Invaders from Mars
Invaders from Mars
PG | 06 June 1986 (USA)
Invaders from Mars Trailers

In this remake of the classic 50s SF tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked schoolteacher and other townspeople. With the aid of the school nurse the boy enlists the aid of the U.S. Marines.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
glamour-et-voyage Literally the only thing that saves this poorly acted, horrifically directed, sloppy production is some of its sets. The alien space tunnels suck, the Winston 'aliens', which look like ugly potatoes are woefully bad. The only good sets are the ultra plastic looking house and hill sets. Even the good ones are only enjoyable if you like that sort of camp. One of the worst child actors I have ever seen in a major Hollywood production. Hooper's direction is worse than you could even imagine it could be. Watch some clips on YouTube if you're interested, don't rent or buy this abomination.
Claudio Carvalho The boy David Gardner (Hunter Carson) is the son of George Gardner (Timothy Bottoms) and Ellen Gardner (Laraine Newman). One stormy night, he sees a spaceship landing on the beach nearby his house and he tells his beloved father that promises to investigate in the morning. George goes to the spot and vanishes, and Ellen calls the police. The two officers walk to the place and also disappear. Out of the blue, George returns home emotionless and acting in a strange way, and David notes a cut on his back neck. David goes to school and learns that the aliens are somehow controlling earthlings including his teacher Mrs. McKeltch (Louise Fletcher). He goes to the infirmary and the nurse Linda Magnusson (Karen Black) asks him to tell what is happening. After the interview, she sees evidences that David is scared and telling the truth. What can they do to avoid the invasion?"Invaders from Mars" is a good remake of the classic 1953 sci-fi film. The original movie was made a couple of years after the end of WWII when the army was the symbol of defense of the country. Tobe Hooper introduced more humor in the story and the result is very entertaining. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Invasores de Marte" ("Invaders from Mars")
Sam Panico Following the failure of Lifeforce (at least commercially, I'm on the side of it being an interesting affair), Tobe Hooper turned to a remake of 1953's Invaders from Mars. After several writers took a shot at the script, Dan O'Bannon (the USC film student who famously created Dark Star with John Carpenter, left for Europe in the hopes of making Dune with Alejandro Jodorowsky, then came back to the U.S. to write Alien, Dead & Buried and Total Recall, write and direct Return of the Living Dead and then die way too young from Crohn's Disease) and Don Jakoby.Instead of the adult oriented gore and sex that Lifeforce presented (which shows up here as a movie within a movie, main character David is watching the film and man, he's super young for that movie), Invaders is a return to the themes of 1950's science fiction. That said — whereas the originally intended directed Steven Spielberg would have focused on the sweetness with a slight edge, Hooper delivers plenty of edge. In fact, this entire film feels like a nightmare that the main character, David Garden (Hunter Carson, the son of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 writer LM Kit Carson and Karen Black, who we'll get to in a minute) can't wake up from. It's unnerving the sheer torture that this kid goes through!After watching a meteor shower, David sees a spaceship land behind his house. Throughout the film, the entire town gets taken over by aliens, including his parents (Timothy Bottoms and SNL's Laraine Newman). It's true terror — what child doesn't have the fear that his parents will no longer love him? It's even worse when they coldly plot your doom.They're not the only ones — every teacher is against him, none more than the meanest teacher in school, Mrs. McKeltch. She's gone from that to something much, much worse — the human face of the alien invasion.Read more at
jadzia92 Invaders from Mars (1986) (which incidentally is also the name of the Doctor Who season 28 opener) is not a bad remake of the original 1953 movie. The menace displayed in this movie is pretty well served here.Hunter Carson was very good as the young boy David Gardner who saw the aliens and the only who was on his side on this initially is school counselor Linda Magnusson (Karen Black).Thrilling what goes on along the way. Quite a surprise what happened at the last scene and the shocking ending.Incidentally, was surprised to find out from a DVD featurette that Jimmy Hunt who played the police chief was the original David in the 1953 film.