The Last Broadcast
The Last Broadcast
NR | 23 October 1998 (USA)
The Last Broadcast Trailers

In December 1995, a four-man team from the public-access program, "Fact or Fiction", braved the New Jersey's desolate Pine Barrens determined to deliver a live broadcast of the legendary Jersey Devil. Only one came out alive. It took the jury ninety minutes to sentence the lone survivor to life in prison. One year later, a filmmaker decides to mount his own investigation...

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
The_Lord_Of_Movies When you read the plot and/or see the DVD cover, this movie seems really attractive. Then wait until you watch it..The movie was released in 1998 and so the DVD cover proudly says "May have influenced Blair Witch... it certainly preceded it". I don't know when the production and the filming has started for this Last Broadcast, but The Blair Witch's production started in 1994 till 1997 when they started the filming. Then the Blair Witch was released in 1999. So the "preceded" thing is very relative.To come back to the Last Broadcast, all is cheap. Some parts are cosy indeed (the geeks, the clothes, the computers), but the film is more than slow and really goes nowhere, plus all effects are deeply amateurish. I was very disappointed.The Blair Witch Project is no genius work neither but it works! (at least the first time you watch it).Regards.
AceTheMovieCritic Let me start off by saying that if you went into this thinking it would be a Blair Witch project prequel, you are wrong. The concept is that this film is a documentary, although this would be a TV-grade 'mid afternoon' documentary, based around the murders of 3 crew members on a program called "Fact or Fiction" in the New Jersey pine barrens. It's meant to look like one of those cheap afternoon shows with guys 'hunting' for the lochness monster, or big foot, or even the Jersey Devil. One of those paranormal docs, or a murder investigation program they'd have on A&E or a channel like that. Something you'd find in the middle of the afternoon, when nothing else was on, and get kinda creeped out watching it. That was this films goal, and they captured that cheap quality PERFECTLY! Everything about this aspect works, and it works splendidly. And it's played totally straight. The people interviewed feel authentic, and the eerie monotonous narration works, cause this is what the guys narrating the tea-time documentaries would be doing. Go watch any of those 'true crime' type programs, and you will find this same style of narration.It's this stab at the familiar that gives the film it's tone. First it presents it's alleged murderer, Jim Suerd, who is a strange and anti-social young man, who was the only survivor of the killings which ended the lives of the crew working on the fore-mentioned program. He's presented in a good, and creepy fashion. His mannerisms are awkward, and he claims to be a psychic, although we are also told that he is an amateur magician, and skilled in trickery. If the documentary was solely about him it would still feel creepy and interesting. BUT(!) When it begins to sway towards the supernatural, and the mystery of who the killer is begins to widen, tensions really begin to raise.This film is brilliant on atmosphere, it really is. The tensions seem to constantly be rising, and everything seems to be building towards something...which makes it all the more aggravating that it had to have such a terrible ending. I won't spoil it for you, but I can just say that it totally butchers the mood set by the film, and is actually very jarring; as if it wasn't even part of the original project and just tacked on at the end.For me, this film would have been near perfect, had it ended differently. It could have gone any direction with the several mysteries it established, as long as it kept with the tone and I'd have been fine. But instead they opted for this terrible completely off tone piece of--well like I said I won't spoil it. I'd say give it a watch, but the wasted potential makes for a bitter viewing. It actually made me mad that I liked the film leading up to the end, because it butchers it that immensely.~6 out of 10~ For it's great capturing of a sub-genre, but loses a lot of points because of that ending. That F*****g ending..
AaronCapenBanner Stefan Avalos & Lance Weiler co-directed this film and star as two local cable-access hosts with a show called "Fact Or Fiction?" who get the idea to go into the New Jersey woods to look for the Jersey Devil, taking two assistants with them. In the morning, only one(Jim Seward) comes out alive, the other three brutally murdered. Jim is arrested and tried for the murders, but maintained his innocence. Filmmaker David Leigh decides to make a documentary about the case, interviewing those involved, and enlisting the help of a woman(Michele Monarch) to clean up the found footage to identify the killer, which (sadly for her) she does... Frustrating film has a most effective style and interesting approach to the story, creating an eerie and unsettling mood, and does feel "real". Unfortunately, it all goes wrong at the end, when the killer is revealed in such a jarring change of style that it takes viewer out of picture altogether, and is most unsatisfying. In desperate need of a rewrite. A shame, this could have been great...
manchester_england2004 THE LAST BROADCAST is a fake documentary executed in a similar style to THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, a very famous movie that it is often compared to whether in a positive or negative context.The plot of the documentary is actually very interesting. A fictional TV series is seeing its viewing figures dwindle. In an effort to prevent its end, the producers decide to film an episode showing a search for a local mythical legend known as the "Jersey Devil". The start of the movie explains how 3 of the 4 TV crew were found dead. The sole survivor was charged with and found guilty of the murders of the others. A filmmaker decides to gather the evidence surrounding the case to prove the survivor's innocence. The documentary he makes constitutes THE LAST BROADCAST.Despite an interesting concept (a documentary examining in great detail the evidence of a murder case in order to disprove a convicted man's innocence) and also an interesting embedded story (the search for a local legend in the woods), sitting through THE LAST BROADCAST is one massive endurance test. I barely made it to the end and was constantly looking at the elapsed running time, cheering myself for surviving another minute of this cinematic torture.Now I'll go through the individual elements to demonstrate why THE LAST BROADCAST is so terrible.First, the narration. This is a fake documentary. As such, there is plenty of narration and often over still images. For this to capture interest, the narrator has to convince us that there is some significance to these images in relation to the rest of the work. Unfortunately, the narration is - as another reviewer has pointed out on here - done in a very monotone manner that fails to invoke even the slightest interest.Second, the direction. For this story to work, the "interviews", video extracts, still images of exhibits and so on must all be carefully co-ordinated to ensure a clear narrative. Unfortunately, everything just seems to be jumbled up, without a specific order or structure. This makes it highly difficult to keep track of what the "documentary" is trying to tell us. Also, the home video extracts are very poorly filmed with no tension, suspense, scares, thrills or even laughs.Third, the acting. The actors can be divided into three categories - the narration (done by the "director"), the crew of the fictional TV series and the "inteviewees" (police investigators, reporters, psychologists and so on). The acting is poor right across the board. Anyone who has seen an episode of a real documentary series (THE FBI FILES for example) will immediately be able to tell that the "experts" in this fake documentary are actors (and very bad ones at that). The crew of the fictional TV series do not seem the least bit scared or even interested by the investigation they are doing. And as already mentioned, the narration is monotone.The only positive comment I can make about this excuse for a movie is the twist ending where there is actually a scene that is interesting to watch. Unfortunately it is not worth sitting through the remaining 80+ minutes to reach.If you want to see a truly great fake documentary, I highly recommend GHOSTWATCH - an excellent piece of work that is carefully scripted, genuinely puts you on the edge of your seat, contains great scares and still makes you question what you've seen even when you know it's a phony.If you want to see a great horror movie done in the style of a camcorder home video, I highly recommend REC, a fast-paced thrill ride from beginning to end that is genuinely scary and tense.Finally, I advise everyone to avoid THE LAST BROADCAST like the plague!
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