R | 02 October 1987 (USA)
Creepozoids Trailers

Five Army deserters wander the post-apocalyptic, post-industrial LA landscape seeking shelter from an increasingly toxic environment and poisonous rain.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Scott LeBrun It's the not so distant "future" (1998, to be exact) and Earth has been decimated by nuclear wars. What's left is a barren wasteland, not that we ever get to see it. A small team of Army deserters (three men, two women) come across a scientific installation where your standard issue strange experiments have been going on. In this case, they revolved around creating those amino acids that the human body can't create on its own. The result is a monster that makes mincemeat of these dumb chumps in record time.One can't help but laugh at micro budget drek such as "Creepozoids", which is good, because otherwise, we wouldn't really get much entertainment value out of it. Everything about it is primitive, including the makeup and creature effects. Co-writer / co-producer / director David DeCoteau pays as much tribute to "Alien" as he can, but the gaps between the two films are hilariously obvious at every turn. There's zero suspense, very little action, a redundant finale, the requisite sex and nudity (it *does* star Linnea Quigley, after all), a delicious and catchy cheese ball electronic score by Guy Moon, and amusing performances.Linnea is lovely and appealing, as she always is. Ken Abraham ("Hobgoblins"), Michael Aranda, Richard L. Hawkins ("Close Encounters of the Third Kind"), and extremely prolific adult film actress Ashlyn Gere co-star.The ending is particularly bad, but it adds to the appeal of this hunk of junk.Five out of 10.
Aaron1375 This film to me is like another film, Rats: Night of Terror in that it is set in a kind of post apocalyptic world. It is also like, Forbidden World as the creature may be some sort of experiment gone out of control. It is also a worse film than Rats: Night of Terror...let that one sink in! This film has a very short running time, just like Forbidden World, but if you were to ask me how long it was, I would suggest it was an eternity! While Forbidden World was not the best film ever made, it did not feel long at all. This one had very bad pacing and just felt twice as long as it actually was. To be fair, there was a few good deaths in this one, some good monster effects and you get Linnea Quigley naked. Unfortunately, there are not enough good gore effects, those giant rats looked like plush toys and Linnea looks 15 pounds lighter than she was in Return of the Living Dead and that is 15 pounds she did not need to lose. This film also features a familiar ending in that it features the main protagonist battling the beast for a prolonged period of time in a warehouse type setting. I have literally watched two other films from the 80's that ended in similar fashion in The Being and Scared to Death.The story, well the Earth is going through World War III! Deserters try to survive while avoiding the military, mutant nomads and seeking shelter against the deadly acid rain! Mutant nomads they tell us, but there is not a mutant nomad to be seen within the film. Why mention something like that and not show said thing on screen? They showed us the acid rain and I will take their word about the military, but don't mention mutant nomads and then fail to deliver them! Well, a party of five deserters walk through an area before seeking shelter from the acid rain in a sort of fallout shelter. We have two girls and three guys and just like "The Breakfast Club", the poor computer nerd geek does not get paired up with one of the women. Well, things in the shelter are not as they seem as there is something lurking within. Some giant monster that you see at the beginning of the film and it likes to knock out the hero of this film repeatedly and not kill him as it does stuff for what must be none of our business as its actions are never really said.So the monster looks like your typical monster. Not great, but not bad. A bit like a more mobile version of the one from Forbidden World. They also have giant rats that as I have said, look like giant plush toys. Then they have a creepy baby monster that actually looks really good, but is not much of a threat. Watching it crawl around then attack and get thrown off really gets old. There is also a scene where one of the members goes crazy and starts attacking another character and it is almost like an Evil Dead possession. So much going on and nothing is being explained properly, but amino acids are at play! The film is not good with only a few areas that were passable. Linnea nude, good. Super skinny Linnea, not as good. Gore, pretty good. Not enough characters to kill, not so good. Monster and baby monster good and monster rat, not good at all. Pacing, horrible! It amazes me that this film was only an hour and ten minutes as it did feel like it was two hours. Watching the hero constantly get attacked and knocked out was annoying and then this is the guy who comes out on top? I would rather watch the other two films I mentioned as they are both better than this one, they leave the door open for a sequel, but sadly (being sarcastic) it was never made. Who knows? Perhaps that one would have mutant nomads in it!
lost-in-limbo I'm not going to go out of my way to furiously bash it, but you can tell that I didn't care for director David DeCoteau's dragging quick-buck, direct-to-video post-apocalyptic sci-fi / horror film it at all. Everyone brings it up and deservedly so, the infamously steamy shower scene of its big draw-card Linnea Quigley. It's quite short, but transfixing. Even the schlock special effects and make-up FX are conceived with excessively grisly (gooey blood-leaking), tasteless and shonky details, but don't look all that bad for such a bottom-barrel budget (oh with the horrendous exception of the rubbery creature … or whatever?). Although for such a small running time and having a slight premise, it felt rather padded out and pointless. The opening sequence is laughably ridiculous. Some purposeless, unexplained things crop up (like large vicious rodent attacks and an aggressive new-born), but that's were the little excitement came from. It really does dawdle along and uses up commonly dull devices. I don't know how many times I could take seeing these folks run down the same corridor over and over again. DeCoteau had a chance to strike up some claustrophobic tension from these tightly limited (if disposable cardboard) sets, but never did he executed it well enough. Instead he favoured cheap, predictable shocks that were flatly handled. The fidgety synthesizer score is systematic across the board, and in passages the dark, hazy camera-work didn't help out matters.
epeteet This is the same old story of a 80's horror flick that is nowhere as cool as it's super rad cover. Although this lame ALIEN rip off pretty much sucks it does have a couple redeeming qualities such as Linnea Quigley naked. The first death is also really cool too and involves black slime and a mutating hand. Other than that the rest of the deaths, monsters, and creature effects are pretty much whack. If you're the type that loves to clown on movies that are ridiculously crappy then you're in for lots of laughs and fun. if you're just fiendin for lots of gore and rad creature effects you'll for the most part be disappointed; but if you can handle sitting through lame movies just to catch a couple really cool scenes then it's worth a shot. if that's the case also give MINDKILLER a watch. Otherwise just watch RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD for some awesome Linnea Quigley nudity.