R | 30 July 2005 (USA)
Bloodsuckers Trailers

A captain leads a team of commandos searching for vampires in the universe.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Vomitron_G Damn, this actually was a lot more fun than I expected it to be! Seriously, if you don't like this, then you're either way too serious or you should just stick to watching Gus Van Sant movies and never visit the modest-budget horror-genre again. "Bloodsuckers" is very tongue-in-cheek. Humanity has moved to outer space, and found out that it's inhabited by lots of vampires. Even different sorts and races of vampires (for example: there are Voorhees and Leatherfaces, so that might give you a hint as to not take it all too seriously). There's a lot of bloodshed and mild gore in this flick (which surprised me, because it seems like this film was made for TV). It's basically some sort of cross between Josh Whedon's "Serenity" and John Carpenter's "Vampires", but yes, of course with a little tighter budget. Michael Ironside is in it too. Though he only has a small roll as a vampire-leader, he really is quite enjoyable, as always. And Natassia Malthe is HOT as hell as the Goth-babe/Half-vampire Quintana! Just beware a little bit of my rather high 7/10 rating. This isn't a prime example of excellent indie-film-making (even if made for TV) and it's not as good as the two aforementioned movies. But when you're going into this one with the right mindset, then you just might have a whole heap of fun with it.
cyclone259 I'd passed this title 15 or 20 times while in Blockbuster, looking for something halfway decent to watch. All I can say is that they were all out halfway decent films the night I chose to rent this.I will give it credit for being leaps and bounds better than "Dracula 3000", but in actuality that's pretty easy to say since this one DIDN'T have Caper Van Dien in it. The other things it lacked in spades were: an interesting cast, interesting story, good dialog and originality, but I suppose you can't have everything.***SPOILERS AHEAD*** The misfit crew of vampire hunters (one of which was a vampire... go figure) flew around from mining colony to mining colony trying to wipe out all the vampires it could find. The crew consists of: the cocky, ne'er-do-well captain (who dies early on), his by-the-book, yet inexperienced first mate, the aforementioned vampire vampire hunter (not a typo), a wannabe cowboy and a REALLY, REALLY butch Asian commando, "tough guy" female... it almost sounds like the cast for MTV's 'The Real World'. After the captain dies in a violent confrontation with a mob of bloodsuckers (and as it turns out, lovers of the finer parts of human anatomy) his first mate takes over... blah, blah, blah... everyone hates him... blah, blah, blah... I could go on, but as I said it's the same storyline used in about a hundred other 'films' of the genre.The effects were cheese and why Michael Ironside was in this movie is beyond me. The vampire vampire hunter (still not a typo) was pretty hot, but of course if you're waiting for her to expose more than just her cleavage, look elsewhere.I can't say that it was the worst film I've seen, as I actually rented 'Starship Troopers 2', but wait for this one to come on the Sci-Fi Channel.
danthewrestlingmanorigin Man I must say when I saw the trailer I was excited. Futuristic soldiers, taking on bad ass Vampires led by genre vet Michael Ironside....In Space. I mean I wasn't expecting high art, but It looked like a potential B movie classic. This was no doubt a TV pilot, reedited some time later into a feature film, after it wasn't picked up. Alright I'll start with the films few good points, the action was competent for a lower budgeted film, and the CGI and locations used were passable. Now onto the bad, first off Michael Ironside was barley in this, and his performance here....well it was cheesy not in a good way. But as I said he wasn't in it much anyways, so I can't blame him. One thing that was really stupid, was the PETA type group for Vampires', no I'm not joking, it's the dumbest most unbelievable thing I've seen in along time, and it's taken seriously. Also this film commits one of the major B movie sins, it teases a lesbian scene, and doesn't deliver. Most of all what sinks this film is nothing really happens. Since it was meant to be a pilot the script is almost nonexistent and it doesn't have a regular ending. Even the main villains, only come in towards the end. If ever a movie needed to up the Sleaze and gore factor, it's Vampire Wars. In closing I will say the main crew on the spaceship, were all very capable actors and could very well put this mess behind them, and go on to bigger and better things. They just had nothing to work with here.
stormruston This is no Blade and Star wars cross, but being a movie thats whole budget would have been less then Darth Vader's wardrobe cost its pretty darn good.This is a B movie and I knew that when I bought it, it surpassed my expectations and gave me 90 or so minutes of amusement.The acting ranged from passable at worse to good. Micheal Ironsides was so over the top it was like watching live theater! Natassia Malthe is nice eye candy and had a great wardrobe( skin tight and sexy).The special effects were not that great, but they did not ever remove you from the movie by being super bad. Completely acceptable for a B movie.(well the hand puppet was a stretch but otherwise...) The gore was great, there was lots of it and it was a blast to watch.Someone mentioned a cross between Buffy and firefly( a good review) I agree only think with more edge and darker.This one is a winner for B movie buffs.