Christmas Land
Christmas Land
G | 20 December 2015 (USA)
Christmas Land Trailers

Jules has just inherited a quaint magical Christmas-themed village and Christmas tree farm bequeathed her by her grandmother. She plans to sell it and use the profits to buy her dream home in New York City. But the longer Jules stays on the farm and the more she learns how important Christmas Land has been to so many families, the more Jules starts to question her motives to sell.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
ghill-80610 Did anyone do any legal work who wrote this movie the contract wasn't notarized or filed most places give you the right to cancel if you change your mind she could have just grabbed contract and tore it up worst ending I ever saw in a movie
Debzreview I wish I liked this movie because I really Luke MacFarlane but this story line was a bit ridiculous. The new owner of Christmas Land is supposed to be an educated business woman but she believes everything her boyfriend tells her then signs a contract that she didn't read and asked the new owner to pretty please not make any changes. What? Then the town has to come together to bail her out of a mess that she caused and after she lied to them. The ending what awful as the bad guy was the winner and the town lost their life savings. Not watchable.
Dennis Jensen The ending of Christmasland is extremely offensive to women and make women out to be stupid and unaware of their legal rights. The female lead is supposed to be a savvy person living and surviving in a big city not some backwoods hillbilly. The ending of this movie leaves her in debt by $1.3 million dollars on property she owned free and clear one week before. Idiotic! If I were in her shoes, I would have brought a friend with me to confront that attorney boyfriend about his collusion with that real estate developer so I would have had a witness. Then I would have hired a great real estate attorney and sued them both then reported the ex-boyfriend/attorney to the State Bar. I love the Hallmark Christmas movies but this one was pathetic!
thechrischick I enjoy Christmas movies when I want to forget about all the lousy news in the world. This movie COULD have been nice - cute story line, good- looking actors... but part of the story included an evil businessman who basically tricks the main character out of her property then is willing to give it back to her if she pays him over a MILLION DOLLARS.So you'd think with a nice Hallmark movie, the bad man would come to his senses on Christmas Eve and all is right. Well, no, he showed up on Christmas Eve to collect his money - and all the poor working people had to hand over their life savings to this thief while they all stood around together with him saying 'Merry Christmas'! It was ludicrous!