Staunton Hill
Staunton Hill
NR | 06 October 2009 (USA)
Staunton Hill Trailers

When a group of hikers take off for a weekend of fun and adventure in remote mountain region, they unwittingly stumble across the Staunton family - for whom the hill is named - and find themselves at the mercy of a depraved, diabolical brood that will stop at nothing to rid their property of these "trespassers." The only law on Staunton's Hill is the law of the Stauntons...and, in this case, the penalty for defying that law is death.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Michael Ledo Everyone looked so familiar in this. If you are an avid horror movie fan you should feel at home watching this one. It is a Chainsaw Massacre rip off, better done than most. The Staunton family was great. Kathy Lamkin as the head of the clan was superb. The 6 college kids left much to be desired. It wasn't that their acting was bad, it was just that the writer forgot to give them interesting character. I guess the wheel chair guy had already been done. If you like watching bloody women getting tied down and having their clothes removed to their undergarments, then this movie is for you.
Fella_shibby George Romero!!! U owe me money. Ur son cheated me by masquerading. Normally I check user reviews on IMDb n trailer b4 purchasing a DVD. I bought this one because the DVD cover states: Romero's Staunton hill. I got a surprise when I came to know that it's by ROMERO's son, Cameron Romero. The movie was awful. Nothing scary or creepy. Jus a 1001th rip off of Texas Chainsaw massacre, but an extremely bad one. First the movie was too boring. I jus wanted to get my money's worth n sadly I saw till the end credits. Awful direction, bad editing, bad screenplay, decent acting n some good cinematography. Ther was gore but thats too lame. No tension, no character development, no suspense, nothing. The ending was even more bad. What a talent this Cameron guy. The guy deserves an Oscar for the most original plot. The dude is really talented man. He acted in this film too. I mean he got credited as an actor for this film by jus landing his voice, as the telephone operator. As if his direction is not enuff, the guy is a writer, cinematographer, producer, camera operator n editor too. Wtf man. One more surprise I got. The guy is an executive producer of Singham returns too. I saw this awful film n i suffered. Plz avoid this.
ang-volcom2003 I tried really hard to like this movie. It has more holes than a golf course. I have no idea what even happened to buddy at the end, or any of the other characters that weren't killed "on-screen." (all the guys.) Who was that little girl in the beginning? the daughter of the mechanic? related to Quinton and his physco killing family? It's a slow starting film, boring at times, i kept it on in hopes it would get didn't. Some scence were cringe worthy. Lots of blood but what horror movie doesn't have that? I don't understand why the hitch hikers didn't just walk back to the junk yard after the car broke down down less than 10 mins away. why spend half a day walking through the woods? That makes no sense. The acting was decent, better than most horror movies. BTW isn't Cole the "hunk" from that Britney spears song? I'm sure he is. Horrible movie. I wish i could erase it from my memory and get back my Sunday night.
George Taylor While I wouldn't call this unimaginative, stupid film "the worst movie ever", it would certainly make the list. Unoriginal in every single way that a waste of time torture porn movie can be, this goes on the garbage pile with the various Saws, Wrong turns and Hostel type films. Cameron Romero shows no talent for direction at all and throwing the Romero name on this to sucker in fans, is simply crass. We've seen this all before, an attractive group of young people are set upon (why aren't any of these kids ever homely or average looking?)by an (take your pick) inbreds, isolated or simply nuts family. As usual when their friends are disaapearing no one notices. Also as usual, its the women who get the worst deaths. And one of the murdering clan is a superstrong moron. Bored yet? You will be if you waste any time with this crapfest. Its even worse than his Dads recent outing, Survival of the Dead. Avoid. Even Uwe Boll couldn't have done much worse.