Puppet Master 4
Puppet Master 4
R | 24 November 1993 (USA)
Puppet Master 4 Trailers

Blade, Tunneler, and Pinhead go toe-to-toe with a team of terrifying, gremlin-like creatures known as "Totems" that are sent by the Egyptian demon Sutekh to recapture the magic stolen by Toulon.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
jacobjohntaylor1 This a great horror movie. The first three Puppet master movie are very scary. And this is very scary. Puppet master 5 is better. But this is a great horror film. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. It is very scary. It got a 5.3 which is a good ratting. But this is such a great horror film 5.3 is underrating it. This is a 10. Not a 5.3. This movie is scarier then The Shinning and that is not easy to do. This is scarier then A Nightmare on elm street and that is not easy to do. This is scarier then the 2009 reboot of Friday the 13th ever could be. This is a great movie. See it.
gavin6942 A young scientist (Gordon Currie) and his friends, upon being attacked by demons, are protected by a gang of animated puppets.On Super Bowl Sunday 1993, Charlie Band called director Jeff Burr and asked him to come in for a meeting. Burr had previously worked on Band's "The Vault", but the film never came out. At this meeting, Burr was offered parts 4 and 5 for "Puppet Master" and two parts of "Oblivion". At this time, Full Moon was largely backed financially by Paramount.Someone concerned with the continuity points out: In "Toulon's Revenge", Andre Toulon escaped Berlin somewhere between 1942 and 1944. Toulon committed suicide on March 15, and the film mentioned the Eastern Front, whose conduct of operations didn't take place until summer of 1941. In this film, Toulon's diary recounts Major Krauss's death as being on April 7. Since in previously established timelines, Toulon made it to America almost one year after escaping, Toulon would have to had killed himself on March 15 either in 1943 up to 1945.Who is this concerned? "Puppet Master" may be one of the worst horror franchises out there. Possibly not the very worst, because "Hellraiser" (for example) has really gone downhill to low, low depths. But really, this is Charles Band cheese, luckily saved by Jeff Burr, one of the best directors in the genre.The film is not all bad. The casting is strange and the acting is poor, but the effects are decent. Not great, as they never are in the series, but the introduction of the demons is nice and they're way better than any of the puppets. Apparently Burr had only limited impact on the casting, as he wanted Judy Geeson for a role but Charlie Band overruled him and handpicked his own actress.If you love movies, especially these lower budget movies, pick up this disc with Jeff Burr's audio commentary. Burr really needs to write an autobiography, as his memory is incredible and he is an excellent storyteller. He finds a way to fit 200 minutes worth of discussion into a less-than-90 minute film. His reflections on Albert Band and puppetry and everything else are priceless.
Warren Marris For anyone who has not seen the first three movies, This is a little bit of a Spoiler. The original Film saw The puppets trying to protect their masters secrets in various bloody ways. The second film saw them trying to Reanimate their master which by the end they had...Puppet Master 2 was a total departure going into Prequel Territory and showing how Toulon fought in the war and how his puppets were created.Of the first three films, ! was good, 2 was a bit of a let down and three was AMAZING!So now we come to Puppet Master 3 - The Demon... Now originally this was going to be Called "When Bad Puppets Turn Good" - Thank god they ditched that Title.Puppet Master 4 does not start out too well... In fact even by the standard of effects at the time, The masks on the Enemy are very poor.Fight scenes are lacklustre at best, and there is little challenge to the imagination.There are far too many plot holes to even refer to this a sequel... It is better thought of as a Stand alone movie.So is it bad... Not Terrible but there was so much scope that was not explored from the first two... It is a fun watch but far from a series best!However, the ground is laid for Remakes which with todays effects and a better story writer (Rob Zombie I hope you are reading this!) Could make a very effective series of films that would be fun and a joy to watch... 4 is OK! But it could have been so much better. Given it took until 1993 to release - Maybe the studios lost faith in the franchise, which is a serious shame as the third left an amazing story to work with.
