R | 14 May 1986 (USA)
Spookies Trailers

Taking a wrong turn, travelers find themselves trapped in a mysterious house. One horror after another threatens them as the sorcerer who lives within needs sacrifices to give eternal life to his beautiful bride.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Foreverisacastironmess I just love this film to death! It's got such a great atmosphere, and I've never known another horror movie with so many different kinds of monsters packed into the story! The theme music isn't much but is nice enough and sets the tone, the smiling skull informing the audience that this romp is purely intended in the spirit of ghoulish fun, and is by no means meant to be taken too seriously! Although, it certainly has its grim moments and there's no shortage of death. The opening demise of the rather brainless Billy is a very chilling and nasty sequence. At first it seems like the drifter's gonna try something funny with Billy until he's killed by the lame gypsy/pirate/werecat who then, after the creepiest damn birthday party I've ever seen, chases down the helpless little boy, slashes his face and buries him alive! 13 was not a lucky number for Billy... ::: I thought Felix Ward as the deliciously sinister villain was great! And not one other acting credit for him ever.. The setup is so epic and cool! Ancient, evil corpse-wizard residing in his abode of the damned, summoning up a mad menagerie of freakish demons to seek out and kill the group of unfortunates that are trapped in his funhouse of doom, orchestrating the fates of victims and a symphony of horrors like a well-played game of chess, all for the sake of resurrecting the idealised lady love who poisoned herself to escape him in the first place! The magnificently Gothic old mansion was a truly excellent setting for classic '80's terror. All the gloomy dark hallways and decrepit rooms make for one superbly nightmarish tone that's spiced-up by the beasties that are constantly appearing out of nowhere, creating a feeling of the unknown around every corner. Most of the cast were admittedly annoying and forgettable, making you wish that they'd just hurry up and die, which in this case was probably a good thing! And that doesn't even matter in a movie like this. That kind of low-budget acting just adds to the charm. The wannabe comedian with the sock puppet especially deserved to die horribly - he really does! Fabulously disgusting and detailed effects in that sequence. I did like the oh-so British "Adrienne."(such a bitch!) Her droll bad attitude was really funny in the bit where she's smoking a cigarette and bossing around her wimpy husband! The music that plays during the scene where she's fighting the snake gremlins is so strange and dramatic. And a very eerie and poignant scene is the one of her gruesome, stop-motion animation death via the electric tentacles of a wailing abomination. And then its unspeakable heart of darkness beats anew... Ha! The muckmen were so easy to kill! They were the easiest out of all the monsters to defeat. I wonder why they 'farted?' Maybe it was swamp gas escaping because they were made outta mud! Even if it's not scary, the silly noises make that part a guilty pleasure. I love the finale with the rocking music blaring as the blushing bride is chased through deep dark woods by the demonic zombie horde! Totally goes on forever, but it was the perfect, over-the-top punchline to the whole movie - creatures of the night, put your claws together!!! ::: Half the film is kind of serious, and the other silly. It's a soup of various horror concepts that somehow to me, all blend together into a joyously macabre work of dark wonder. And regardless of its faults "Spookies" delivers where it counts, maintaining a menacing and surreal tone of dread that keeps the viewer creeped-out until the bitter end. And I do so adore that bad ending! Everybody's freaking dead and buried, the snake survives and the princess is his unwilling prize for all eternity, and his black victory is complete! This picture has something of the old E.C. Grand Guignol magic about it. Cheesy at points, but overall an awesome *spooky* blast to watch! Bloody brilliant!!!
lost-in-limbo The first time I tried watching "Spookies" was on a rough looking ex-rental video tape and I barely got through the opening sequence due to its bad quality. So in the bin it went, and my hunger for seeing it only grew. Until recently I luckily happened upon a DVD copy of it.A group of young adults driving around looking for a place to party stumble across old mansion in the woods. Unknowingly to them it's occupied by an evil sorcerer and one by one they're picked off to help revive his dead bride."Spookies" is downright crazy, senseless and spontaneous low-rent 80s sludge, which is so goofy it's too much fun to pass up. Everything about it is hysterical. I guess you just have to go with its unhinged tone and take it as a creaky haunted house ride, where you don't know what awaits you at every turn. Since it's a patchwork of two films, some executed passages might be clunky and never truly capture its imaginative concept and ideas, but at least the original (but not perfect) screenplay makes for an enjoyable, if confounded monster mash. While heavy on things going on, the short running time breezes by until it comes to it's somewhat eccentric, but dragged out climax. Also it breathes some striking atmospheric touches and positional placements -- especially the use of lighting within the creepy rundown mansion. What I did like is that while it can seem silly, still it has a cruel, grim side that's perfectly pitched by the opening sequences involving a young teenage boy.Although where it actually caught me off guard, was with its use of visual effects and make-up FX. The low-budget shows within the set-designs and props, but the creations (a whole bunch of ghouls) and effects (optical lights and splitting heads) are vividly creative and extremely well delivered. Not so the erratic music score… talk about random and kooky. But then again it should fit its style. The performances are gawkily over-the-top (with Felix Ward taking top honours) or woodenly blank with the typical character fodder evident, but the script while amusing remains muffled and daft.Cheapjack, but mindlessly entertaining 80s horror comedy, where anything goes.
BA_Harrison If Spookies feels like the result of two separate unfinished movies badly edited together to create a full length feature, there's a very good reason for that: it is. The film was patched together from an incomplete horror entitled Twisted Souls and some unrelated footage shot at a later date.However, despite this fairly valid reason for being crap, one can't help but feel that, even if Twisted Souls had been completed according to its creator's original vision, it still would have been total garbage: the acting is dire; the basic set-up is highly derivative, being very reminiscent of several much better films such as The Evil Dead and Night of The Living Dead; and the effects are extremely amateurish.Attempting to follow the story amounts to a fairly pointless exercise, since nothing really makes much sense: the muddled plot sees a group of revellers travelling to a creepy old manor house where they inexplicably find themselves battling for survival against zombies, monsters, a lovesick ghoul, his man\cat pet thing, farting muck-men, a possessed woman, a grim reaper with red eyes, a spider/woman, and a couple of ugly kids. Furthermore, what sounds like it might still be a lot of fun, despite the iffy narrative, is actually incredibly dull.For some reason, this film seems to have gathered something of a cult following, and has some surprisingly positive comments here on IMDb. It's a strange old world.
Tikkin As cheesy as Spookies is, and as much as I love cheesy horror flicks, I didn't particularly enjoy this one at all. It just didn't grab me and seemed very flat and dull. How can you get bored whilst watching a cheesy monster flick, I hear you cry. Well, I don't know the answer, but I was. I just didn't like the 'style' of the whole film, it seemed too cheesy and was also too dark to see things properly. There seemed to be a lot of stalking about in the house which was tedious. There was also some guy controlling the monsters babbling on about nonsense, and I couldn't really follow what was going on.Some people will dig this, but it's not for me. Only recommended to those who love cheesy monster movies.