The Stuff
The Stuff
R | 14 June 1985 (USA)
The Stuff Trailers

Amalgamated Dairies hires David Rutherford, an FBI man turned industrial saboteur, to investigate a popular new product called “the Stuff,” a new dessert product that is blowing ice cream sales out of the water. Nobody knows how it’s made or what’s in it, but people are lining up to buy it. It's got a delicious flavor to die for!

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Amityville15 Two people find white stuff oozing from the ground in a pile of snow, one of the men tastes it and thinks it is the best thing he has ever tasted. When they bring it back more and more people start to like it so the ooze is marketed as a desert called THE STUFF. When a little boy sees the desert move by it's self in his fridge he decides that the desert is evil. He continues his assumption as his family start acting really weird and buy lots and lots of the stuff and try to force the boy to try some. When he escapes from his family he meets up with a man who also thinks something is up about this desert. The two join together also with a woman and also an African/American man. The group of people persuade the army and they must battle a horde of people who have been overtaken by the evil desert.This film starred: Michael Moriarty, Scott Bloom & Andrea Marcovicci.THE STUFF was released in 1985 and is among other films in it's genre like Body Melt, Street Trash and The Blob. Out of them three films I have only seen The Blob and In have to admit to liking The Blob. However this film is a disgrace the acting is terrible, the plot is even worse and there is nothing at all to like about this film. I really don't recommend this film as it is a dreary mess.*/***** Very poor.
BA_Harrison I don't know about you, but if I saw a sticky white substance oozing out of the ground, the last thing I'd do would be to scoop some up with my hand and give it a taste, but that's precisely what the workman who discovers it does in Larry Cohen's B-movie horror The Stuff; before long, the surprisingly delicious goop has been approved by the FDA and is being marketed as a dessert—not a wise decision since The Stuff is actually a living organism that takes control of those who become addicted to its irresistible flavour.A tongue-in-cheek sci-fi/horror that takes wry swipes at greedy corporations and consumerism, whilst also acting as a metaphor for drug addiction, Larry Cohen's The Stuff boasts a level of intelligence rarely found in trashy B-movie monster films. This satirical content and social commentary, combined with the patently silly premise and some impressive special visual and gore effects (considering the low budget) makes for a pretty enjoyable little flick, one that has achieved quite the cult following, although I reckon I would have liked it more if the characters had been just a little less irritating...Michael Moriarty's ex-FBI industrial spy David 'Mo' Rutherford is an unlikable jerk with an annoying accent; his girlfriend Nicole (Andrea Marcovicci) is a talentless hack and yet has somehow made it to the top of the ladder in advertising (her TV ads are really bad, even for the 80s); token kid Jason (Scott Bloom) is a brat and seemingly bereft of brain cells (who the hell hides inside a tanker trailer?); 'Chocolate Chip' Charlie (Garrett Morris) is a bitter loud-mouthed failure; and the less said about Colonel Malcolm Grommett Spears (Paul Sorvino), the better. In short, it's a raft of characters I would have been only to happy to see consumed from the inside by a hostile organism masquerading as yogurt. Sadly, only 'Chocolate Chip' gets his just desserts.
K. Emerton The Stuff "Enough is never Enough." This movie is a great definition of a B-Horror movie from the '80s. It starts with a short scene in the beginning that introduces the movie (much like "My Bloody Valentine"). "The Stuff" is found bubbling out of the ground like oil and as soon as someone eats it, they become addicted. When they are in attack mode, the "Stuffy's" as called by Mo', act almost like Zombies, chasing after the characters who are trying to uncover the secret of the Stuff. The movie plays out with comic action scenes. One kid (the generic 80's horror kid, if you will) is the only one who knows that The Stuff can kill. He finds this out after an extremely 80's horror scene where he sees it move in the refrigerator. If you are a huge fan of bad movies, you will certainly get addicted to The Stuff.
frank salemme The Stuff was a nostalgic film for me. I remember seeing it at 8 or 9 on a Saturday afternoon television show which aired weekly horror films (Chicago natives might know to which show I refer) and had been eager to view it again as an adult; however 15 years later, nostalgia simply wasn't enough.Larry Cohen's The Stuff is a horror movie with a unique idea, a satire on America's consumption culture leading to the marketing of a deadly, addictive, frozen treat. However, the best ideas can fail if not executed properly.The acting in this film leaves much to be desired. While I did not go into this movie expecting acting on par with Oscar-caliber films, I was still quite disappointed in its mediocre acting and poor dialogue. The special effects in The Stuff are relatively good considering the b-movie quality and budget of this film. However, the music and sound effects seemed very disjointed and out of place; usually conflicting with the events occurring in the movie.Overall, The Stuff presents an interesting idea that had potential to be a good sci-fi/horror film, but The Stuff simply fails as a good movie; however, it's not unwatchable, and might prove to be a "fun" distraction if you're looking for a campy, mediocre movie with which to kill an evening.3.5 out of 10.