PG-13 | 08 April 2005 (USA)
Sahara Trailers

Seasoned adventurer and treasure hunter Dirk Pitt, a former Navy SEAL, sets out for the African desert with his wisecracking buddy Al in search of a confederate ironclad battleship rumored to have vanished long ago, the main draw being the treasure supposedly hidden within the lost vessel. When the daring duo come across Dr. Eva Rojas, a beautiful scientist who is juggling an escape from a warlord and a mission to stop the spread of a powerful plague, their desert expedition begins to heat up.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
nobletraveler This movie IS NOT a Dirk Pitt adventure. It's another Hollywood Fiasco. Cussler's series of books had a major potential to become a great franchise, but behold and no surprise, untalented writers in Hollywood - Thomas Donnelly; Joshua Oppenheimer; John Richards; and James Hart (should be banned from ever writing another screenplay), armature producer, and a, 2nd rate director ruined and disrespected Clive Cussler's work. I can understand why he got so mad. Matthew McConaughey should be ashamed of his work. The characters of this movie are NOTHING like the characters Mr. Cussler developed. As an action adventure - not bad. As a reflection on a great series by Clive Cussler - disgusting at best!
nzswanny You don't get much adventure movies like this anymore in the 21st century, so I was surprised to find that this movie reminded me of 80's adventure movies. The plot revolves around a poisoned river in the Sahara desert, and three treasure hunters try to save the day. Armed with lots of action, and a bit too much humour, you'll be entertained from the first...30 minutes. The movie starts off a bit slow, and the first half an hour is stretched out a bit too much, however, if you can cope with a slow and awkward start to being entertained, I think this is the ideal adventure movie for you (if you're a fan of the books however, you may want to reconsider watching this).Overall, I rate this a 7.9/10!
M MALIK i saw this film many years back & i can say it without a doubt that this is not only the most underrated film but quite the best film ever released by paramount pictures,usually paramount studio release garbage films but if they do release some good ones they get edited just like MI2 of john woo now i don't care whats been edited in this film i have no complains because it was entertaining.this film has some similarities with the mummy series with all the desert scenes & fights scenes etc i loved the boat chase.i will not spoil the story see it yourself & decide but i can tell its about a treasure hunt but unlike most films this was done better the director did a great job i wish there was a sequel to this.the cast includes my favorite actress Penelope Cruz she was a treat to watch secondly this is the movie that introduced me to Matthew McConaughey he is such a fun guy to watch he should be the next James Bond i like him.i don't know why some people hate this film it provides good entertainment with a mix of comedy,romance & action all in one,got a nice cast,characters & story what more anyone want plus it is fast paced so no chance of getting bored.overall Sahara 2005 is a solid release from paramount pictures so go grab a DVD its a one time great watch my rating is 7/10.Recommended
FlashCallahan Searching for a treasure on the River Niger, Dirk Pitt stops the attempted assassination of a W.H.O. scientist investigating a disease that is killing thousands of North Africans. The suspected cause of the raging epidemic is vast, unprecedented pollution that threatens to end all life in the world's seas. Racing to save the world from environmental catastrophe, Pitt and his team run a gauntlet between a billionaire French industrialist and a bloodthirsty West African tyrant. In the desert, Pitt uncovers the truth behind his life-long quest - the fate of a Civil War ironclad. Now, amidst the blazing, shifting sands of the Sahara, Pitt will make a desperate stand......Sometimes when a summer movie comes along, you can just tell it's going to bomb from the upstart. The trailer was boring, the one sheet showed all the stars looking smug and pleased with themselves, and the biggest mistake it could have made, thinking that it could be the next big franchise.When there are talks about a fourth Indiana Jones movie in the works, don't release a similar movie based on a best selling series of novels, because it's going to get way too much more coverage than it deserves, and then the flaws with the film begin to show rapidly.Firstly, it's way too long, by a good twenty minutes. If you took out most of the shots with McConaughy smiling and looking smug, the run time would be a lot slimmer, so the action would feel a lot more taught.The soundtrack is just a little too wacky for the film, in fact, the wacky scenes in the film just feel so out of place, when the main villain is some maniacal dictator who really is a sinister being. The humour is tepid and bland, and the running joke regarding the boat just makes Macy seem like some whining queen.Cruz is at her lowest point here, literally the love interest, and eye candy for the bored gents in the audience.It's too violent to be a family film, too long to be as exciting as it should, and the comedic moments really drag the film down.Dirk Pitt? Now, what's that word that rhymes with Pitt?