Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
G | 04 August 1998 (USA)
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World Trailers

When news of John Smith's death reaches America, Pocahontas is devastated. She sets off to London with John Rolfe, to meet with the King of England on a diplomatic mission: to create peace and respect between the two great lands. However, Governor Ratcliffe is still around; he wants to return to Jamestown and take over. He will stop at nothing to discredit the young princess.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Steineded How sad is this?
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
lianisb I wish i could go back in time so i didn't have to watch it. I got so mad because she chose the other John over John Smith. John Smith took a bullet to save her fathers life and she totally forgets about him and moves onto another man! I also didn't like how they completely changed her. She used to be inspiring and a role model but in the 2nd movie, she was neither. They dressed her up, stripping away her origin. The movie was also really boring. So i don't recommend watching it. Cons: Boring. She changes and is no longer inspiring. She chooses the other dude over John Smith Pros: None.
anna-patten26 I thought this movie was terrible. There is nothing inappropriate, but the way the movie was composed was awful. The first movie in this series was very well done, it was a beautiful romantic, sweet, and heartfelt movie. But it did not go along with history. The real John Smith and Pocahontas never had a romantic connection. Although Disney being Disney decided to create a relationship between the two. I am going to go out here and say most people enjoyed this version much better that actual history. Because Pocahontas really meets John Rolfe and they have a child, while all of this is going on Pocahontas thinks John Smith is dead. But this does not matter to her because she and John are only friends. Sadly a few years later she falls ill with small pox and dies. If Disney decides in the first movie not to go along with history then they should keep that promise. What ever happened to "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you"? and "no matter what happens, I'll always be with you, forever"? I mean Pocahontas and John Smith were really in love, Pocahontas even stops a freaking war just to be with John (hello...true love right here) And then by the end of the 2nd movie Disney makes John Smith look like a jerk when he totally is not. Even though in reality John Smith and Pocahontas never end up together Disney should have made it so they do. So in conclusion heres what i think: I do not CARE how it was in reality. I wanted to see how John Smith and Pocahontas be together. Oh and BTW i am a huge Disney fan but for this movie I'm not, way to step on my childhood Disney! I WISH I COULD ERASE THIS MOVIE FROM MY MEMORY
simran vim So basically, Pocahontas 2 was poorly written. They should never had made a second one. If you have watched the first one then you will be saddened and disappointed with the second one. Disney screwed up on this one. The script is very poorly written and the ending of the first film was way better than the ending of the second film. Don't show your kids this our they will be really sad with it. The music is also terrible. Pocahontas isn't really the same person as in the first one. I would only really buy the movie to burn it. I really wish i could erase that story from my mind, it was that bad. Take my advice and don't watch it or you will be very disappointed
cnycitylady God awful. I loved Pocahontas, (the original) despite the bad reviews it garnered, but this is just ridiculous. In this movie Pocahontas journeys to London, (what some say she should have done the first time around) with a Mr. John Rolfe, who comes across as a pompous sailer who thinks he's a big shot. They are friendly together as he tries to help her blend and mix into London society, but nowhere here do you see these supposed "sparks" of interest as they really are just working together. She doesn't do well with the King (who is represented as a dumb puppet with no thoughts of his own, and drawn to resemble the bad guy from "Swan Princess") and who is being manipulated by Ratcliff. (Why is he still here?)The story just gets more ridiculous from there. The animation is very "straight to DVD", heavily resembling that of "Hunchback of Notre Dame 2" and the musical numbers are beyond dreadful. Even with Judy Kuhn reprising the singing voice of Pocahontas there is only so much she can do. The one semi-decent song is "Where do I go from here" but even that gets annoying by the time it is reprised in the forest. When John Smith miraculously appears to be not dead (As Pocahontas thought) you find that he is not the charming, understanding man from the original. They made him more narcissistic so as to make you the viewer more inclined to like John Rolfe who has no personality at all.By the end of this rushed movie with no story line you are confused as to why the King suddenly changed his mind, why John Smith is now a jerk, and why Pocahontas wants to be with this John Rolfe man. (Perhaps she is just lonely) All in all this story could have been put together by a bunch of brainless third graders. I do not recommend it to anyone, child or adult. This is probably THE worst Disney sequel and movie ever made. It almost makes me cry with grief because of it.