The Toxic Avenger Part II
The Toxic Avenger Part II
R | 15 July 1989 (USA)
The Toxic Avenger Part II Trailers

Melvin Junko was a nerdy weakling until he fell into a vat of toxic waste, turning him into the first ever superhuman creature from New Jersey. This time, he takes on Tokyo.

Steineded How sad is this?
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
westside-surfer I watched part 1 a few days ago and totally blown away, so much that I craved a second helping. Toxic Avenger goes to Tokyo, the land of weirdness, has to be cool, right?At the start something immediately stuck out. They slapped a Halloween mask on the Toxic Avenger. It seriously looks as if the make bought a mask at Target. Part one got Toxie's look perfect. How could they screw up this bad? And not just the face, his entire outfit looks slapped together.The beginning opens up with some gory awesomeness. It's looking to be a good movie. Everything is looking good until Toxie goes to Tokyo. At that point the movie really takes a plunge. There's a few over-the-top scenes were great to watch. Everything in between those scenes seems slapped together on the spot. Maybe the film crew felt out of place in Japan.It just didn't have the confidence of the first one. Actually, scratch that, part one is the only true Toxic Avenger movie. Part two should have paid for its dishonor in the true Japanese fashion by disemboweling itself for shaming a classic.
Michael_Elliott The Toxic Avenger Part II (1989) * 1/2 (out of 4) Incredibly disappointing sequel finds Tromaville at peace with crime now gone but this doesn't last long when a group of thugs blow up a house full of blind people. The Toxic Avenger takes care of these guys but he also must go to Japan to try and locate his long-lost father. THE TOXIC AVENGER PART II is an incredibly bad movie from start to finish but if you do decide to sit through it then it's best you view the uncut version, which will at least give you all sorts of gore. If you go with the "cut" version of this then you might as well take a complete star away from my rating. In its uncut form we're treated to some pretty wild gore scenes that manage to be just as disgusting as the ones in the first flick. Most of the action takes place after the home for the blind has been blown up and various thugs take their shots at the Toxic Avenger. He rips them apart in countless ways, turns a midget into a basketball and one poor guy gets smashed to where his guts are falling out all over the place. All that gore is good but sadly there's a lot of bad here. For starters, this thing clocks in at 103-minutes which is at least twenty-minutes too long and in all honesty I'd argue it's about forty-minutes too long. THe film's story is a pretty weak one even by Troma standards and they simply don't do anything with it. The stuff at Tromaville is just boring and the stuff in Japan dealing with the father simply goes no where. There's also a real lack of any comedy, which is something that made the original film work so well. Performances are pretty much what you'd expect from a movie like this. Sadly, everything that made the original so good is missing here so if you must you can fast forward to all the gore scenes and just leave everything else alone.
Paul Andrews The Toxic Avenger, Part II starts with the startling revelation that after the Toxic Aveneger (John Altamura who was apparently fired during production & replaced with Ron Fazio) had rid his home town Tromaville of evil it actually became a nice place to live. This meant that Toxie had no use as a superhero anymore & now suffers from depression & a feeling of utter uselessness (just like directors Lloyd Kaufman & Michael Herz should feel like after producing this), Toxie now works as a concierge at the 'Tromaville centre for the blind'. It's not long before trouble rears it's ugly head though, an evil chemical producing company called Apocalypse Inc. plans to take over Tromaville for some stupid insignificant reason or other but to do so they need to get rid of Toxie. After the evil chairman's (Rick Collins) first plan fails he bribes Toxie's psychiatrist (Erika Schickel) to tell him to go to Japan & see his Father. Leaving his girlfriend Claire (Phoebe Legere), his Mother (Jessica Dublin) & his home behind Toxie heads for Tokyo, Japan. Once there Toxie sets about finding his Father & a woman named Masami (Mayako Katsuragi) helps him in his quest. Meanwhile back in Tromaville Apocalypse Inc. move in for the kill & without Toxie the citizens are powerless to defend themselves. Toxie eventually finds Big Mac Bunko (Rikiya Yasuoka) whom he has been lead to believe is his Father, however Big Mac is all part of Apocalypse Inc. plans to destroy Toxie once & for all...Produced & directed by Lloyd Kaufman & Michael Herz this follow up to the successful The Toxic Avenger (1985) basically proves the first film was a complete fluke, a lucky accident to combine the right blend of bad taste comedy, outrageous violence & so-bad-it's-good film-making, The Toxic Avenger, Part II is a load of crap in comparison. The script by by Kaufman, Phil Rivio & Gay Partington Terry with a load of 'additional material' credits does not contain one single funny moment during it's entire 102 (uncut director's cut) duration. The visual gags are terrible, Toxie walking through Tokyo with a wig & glasses to blend in for instance, or a scene where he heats up a bath with a bad guy in it & as he cooks Toxie throws in a load of vegetable's & spaghetti, a scene where he sticks electrical wires up a woman's nose, sticks an antenna in her head & a microphone in her mouth to which a Japanese radio announcer talks into, a bit where a Japanese bad guy has his nose burnt into the shape of a fish, a bit where Toxie grabs a swordfish head & uses it as a weapon, or the embarrassingly bad overacting & stupid idiotic facial expressions, a guy who literary has a fish for a head & gets turned literary into sushi, the awful comedy music & sound effects & the whole film in general is a pale imitation of what made the original mildly amusing & memorable. The bad taste gags aren't there this time round & the silly childish juvenile humour of the first is also missing, it just feels like a real step back from the original & lets not forget this is Troma here so that is most definitely a bad thing. There are a few gory fights & some serious gore & violence, at least in the supposedly uncut 102 minute version I saw, crushed heads with the bodies spurting out blood, smashed faces, intestines, roses poked in someones eyes & thorns wrapped around their throat, ripped off ears, severed arms & a very graphic & gory scene of a man being chopped to pieces. Unfortunately the special effects by Pericles Lewnes aren't particularly convincing & come mostly within the first twenty or so minutes. The acting is of embarrassing proportions as I've already mentioned. Action wise there is an ultra cheap looking car chase at the end & a few unexciting, lacklustre fights utilising cardboard ninja throwing stars at one point. Horror wise there is nothing a few gory set pieces apart. Comedy wise this is very unfunny. In fact The Toxic Avenger, Part II sucks on all levels really & to top it all off it's atrociously made as well, most of the cast appear to be people plucked from the nearest street corner, continuity is none existent, cinematography is basic point & shoot & the special effects are anything but. One or two gory scenes apart this is total crap plain & simple, do yourself a favour watch the original again instead.
whammy666 After I saw the Toxic Avenger I rushed to the video store to rent this. I could not wait to see Toxie bash more bad guys in another fun, gory, nude filled film from Troma. However, I it was quite a letdown. Well, I rented the R version, in which the gore is absent. Unrated is a lot better, some awesome gore in the opening scene. "wheelchair" kill is awesome. SO there is some good gore, some good action. What's wrong with this film you ask? No original actors. TOxie obviously changed actors. Toxie gets a new, uglier, more annoying girlfriend, Claire. She is nothing compared to Sara. Claire is just...annoying. But thank God she is not in it too much, since he is in Tokyo most of the film. The girl he meets in Tokyo however, is not bad looking and is not annoying. YAY! Also, his mother looks younger than she did in the first film. If it had the same actors it would be better, yet this does not live up to the original. Still funny, and entertaining of course. See this UNRATED.
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