obnoxious. The cliques in high school were over-dramatized. I'm a high schooler, and there are NO nerds that are hated that much. The CIA was a little unrealistic as well.The downsides though, don't change the fact that it was an awesome movie. Very cute, very tasteful, good story-line, good acting... and even a couple kisses that were long for Disney.Great job Disney! keep it up!