Steel Dawn
Steel Dawn
R | 06 November 1987 (USA)
Steel Dawn Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic world, a warrior wandering through the desert comes upon a group of settlers who are being menaced by a murderous gang that is after the water they control.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
david-sarkies I like science-fiction films, particularly when they mess with your head, and to be honest with you, this film definitely does not do that. I also enjoy the odd post-apocalyptic film, but this one was simply boring. Okay it had action in it, and it had sword fights as well, but it was simply a remake of the Mad Max movies, in particular Mad Max II, and Mad Max II was so much better.Patrick Swayze plays this guy, who used to be a high ranking soldier for this good guy, and fought in a war that no doubt put the world into the situation that it now is in. No doubt nobody actually emerged from this war as a winner, and thus everybody has been forced to return to an agrarian lifestyle, and the main commodity in the world is access to water. Now, you can probably guess what actually happens in this film: Yep, that's right, Swayze, who is a wondering loner, comes across a farm, which is run by a rather attractive woman, but is being harassed by a bunch of bandits. Swayze sleeps with the woman, kills the bad guys, and then wonders back off into the desert because his job here is done (despite the fact that he slept with the woman and no doubt is upsetting her because he is now wondering off).Now that I think of it, this is probably the same plot that a lot of the old Westerns followed as well, so in a way this film is nothing more than a Western set in a post-apocalyptic world. Okay, there are simply films, such as Harley Davidson and the Malboro Man, that put a new twist to the Western, but this film doesn't. The only difference between this film and the old spaghetti westerns is that it is set after the world has been obliterated in a nuclear war.
wes-connors After most of civilization destroyed by a futuristic World War III, well-built warrior Patrick Swayze (as Nomad) wanders through the desert. He meditates while doing handstands (guess this helps make him a better warrior, and you will be proved correct), then shows excellent swordsmanship by annihilating some "half-people" who appear to live in the sand. As "Tremors" (1990) later confirmed, sand creatures are nasty; besides, they threaten the life of our handsome hero. Looking like a romance novel cover model, Mr. Swayze must find sneering vigilante Christopher Neame (as Sho), the man killed his martial arts mentor...Cooling his heels, Swayze stays at a farm with beautiful blonde widow Lisa Niemi-Swayze (as Kasha) and her cute son Brett Hool (as Jux), who just may be related to director Lance Hool. They live with brave Brion James (as Tark). Proving hairstylists will survive a nuclear holocaust, the Swayzes must protect her irrigation development from wicked Anthony Zerbe (as Damnil). His wells are running dry and she has all the water. This is highly derivative, but with good enough action. Swayze body watchers will be in more than pleased with his appearance. The soundtrack by Mad Max" (1979) composer Brian May is adept.****** Steel Dawn (11/6/87) Lance Hool ~ Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi, Christopher Neame, Brion James
Stanjaudit Why is so much made about Patrick Swazey He is a very good actor. In Steel Dawn he was very good in defending the rights of innocent people. In Red Dawn not only did he save his town but a nation. In Dirty Dancing he eliminated stereo types and prejudice. So what more more can be asked of a professional actor. Like most actors of his ilk he researches his role and setting of the movie. Steel Dawn is about passion, fighting against tyranny, overcoming prejudice and gaining trust. Swazey clearly shows that the type of fighting displayed in this movie and dancing are closely related. As a result playing the role of the Nomad was a natural.
aeo I give it 6 out of 10 because it has one of better sword fights I have seen made by Hollywood. As I was watching the movie, it sort of reminded me of the great western movie "Shane" starring Alan Ladd. It had many of the same elements like a lone stranger comes to town and battles the evil doers who would harm the innocent farmers. Patrick Swayze plays his part well as the protagonist in this movie. Interesting enough though, there is no weapon used save non projectile weapons. What I mean by this is that there are no pistols, rifles, or bombs. In some ways, not having those type of weapons in this movie makes it more refreshing. It kind of makes it like a samurai movie of sorts. All in all, a pretty good movie.The story takes place in some future where the land seems more desert than anything else; and therefore, water is an important commodity.In a small valley, a group of farmers try to make a living but is harassed by an individual whose aim is to take over the whole valley. In comes Patrick Swayze who plays a former soldier who comes to the valley to exact revenge on those who killed his former comrade.During this pursuit, however, he meets a woman and her child who make him see what is really important in life.