PG-13 | 16 August 2013 (USA)
Austenland Trailers

Obsessed with the BBC production of "Pride and Prejudice", a woman travels to a Jane Austen theme park in search for her perfect gentleman.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
bagabaga77-1 Austenland could have been all that the cast and concept promised, but its many unbelievable plot details wrecked that chance. The main character went from being a proud Austen addict to a wimp putting up with far too much humiliation for not much gain. Keri Russell as Jane the addict pays all of her life's savings for the bargain package at a place in England called Austenland. The loosely 'Regency' activities take place in a building that looks just like Darcy's home in Pride and Prejudice, but there any connection with Jane Austen ends. Jane Seymour is sometimes funny as a harridan; Bret McKenzie seems too convincing as a lover to believably be someone acting as a nefarious schemer; and Jennifer Coolidge is embarrassing. JJ Feild's performance shines as the only real person amidst a crowd of fakes. The only reason to watch this movie is to see what some people think is the value of Jane Austen -- and to be happy that even this sort of nonsense cannot diminish her.
tinuviel_mrv For any Jane Austen fan, I think this film provides the ultimate fest. It is witty, fun and charming with lovely scenes, music, cast and great directing. I love the modernisation of the original story -spoiler- (as in the 'It's getting hot in here' scene) as well as the additions, like the gun-firing and saving the lady in distress under the rain scenes. -Spoiler- Plus, making Knobly a real-life character rather than an actor -as was the case in the novel- is well thought of. It raises the level of realism of the whole plot.I have read the book only recently, after watching the film and I think the director did a great job filling in the gaps of the novel. With her aid, the story became perfect which previously I think had many deficiencies in plot. Watch the film and I assure you, you won't regret it ;)
Jill Dew I love this movie! It doesn't make a lot of sense to me that I would love it so much because it's full of fluff and silliness ... but there are times when we all need a break from seriousness, and this is simply a delightful movie that fills the bill. I don't care if it's formulaic or not, sometimes I don't want a big wrench thrown into a film to make it interesting. I get tired of suffering with the protagonist sometimes.I love the three real characters -- Mr. Nobley, Jane and Martin. Everyone else seemed to me to be caricatures, though, I have to admit, when Miss Charming was doing an impromptu song-and-dance at the end of the play -- I hadn't laughed that hard in ages.I'm also surprised that JJ Feild doesn't get more credit for his performance. He completely won me over. In fact, I'm a disgustingly huge fan of his now -- I hope he gets the opportunity to do more romantic leading roles now.Of course, Keri Russell and Bret McKenzie play their roles very well.The only character I really didn't care for is Jane Seymour's Mrs. Wattlesbrook. I didn't believe she was a real person; she seemed too one-dimensional for me. I don't know if this was due to bad writing or bad acting. I didn't understand why Mrs. W. had to be so mean to Jane. Jane paid her money to be there, too, after all. This is the only reason I gave this movie a 9 instead of a 10. Fortunately, for me, she wasn't on the screen very much so I wasn't too distracted.If you want to have a delightful time, wallowing around in some escapism, this is the film for you. I just wish there were such a place for real -- I'd be there in a heart-beat. Enjoy!
TxMike I will admit I fell in love with Keri Russell when she was 20-ish playing a 20-ish young lady in the TV series "Felicity." To me she has as close to the perfect looks and personality that I could hope for in a young lady, and I have enjoyed all her roles. She is the reason I saw this one, now as a 30-something sort of pushing 40.Keri Russell plays Jane Hayes, a Jane Austen fan since she was quite young. In fact once we see her room, as her good friends observes she has become a Jane Austen addict. Plus, she is mostly poor and drives a Tercel.(As an aside, I drive a Tercel, mine is 19 years old and running strong. I found it humorous when near the end of the movie her friend advised her to buy her Tercel back, presumably she sold it to finance her trip depicted here.)The trip is to England to a getaway called "Austenland." There Jane Austen fans dress as Austen characters, meet various actors in various Austen characters, and spend a few days pretending they are in Austen's world.This wouldn't be a Rom-Com if there were no romance and that comes in the form of JJ Feild, and American actor playing a Brit who is playing Mr. Henry Nobley, sort of the Darcy character. Problem is he really does fall for her and she has trouble sorting that out, even when he follows her back home after the vacation is over.Jennifer Coolidge does her usual shtick as one of the vacationers, I can take her in small doses and had she been the featured character I would not have watched all of it. Oh, she is a good actress, but she is usually cast in these ultra goofy roles as here and I simply don't like them.Overall a somewhat dull and lifeless movie, I enjoyed it only for Keri Russell. Miss Elizabeth Charming