PG | 01 March 1978 (USA)
Laserblast Trailers

Happy go-lucky teen Billy Duncan discovers an otherworldly laser gun in the southern California desert, making him the target of a pair of aliens who had recently executed its previous owner.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Michael Ledo The credits roll in neon green with constant reminders this is a Charles Band film, so you know its gotta be good. It seems some claymation ETs left behind a weapon that is more of a fire blaster than say a laser blaster. It fits on the right arm and blasts things setting them on fire, eat your heart out Bruce Campbell. Billy Duncan (Kim Milford) stumbles upon it in the desert and learns to master it, as it takes over him.The film is campy and cheesy, but fails to be entertaining in that aspect. This is Eddie Deezen's first acting credit.Guide: No f-bombs. Near sex. Near nudity.
arsonistheway This movie is definitely hard to talk about. There is some character development for the main character. It is terrible but better than nothing. There are a lot of cool scenes of this guy just firing a laser, and that is why you are here and why this movie is so enjoyable. The film also has an odd tendency to show every explosion from every possible angle. There are some cool looking aliens that are done with some nice practical effects. There are some long unsubbed dialogue scenes with the aliens but you are too busy enjoying the cool effect that you don't care and what they are saying is pretty easy to figure out. Most of the time you are just looking at the background to see something strange, laughing at how bad the film is, or waiting for the movie to show you something cool. I enjoyed it a lot, but if I would feel guilty if I gave it more than a five.
WakenPayne Let me see where do I begin, oh this is tough... How about the Aliens they speak in a language nobody can understand and this movie didn't have subtitles over the dialogue, who the hell knows what they're saying? Now the characters the characters go nowhere, let me explain the movie sets up these characters we don't want to know and as the plot unravels the characters feel like you could take as many of the characters (except the main antagonist) as you want out of the movie and still leave with the same result.Another point about the film the lead character of the film is the antagonist which in the end we're left with no hero of the story who tries to stop him besides the antagonist's girlfriend (which the relationship goes nowhere see another example of characters going nowhere) who doesn't know anything about it until the last half hour of the movie.I have another question what was the Dirty Harry look-alike doing in this movie, he was sent to do something but we don't know what, investigates the antagonist's aftermath with lasers then when the antagonist is killed by the aliens he does nothing, it's gonna take me a while to figure that out.There are irrelevant scenes in this movie but I guess by reading my review you already know that.The only good thing that came out of this is the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Episode.If there are any aspects of this movie you saw that I didn't mention what I focus on is the question "was it entertaining?" No.
garyvanhorn Laserblast occupies the absolute bottom rung of film. There is absolutely nothing to like, and I do mean Nothing. To call the acting sub-par would be a massive understatement and the plot would have been much stronger if it had been held together with shoestrings and chewing gum. I would never choose to watch this film for any reason if it wasn't being lampooned by MST3K. The MST3K version is absolutely hysterical though, so at least this poorly thought-out disaster of a film served some higher purpose. The best parts are where you can actually see members of the film crew and cameras, so much for editing I guess. This movie came out the year I was born and if I were the superstitious type I would consider it a bad omen. If you are given the choice between torture and seeing this film I would strongly recommend you at least consider the torture, the film is really that bad.