Freaks of Nature
Freaks of Nature
R | 30 October 2015 (USA)
Freaks of Nature Trailers

In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombie-have to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Thomas Clement (Mr. OpEd) Oren Uziel has confused F-bombs for dialog. Admittedly, some of the actors may have been allowed to ad-lib profanity here and there, but it all quickly added up to the point where that's all we heard. No one I know talks like this and I live in Los Angeles!Loved the premise. Usually like zombie/vampire/alien movies, but this was tooooo much to put up with. Turned it off after 15 minutes.
Seth_Rogue_One The first 7 minutes or so when I watched it, it felt like a poor spoof film (of Twilight and a bunch of other flicks) so I really wasn't getting into it at all as I really am not a fan of spoof flicks (at least the ones they do these days).But I decided to give it another go and although a lot of jokes (of which in some scenes every line of dialogue is one) fall flat (the ratio of funny jokes for me would probably be about 1 out of 10) once the action kicks off it still gets rather amusing.It helps that it moves at a fast pace so you can't focus too much on the flaws.Teenagers cracking jokes and battling various monsters seem to been a very popular subject in film in 2015 and if you loved DEATHGASM (2015), THE FINAL GIRLS (2015) and SCOUTS GUIDE TO THE APOCALYPSE (2015) I'm sure you will at the very least like this one as they are pretty similar.
mchambers333 People love to give horror comedies a bad rap, thinking that they're unholy bastard children of two unrelated genres. The Wayans Brothers almost single-handedly made this sub-genre synonymous with terrible writing. Freaks of Nature is different. The writing is great throughout, it's legitimately funny and has some great casting. The plot is thoroughly original. It balances coming of age, high school cliques, zombies, vampires, pot heads, aliens, battle scenes, a bit of sports, and more (to avoid spoilers). Bonus for Patton Oswald. Best of all the fights and "kills" don't skimp at all on the blood splatter and surprise. They took a little license with traditional zombie norms of intelligence, but it makes them work.
goofyninja First off, screw the naysayers. This is an uproarious, fun flick. A real blast start to finish. I'm surprised that a link hasn't been established with a similar, recent film "Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse.". As great as that film was, FON surpasses it in every way. The premise is genius. A town comprised of Zombies, Vampires and Humans. Our protagonists are 3 teens whose back stories are intertwined, and yes each of them are social outcasts in their own way. Their peaceful little town (and this isn't really a spoiler, since it's on the DVD box) suddenly gets invaded by aliens and that's when the fun starts. It was great to see Patton Oswald and Kegan Michael Key in their prospective roles serving up the laughs. And Josh Fadem who plays Ned steals the show in my estimation. Keep in mind that it does have an R rating, and while the concept might sound like a horror movie, there are no jump scares, and the movie plays out more like a action comedy. Blood and gore abound, but you'll be too busy laughing to feel squeamish. I just finished watching this, and I'm already wanting to see it again. That's how great it is. A most fantastic way to waste 90 min.