Basket Case
Basket Case
NR | 02 April 1982 (USA)
Basket Case Trailers

A young man carrying a big basket that contains his deformed Siamese-twin brother seeks vengeance on the doctors who separated them against their will.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
D Rahul Raj Jsd It's Saturday night (May 28, 2016), and today is Mr. Kevin Vanhentenryck's Birthday. To honor him, I celebrated by having some good food and watching his movie that he is known for. This is the first film of his, and the first chapter in the Basket Case series. I never knew about this horror film series until 2013. At that time, I wasn't really looking into recommendations on the net, and I wasn't even active on social media. My Dad was the man who would recommend movies to me. He was a massive horror fan, and would always go to cinemas and check movies out of video stores back in the '80s. Then one day back in 2013, he told me, "Son, you don't know sh*t about horror until you have seen what I've seen." I asked him, "Dad, what awesome horror films have I missed out on from the 70s and 80s?" He gave me a huge and I mean massive list, which just goes on and on. I had to write all of them in a book. The first one he told me to look for was Basket Case. I said, "Dad, what's that?" He told me, "Just get it, and you'll see. It's one of the best films I have ever seen, son." So, I found it online, and got it, along with its sequels. When I saw this for the first time, I was like, "Wow, Dad, no joke, this movie is just filled with horrifying, bizarre, blood gushing, sleazy screaming fun until the end." It's one hell of an entertaining film. Kevin was so damn incredible on screen, he was excellent. With Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner, and others. They were all perfect. Frank Henenlotter did an awesome job. I watched it over again with my Dad. This movie is special to me because this was his last horror film, and I hadn't seen it since my dad passed until today. It brought back great memories. And every horror fan should own this movie, including its sequels, on home video. It's a masterpiece, truly a gem!!!
phanthinga Basket Case is a horror movie directed by Frank Henenlotter in 1982.I know the 80s-90s is a wild time for movie and horror movie in general but of all Basket Case stand out to be the most original horror movie due to the crazy plot and tragic back story of two main characters.At first it might seem like another cheesy horror movie with over the top gore and bad dialogue but when the actual plot kick in it will leave your mouth open till the movie end.The bond between the two main characters is strong and after knowing about their back story i even feel sympathy for them more.The movie of course bloody but if compared to most of horror movie come out during that time it rather tame and weak.I love to give this movie 10 out of 10 if the ending don't make me angry but seem like there two more sequels so let see how it goes
Smoreni Zmaj Good, interesting idea, destroyed by low budget. Siamese twins, one of which looks like overgrown tumor on the side of the other, are separated against their will. Years later they are on the killing spree to get revenge. With today's technology and medium budget this could be decent horror movie. 35 years ago and without money authors should have taken different approach. If they could not afford production on satisfying level, instead of completely ridiculous horror scenes, they should have based their movie on psychological effect and with some skillful directing let our imagination strike terror in our bones. But they decided to destroy potentially great horror by showing us extremely unconvincing bloodshed and lame monster that is everything but scary. Sure, there are movies that go so deep into stupid that they penetrate all through to the other side and we get hilarious result. But this one is not stupid enough to border with genius. It just stupid. and that's a shame, because this story has big potential and even quite a psychological depth.4/10
Predrag "Basket Case" is a great, low-budget shlock horror/comedy from the early 80's. It involves two brothers and their plot to get revenge. "Basket Case" has an appealing low-budget feel to it, and Kevin Van Hentenryck is very likable as Duane. Belial, the deformed twin, is an oddly sympathetic character. Yes, the film contains some scenes that many will find sick and depraved, but it also contains some truly haunting images. Actually, this movie is about the love between two brothers and the jealousy / anger that develops when one of them falls in love. There is a certain warmth beneath all that goo! Along the way, we are treated to many scenes of mutilation and depravity, as only Frank Henenlotter can deliver.This movie does supply emotion, and is very touching at the end. Gus Russo supplies the soundtrack for this movie. When you see the end of "Basket Case", Gus Russo's music blends in beautifully with the scene and makes this scene very sad. Oh, and the setting is worth the watch as well when NYC was gritty and infested with drugs and prostitutes. However, it is an interesting idea. There were moments in this movie that were so funny (that I don't think were meant to be). Some of the characters are over the top. There were some scenes (particularly the really bad stop-animation scenes) that made me wince in their low quality. One thing is for certain though - this is a one-of-a-kind horror experience. I would say that any horror fan should have this in their collection, if you don't already.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.