Paul Andrews Puppet Master 4 is set at the abandoned Bogeda Bay Inn where teenage boy genius Rick Meyers (Gordon Currie) is working on the Omega Project for the Biotech Institute which concerns the pursuit of artificial intelligence, Rick's girlfriend Susie (Chandra West) & a couple of her friends including psychic Lauren (Teresa Hill) & the obnoxious Cameron (Ash Adams) turn up to stay for the weekend with him. Susie notices a strange puppet & Rick say's it's been there since he moved in, then Lauren feels something evil about it & leads the friends to a large chest in a forgotten storage room & several other strange puppets inside it as well as the diary of German toymaker & puppeteer Andre Toulon (Guy Rolfe) which describes a green serum which can animate the puppets & give them life which by an odd coincidence is just the thing that Rick is working on. Meanwhile Sutek the ancient Eygptian God whom Toulon stole the reanimation secret from in the first place wants it back & sends various little monsters out to get it & kill anyone who has learned about it starting with Rick, his chums & Toulon's puppets...Originally having the working title Puppet Master 4: The Demon this was directed by sequel specialist Jeff Burr whose other credits include Stepfather II (1989), Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990), Pumpinhead II: Blood Wings (1994) as well as the following Puppet Master sequel Puppet Master 5 (1994) which was actually made at the same time as Puppet Master 4 & continues the story with pretty much the same cast of actor's & character's (here in the UK ironically Puppet Master 5 was the only one never to be released on video or DVD so that means the only Puppet Master to follow on directly from the previous one storyline wise was never released!). I must admit that I am a huge fan of the first three Puppet Master flicks which I consider to be Full Moon's best films with some strong storytelling, neat special effects & gore & some memorable killer puppets each with their own distinct personality & implement's for killing but this is the point where that stops & the Puppet Master series starts to turn into a cheap horror franchise aimed at making money & selling replica dolls to the fans. Amazingly Puppet Master 4 has five credited on screen writers which I find astonishing, I mean it took five people to write this? While there are elements of the screenplay & plot that I like I have to say some of this sucks big time & some of the plot elements that are newly introduced like the Egyptian God Sutek, the laser fights & the scientific artificial intelligence angle are poor. Event at only 75 minutes long not much actually happens, out of the four main teenage cast members only one is killed & I didn't like the fact that the Toulon puppets don't get to do anything & aren't used as the main threat which ends up falling to Sutek's little monsters which are forgettable & don't have any particular stand out features.A lot of the previous Puppet Master films continuity is forgotten about or ignored here as well, I mean where's Torch from Puppet Master II (1991) which this follows? Although having said that Torch does appear in Puppet Master 5. The character of Andre Toulon has been completely rewritten & changed which doesn't help & the puppets which were once so cool & so deadly are turned into the hero's here & actually protect Rick & his mates from Sutek. The majority of the special effects are surprisingly good with simple yet very effective stop-motion animation & animatronic puppet effects used throughout, I just wish the puppets were meaner & had been given more to do. The only really terrible effect is the awful rubber monster suit that is supposed to pass as Sutek the Demon God. The gore levels are low, someone has their finger cut off & there's some mild blood splatter but this feels like it was made for a PG rating & if there hadn't been some 'F' word swearing it would surely have gotten that PG rating.Production wise Puppet Master 4 is pretty good, the wonderful location used for the Bodega Bay Inn scenes really help as I'm sure the production team would have struggled to build sets that were half as good & anywhere near as atmospheric. The cinematography is quite nice on occasion with some moody lighting & a power cut coupled with a good thunder storm going on outside with sporadic lightning flashes always helps the feel. The acting is alright by a fairly young & attractive cast (especially the two leading girls who are hot!) most of whom return for the next one Puppet Master 5.Puppet Master 4 has a few good points like the return of the puppets & some nice special effects & one or two good moments but it's nowhere near as good as the first three & you can tell the producers are milking the franchise & see it as a money making exercise rather than anything else, or maybe I'm just being too cynical? Splitting what would have sat happily as one long film into two 70 odd minute ones along with turning the once killer puppets into the good guy's & reducing the gore & nudity to virtually zero probably say's it all really.