R | 20 October 2005 (USA)
Severed Trailers

A multi-national forestry company engages in genetic experimentation to increase logging yield in a remote section of forest...

SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
avidnewbie Severed could have been good. That is, if the director had avoided the temptation to pander to zombie clichés. After what started as an intriguing premise this film actually loses steam when the first zombie appears. The opening sequence which depicts some surprisingly well done footage of the logging industry in full detail was much more interesting than the zombie action that was to follow. Indeed, I was mildly entertained at the serious tone set at the start of the film. Angry protesters, aka tree huggers, lay in ambush for their routine harassment of the weary but resigned lumber workers who try to make their way out of the forest after a hard days work. It's a scene that you intuitively know has played out a thousand times over and thus has a feeling of authenticity.The zombies here are portrayed in a straight-forward manner. Typical make-up, blood and gore. No distinguishing mutations or behaviors. Despite the gratuitous violence there is nothing frightening about the proceedings. No special effects or CGI to liven things or provide a visual spectacle. Just regular people lurching, shaking and growling with make-up on. A by the numbers direct to video genre film with an ambiguous ensemble cast and unique but wasted setting. 4 out of 10 stars.
tommyboy4582000 As a complete fanatic for zombie movies Severed is better than,shall we say Stripper Zombies or Redneck Zombies but nowhere near as good as my personal favorite Dawn of the Dead(1978).Yes it is cliché filled and predictable,but is well paced.I give it 8 stars for the standout performance of Sarah Lind and the fact she is absolutely HOT!Fighting caged zombies ala Day of the Dead and Land of the Dead is not an original idea as shown in Severed.Character "Carter" played well by JR Bourne seemed awfully similar "Carter J. Burke" in Aliens as the sniveling company man but was still entertaining.As usual the likable black guy "Mac" played by Julian Christopher is killed off.The action although well paced is also familiar to 28 days Later.Oh yeah did i mention Sarah Lind is HOT!!!
easyaddresstoremember Well there are a few good things I can say for a free movie on YouTube, but having great gore ain't one of them. In one of the scenes where zombies are feeding on a corpse, there was an OBVIOUS time they used spaghetti. Yes, spaghetti. May I also add that was the only time there was gore in the movie. Characters swinging axes and various weapons never show the impact, but show profound amounts of blood. Acting was bad, the storyline at the cabin house was just dreadful, and I don't mean in a scary way... or maybe I do. The storyline overall was just milked--tree sap that induces zombie syndrome? Overused props and sets, the only fair actors were Carter, the paranoid person of the group, and Mac, the leader. Rita had clearly acted screams, and so did the first person who got infected. Terrible gaining in the footage, as well.
lastliberal The woods of British Columbia are the setting for the zombies that arise out of the evil timber company's messing with Mother nature. They put some chemical in the trees to make them grow. A logger gets cut and the sap from the tree gets on him. Off we go.Not only are the loggers turning into zombies, but the eco-warriors that are trying to save the trees are also getting bit.One dude, in particular, is so obnoxious and whiny that I cannot wait until he gets eaten. Of course, he manages to save his own sorry butt when his friends are being attacked.It is all bloody and gory like a zombie movie should be, but it has a familiar ring to it (28 Days later?).I still don't get the ending.