Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead
R | 06 May 1994 (USA)
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead Trailers

The Tall Man, that imposing menace from Morningside Mortuary, is back and once again haunting the thoughts of the now-adult Mike and his friend, ex-Ice Cream vendor Reggie. The two continue their hunt for the mysterious figure and in his path of destruction encounter a variety of dangerous situations, friends and enemies.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
GL84 Escaping from the cemetery, the two friends come together to warn them about The Tall Man and his nefarious plans which leads them to a deserted town where they are able to reclaim their friend from his grasp and luring the group into a final showdown for the fate of mankind.While not as clever or as scary as the first two, this is still a solid, enjoyable entry. One of the film's best factors is that it does some much-needed exposition on the series which was sorely needed at this point as it blends in what has been giving so far. The true story of The Tall Man is given here, and while not exactly clever does have a convincing aura of the series and is nicely appreciated. Finally giving the secret behind the Silver Spheres is also a nice touch, and their revelation is quite spooky and really chilling. There's also no shortage of action in here, from the opening ambush in the cemetery escaping from the original encounter to the dispatch of the crooks around his house and even including the customary hearse chase that ends in a big crash and fireball, which is one of the greatest ones done. There's even a spectacular showdown that takes place in an incredibly chilling Gothic mausoleum, with long, empty corridors, one-off rooms and plenty of equipment inside which is the film's highlight sequence. Filled with inventive fight techniques, some really clever chases and a nonstop pace, this here is a really glorious ending that sends it out on an appropriate high-point. This even manages no shortage of gore here, including the still-messy head-drilling-silver-sphere sequence that still unleashes a gallon of blood, as well as some quite fun kills and plenty of stellar creature effects. The Tall Man is at his most creepy here, finally being able to do something constructive to his evil personality and he even has a really creepy scene, being lit by a suddenly-changing light during a chase down a hallway that only shows his outline in the darkness. With a fun, workman-like pace and a couple of neat throwbacks to the other entries, this here is a pleasantly-entertaining entry as this doesn't have a whole lot of problems. The biggest one here is that the film doesn't make a lot of sense, despite answering several questions about the series. There is still no explanation for what's the actual plan of The Tall Man's attack of where he came from, and these are perfect questions to answer this deep in the series. They prevent it from being a stand-alone film like the first two, which could be enjoyed despite not having seen the other, and this one needs the others to make sense. There's also a couple of unnecessary sequences in here, most noticeably the orphanage scene, that served nothing to the series and doesn't seem to have any reason to be there. These aside, this is a really good overall entry.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a mild sex scene.
anders_aren The 3 film in the phantasm series was not that good I think. The special effects could have been better since it's not that old. The really good part that I really liked about this one and phantasm II, was the resume of what has happened and that the characters isn't changed that much BIG PLUS. And to you who doesn't liked it "It's time for you boy" Phantasm III lets us follow Reggie and Mike from the end of PII. It doesn't take long till we loose Mike to "the Tall Man" and this movie really takes it start. We also meets two new characters Tim and Rocky(woman) and this sequel is on. A little to many spheres I think for this one but at least I give it a 7/10.
BaronBl00d Phantasm III keeps its promise of continuing with the Phantasm story and the Phantasm characters. Mike and Reg are back - and so is Jody from the first Phantasm. And let's not forget one of the creepiest screen villains in the last 30 years - Angus Scrimm as the ubiquitous Tall Man. This time around Reg and Mike continue to battle the Tall Man from the last scene in Phantasm II - eventually Mike is kidnapped and Reg finds some new pals - an eleven year old that has holed himself up in his house whilst battling intruders and killing many of them as well as a martial arts using woman with that Grace Jones look and the sizzle of speech that a film like this needs sometimes. We get the spheres, the mausoleums, the suspenseful, frightening scenes you know are coming but still are ill-prepared for, and some imaginative script-telling and directing from Don Coscarelli. Phantsm III has all that one might look for in a sequel like this and keeps the Phantasm flame burning gloriously brightly. The acting is as always very solid. Reggie Bannister is particularly good in his reprising role, and let's face it when Angus Scrimm says, "BOY!" that he makes even the most lithe heart beat a bit faster. Some of the plot elements like the little eleven year old are somewhat far-fetched as the three thugs in living and non-living form became tiresome. The layout of the film with its vast empty towns and sense of decay in the American heartland as well as the hugely reverential-look given to the mausoleum showcase Coscarelli's skills as a director with a wonderful eye for detail.
Michael_Elliott Phantasm III (1994) * 1/2 (out of 4) Reggie (Reggie Bannister) and Mike (A. Michael Baldwin) are again looking for the Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) who is (once again) going from town to town killing everyone. This time the two have the help of a 8-year-old boy, a tough black chick (Gloria Lynne Henry) and Mike's dead brother Jody (Bill Thornbury). This third film in the series takes a giant leap into the territory of horror/comedy as we get a lot of slapstick bits but in the end both elements fail and the final product is another disappointment. I'm really not sure why this series is so popular outside of the atmosphere of the first one and the gore of the second, this third entry has very little going for it. Once again Bannister manages to be entertaining in terms of his dramatic style and I must admit that his comic timing got a few laughs. Scrimm is once again back of the Tall Man and he fits the the role perfectly. Both Baldwin and Thornbury, members of the original film, are back and both are decent but nothing great. The gore this time out doesn't come anywhere close to the previous film and even the classic sphere isn't used as nicely as the previous films. I'm really not sure why the director decided to cut out the red stuff while adding more laughs but that's exactly what happened. The movie runs out of gas around the hour mark and this here makes the final thirty-minutes rather hard to take and the screenplay really doesn't give us too much.