Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
R | 29 January 1988 (USA)
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama Trailers

Out to steal a trophy from a local bowling alley, a group of college students accidentally unleash the imp -- a sadistic little spirit that creates demons and loves sexy women.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
popcorninhell All is not well at the local Bowl-O-Rama when a group of twenty-somethings bust into the venue after hours as part of a sorority prank. The story largely follows three unique troops; the Tri-Delt sisters led by the sadomasochistic Babs (Stille), Lisa (Bauer) and Taffy (Stevens) their most recent pledges and a trio of dorky dudes led by Calvin (Jones), who tried and failed to spy on the initiation. The horny teenagers descend on the bowling alley on a mission to spend the night. Unwittingly they release a wise-cracking imp who grants wishes with terrible consequences. 80's scream queen Linnea Quigley co-stars as Spider, a leather-clad burglar at the wrong place at the wrong time.Very, very, VERY loosely based on W.W. Jacobs' short story "The Monkey's Paw," Sorority Babes predates the thematically similar and gleefully morose Leprechaun Series (1993-2014) by about five years. Much like that series of schlocky comedy-horror, the proceedings of Sorority Babes center around a small mythical creature on a quest of mischief and can't ever seem to shut up about it. Yet what this movie looses in Jennifer Aniston's pre-Friends (1994-2004) allure, it more than makes up for it with gratuitous nudity across the board. Those looking for overt objectification of the fairer sex mixed with an obtuse, watered-down appropriation of Giallo visual motifs look no further than Sorority Babes.However those looking for psychological intensity, a logically progressing story, sly humor or lacking that the theatrical splatter gore we've all come to expect, you are in for a disappointing hour and twenty minutes. The moments most in need of show-stopping violence are the moments that show Director David DeCoteau at his most amateurish. The film shows so little actual blood, you'd swear the creators were making a Pee-Wee Herman Halloween special instead of a redeemable horror-comedy. Unlike Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) (which famously used only two ounces of fake blood), Sorority Babes doesn't supplant the gore with creepiness or the cautious building of tension. While some may find the lack of gore a respite, others may be attributing the lack of blood to a very prudent Bowl- O-Rama GM who demanded the floors be kept clean so the place can still operate during the day.To give credit where credit's due, I heard about this movie through the whimsical prose of Vent Scene and not from a random glimpse at a "Worst Movies" list. The author of the article made the film sound like a misjudged masterpiece doomed into obscurity by bad distribution and a radical approach to mis en scene. I can certainly relate to the magnetic charm of certain low-budget features; arguably the works of Troma Productions being the most merited. Yet there's an easily identifiable audience for these kinds of films, most of which will sit down to watch Sorority Babes and be mightily disappointed by it's corny humor and cheap, clean carnival-ride horror.At no point will any discernible viewer be scared for any of the characters. On the contrary, most will by checking the victims off, hoping that once all the annoying clowns, waifs and perverts are disposed of the movie will finally end. If a little funnier, if a little bloodier, if a little more coherent, the movie could have been for somebody. Unfortunately, with little going for it other than small precious flashes of originality, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama is conclusively for no one.
Dave from Ottawa Okay, this was one of those movies I rented (on VHS) when I was bored and thought I couldn't get much more so. Wrong. This movie will bore you silly. The whole things stinks of something that was dreamed up at a stoner party. The idea that a demonic imp is trapped in a bowling trophy and that once released it will take over the world with its female bowling minions ought to have some goofy appeal, but the whole thing is so ham-handed and clumsy that no effective comedic or satiric tone is ever struck. The movie fails as comedy, cheese, horror and as a result just doesn't engage the viewer on any level. The effects are unspecial, and the plot has no twists. It plays out just as you anticipate it would. 80s B-movie 'icon' Linnea Quigley has a good appearance here, but as usual she doesn't really give a performance. She just strikes a spunky note and carries on from there. It's an 'attitude role' rather than an acting one, although to be fair she was pretty good at this. Fantasy model Brinke Stevens appears here briefly but doesn't do anything much. The other performers are total no-talent nobodies, and even if there were any talent on display, the script gives them nothing to work with and the director cannot direct actors. Strictly for completists who have to see every grade-Z movie out there.
whammy666 Boobs, nerds, possessed babes, a bowling alley, and a creature that is awakened from a bowling trophy...this screams Classic 80's Sleaze to me! This movie follows some girls trying to get into a sorority, and to get into the sorority, they must steal a bowling trophy. But they accidentally awaken an imp...a creature that grants wishes, but also likes to see people suffer. And he may want to possess you also. This is a fun one, and stars Linnea Quigley and Brinke Stevens. You can really go wrong with Linnea Quigley. The movie is very funny, includes an extremely entertaining spanking scene, and as mentioned above, it include Linnea Quigley. Watch now!
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse In the running for the cheesiest movie I've ever seen (right up there with "Zombie Lake") this film started out extremely slow. I have to admit, I almost turned it off. It got a little better about 30 minutes in, luckily.The plot is absurd and the script is poorly penned. The acting is third or fourth rate. Three 'nerds' spy on some sorority girls. They get caught and then as punishment get 'forced' into a prank that the initiating girls must pull off in order to get into the sorority. They are attempting to steal a bowling trophy (what the hell???) from a bowling alley and they unleash a horrible imp who grants them wishes that turn into curses.Linnea Quigley's punk rock criminal character is the only thing that saves this movie at all. She has some awesome lines and shines as the best actor in the bunch (sadly.) Also, a dude gets decapitated and they bowl his head down the lane which was pretty nice.Definitely the kind of movie you saw on USA Up All Night back in the 90's. Chock-full of ridiculous high school fantasies. Yikes! 4 out of 10, kids.