Redneck Zombies
Redneck Zombies
R | 14 February 1989 (USA)
Redneck Zombies Trailers

A barrel of radioactive waste is lost out in the woods. Some demented rednecks find it and use it as part of their still. Everybody who drinks from the liquor they produced turns into a zombie.

ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Nonureva Really Surprised!
pammiepam How can you watch a movie called Red Neck Zombies expecting anything but dumb? It is corny, low budget, tacky and not pc in any way and I LOVE IT! The tobacco man, zombie redneck baby, big gay hillbilly, what's not to like?This is one of the movies I can watch over and over again. The first time I saw it was shortly after it's release and I've watched it once every year or two since then.This movie, Bad Taste and the voice over of Night of Living Dead are entertaining no thought required pure enjoyment. I recently lost my copy and I'm hoping I'll be able to find a replacement.
Michael_Elliott Redneck Zombies (1987) ** 1/2 (out of 4)With a title like this you know only Troma could be behind it. A barrel of toxic waste falls out of a military truck and is found by some rednecks who accidentally put it in their moonshine. They pass the stuff around town and soon all of the white trash are craving human flesh. Once again, those seeking high art are best to stay away from this thing but those who enjoy dumb entertainment should find plenty crammed into the 88-minutes of this thing. Like most Troma films this one here is an equally opportunity offender as just about every race gets made fun of and we get all sorts of humor ranging from gays to even baby zombies. The film certainly isn't mean spirited but what makes it so funny is that the filmmakers are obviously fans of the genre due to all the homages scattered throughout but they're also smart enough to know what type of film they're making. There's nothing worse than sitting through a bad, no-budget movie with filmmakers thinking they're making the next CITIZEN KANE. Here, on the other hand, we're treated to a bunch of dumb laughs and I must admit that I found the majority of the redneck humor funny. Take for example the redneck moonshiner and his three weird sons. One of them, Billy Bob, is turning gay and wants to be called Elle May. Another example is a trailer trash mom who allows her baby to play in the washer and gives him moonshine in his bottle. We get all sorts of dumb rednecks but also on hand are a wide range of campers who soon run into the zombies. The politically incorrect humor doesn't shy away from this group as we get a Mexican who does nothing but drink, a nerd constantly changing his clothes and then of course another dumb redneck. The gore level is shockingly quite high here as all of the murders are rather graphic and it's clear that the majority of the film's budget went towards special effects. The gore and flesh are constantly flowing and I must admit that this stuff is a lot better looking than the CGI crap we get today. The film pays homage to countless movies including a very funny take on the Hitch-hiker from THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE. We also get other goofs on the Three Stooges, THE WIZARD OF OZ< COOL HAND Luke, DAY OF THE DEAD and of course DELIVERANCE. Everything in this movie is technically bad but at the same time it's obviously done on purpose and in the end it succeeds in being entertaining. REDNECK ZOMBIES offers up exactly what the title says all done in Troma style.
esparks-5 I love this movie. I have seen it a few times, and it actually gets better each time. If you don't like this movie, then you just don't get it. If you want to bitch about effects, camera work and actors because you only watch big budget flicks, don't watch this movie. If you have an open mind and can watch a movie for what it is and just get it, watch this movie. Pericles did a great job with this movie and I secretly have my fingers crossed that there will be a sequel. As another reviewer and lover of this gore and giggle filled flick said "this movie is SUPPOSED to be's supposed to be's supposed to be stupid and cheap and lame. That is its purpose. Deal with it, or don't watch." Not too mention the fact that my favorite character Tobacco Man made me quit smoking. He is my hero.Go grab a cold one and watch this movie damn it!
Red-Barracuda This is a typical Troma film. It's unashamedly artless and trashy. It's full of dumb humour and gore. If you take it for what it is, you could have a good time. I did.The story, such as it is, involves a family of retarded rednecks who stupidly drink and distribute toxic waste throughout their hillbilly community. The toxic waste turns the victims into redneck zombies. Add to the mix a group of campers who are terrorised by these drooling imbeciles.If you've seen a Troma film you'll both know what to expect and what not to expect. What you get is bad acting, artless photography, dumb humour and tasteless violence. What you don't get is sophisticated and atmospheric fare with subtle and considered performances from a talented cast. Redneck Zombies falls firmly into the former category. But unlike some films of this type, it's quite amusing at times and agreeably trashy. It even has a reasonably original and disturbing character – the tobacco man; he's like an evil hillbilly elephant man.If you've had a hard day and your brain is full then you could give this a go. It's utter trash but doesn't pretend to be otherwise. In the right frame of mind, you might even have a good time.