The Hunchback of Notre Dame II
The Hunchback of Notre Dame II
G | 05 February 2002 (USA)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame II Trailers

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
idonnowho Seriously, this is the most over-hated Disney film of all-time. Even more than "Home on the Range", which was neither straight-to- DVD nor a sequel, yet still gets a ton of hate, regardless, but that's another story.Speaking of which, most direct-to-DVD films from Disney get virtually nothing but hate from fans, either because they want to act "hip" or "cool" or because they expect too dang much, and this one is certainly no exception. While admittedly, the animation isn't as high-quality as a theatrical release, or even some DTDVD releases (i.e. "The Lion King 2", which was another example of a pretty darn good Disney sequel, which thankfully isn't nearly as hated as this or some others), but I actually found, upon watching it last night, it actually holds a certain charm in the 90's Saturday Morning Cartoon-style animation.As for the characters, all of them are back, baring the gracious exception of the dastardly minister Frollo, and I gotta say, I find it fascinating and satisfying in the best possible way how the absence of just one character could alter the mood of Paris and Notre Dame itself completely. The great French city and even the cathedral herself were a fairly dark, misty and almost even foreboding place for most of the first film, prior to his well-earned damnation in the finale, but since then, Paris has lightened up considerably and become a place anyone with a heart or soul (two things neither Frollo nor the "hip" haters of this film ever seemed to have) would want to live. And all of the returning characters even have their all-star voice talents from the previous film (save it for Laverne the Gargoyle, and that can obviously be forgiven due to her original voice actress's death in 1995), and they even added some new all-star voice talents to the mix, including Michael McKean as the charismatic villain, Sarousch, and Jennifer Love Hewitt as the beautiful Madellaine.Speaking of Madellaine, she's even more beautiful than Esmeralda, and that's saying a lot! It's almost certainly just as well Quasimodo didn't marry Esmeralda in the first film; Madellaine's a much better match for him, and I'd rather have her or Esmeralda, myself, any day! Quasi's a lucky guy! Ultimately even luckier than Phoebus!As for Sarousch, the new villain, he's admittedly not the scurvy zealot Frollo was, and again that's just as well! And for what it's worth, Sarousch did have some genuine moments of menace, for all those "hipsters" who complain he was a complete sissy.All in all, a REALLY, charming, sentimental film, which, again does NOT deserve all the hate it gets. Save that hate for "Hoodwinked 2", will ya? It's a sequel that actually WAS released in theaters, but felt childishly, heartlessly, and unfunnily written, and couldn't' even get back TWO LIVING voice talents from the original, Anne Hathaway OR Jim Belushi, and the former got specifically replaced with a certain "cheerleader"/screeching ant-let, but that's another story completely...
moviesrme10 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 is a totally cheep looking, and poorly made film that's too short too give us any character development, and the voice work is terrible. The animation is b movie grade, and we have a very weak villain. The villain is unlike Frollo from the original-horrible. He's laughable. He's not even scary he's like a clown, and just doesn't make for a dark villain. The voice work is unprofessional from the new cast members. This is a good example of how not to do a sequel, while Jennifer Love Hewitt puts a cheerful energetic voice into her character it's overall mediocre compared to Demi Moore's perfect voice. This is a slow kiddie flick made for 2 year olds by 3 year olds. D-
breale91 OK, I really don't get what everyone's problem is. This movie is what Disney is all about: cuteness, innocence, and teaching us that our dreams can come true! The first one was so scary, what with Hellfire and that scene where Frollo traps that family in their house and sets it on fire, so this time, now that Frollo has been destroyed, everyone is happy, and Quasimodo is an icon in Paris! And this time, he finds true love, Madellaine, and that certainly lightens the mood after that one part in part one. All in all, it may not have been the superior film like Terminator 2 Judgement Day was, but it's well worth your time if you need cheering up!
classicx_attraction HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME WAS AMAZING however, the sequel? ehh. It actually wasn't all that bad, I'm surprised at the ratings that basically compare it to horse poop. I'd say its about the same level as the sequel to aladdin. It certainly wasn't as abysmal as the little mermaid 2. That was awful. Anyways, the sequel is cute, the songs are okay leaning more towards bad, but the plot is actually original, seeing as that most Disney sequel plots a 5year old could create. Its more like a long TV episode, i agree. It isn't bad, it should keep your kids entertained. It has some nice moments. Madelaine is fine. Esmerelda kind of pisses you off. You don't gain any sympathies towards Zephyr, their child. ITs not a dramatic or dark movie like the first. its very happy and light. It actually has more jokes then the first one and the gargoyles actually fit in to this movie, whereas in the first one they were the one thing that brought the movie down in scenes they were in. The only thing that is absolutely horrible is the animation. The first movies animation was probably the most beautiful I have seen, it was so great there were some scenes where I thought it was a photograph and not a drawing. This movie had such horrible animation. I'd say if you have spare time, go ahead and rent it. Its not a waste, but more like a time filler, I guess.