Basket Case 2
Basket Case 2
R | 02 March 1990 (USA)
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Having eluded the authorities after a series of grisly murders, the pair find sanctuary at the palatial home of Granny Ruth, an eccentric philanthropist who rallies the cause of "Unique Individuals". But even amongst "friends" the pair soon find themselves having to confront their murderous past.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
hellholehorror This film is utter madness. It takes the first film to the ultimate next level. It is just lots of freaks and some pretty grotty moments of hellish violence. It is twisted film making dying to shock you with the sicker side of our body pretending that it is enlightening us. I loved every second without a moment of introspective boredom. Utterly nuts and tacky, but that is why we love it.
emman-01467 Overall, though, BASKET CASE 2, while not as memorable as its predecessor, is still a very entertaining flick that feels more horror than comedy, though there are some mildly humorous moments, but most of that is left to the third film. If you liked the first film, you should find many things to enjoy with this very entertaining sequel.
Peter Mckain The sequel that was made by accident, basket case 2 is the sequel to the cult classic basket case(no duh). After the original, our protagonists are meant to be dead but that has changed and they were only injured. so the police are looking for the Bradley brothers and when they make their daring escape from the hospital they meet granny ruth and they are taken in by her family of well freaks and soon the media learns of them and the battle begins to silence them to keep themselves hidden. oh yeah also Belial finds a freak that looks like him and they have some awkward stump bumping which becomes important for the 3rd film. Is the film good? yes, it is a good film not amazing id say its an improvement on the original in a way as the violence is much better and the budget is much higher. The film is incredibly bizarre and shifts from what was a dark satire piece to what seems to be an open comedy with gore. When im told to describe this film to people I often say it's the muppets if the muppets were exposed to high doses of radiation. It is a fun film albeit extremely far fetched and it is what it is which is trash. A big pro in this film is the lack of constant screaming that the original suffered from. once thing I did notice was that Dwain's acting was a lot worse than the original. But everyones else is a lot better and the makeup for Belial is a big improvement. So, in conclusion, I would recommend to those of you who enjoyed the original or meet the feebles perhaps.
Neil Welch The lad and his freak twin who fell out of an upper floor window in the first film and were seen at the end lying, bleeding, dead on the ground, apparently didn't die after all. In fact, the freak looks better than he did in the first one.The reason for that is a substantially larger budget (due to the success of the first movie), enabling a much better quality monster to be created to the same basic design. This larger budget also stretched towards constructing other freaks/freak makeup, and having a Name in the cast list (Scots jazz singer Annie Ross, who played Robert Vaughn's sister in Superman III).The story is different but not a lot better. The acting is a bit better, and the film is more professionally made, hence I rate it higher than its dreadful predecessor.