R | 11 August 2006 (USA)
Wilderness Trailers

Juvenile delinquents are sent to a small British island after a fellow prisoner's death, where they must fight for survival.

Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Leofwine_draca Hot on the heels of the horror comedy SEVERANCE comes WILDERNESS, a similarly-themed low-budget British movie about a bunch of people on a remote Scottish island who are being picked off one by one by a camouflaged maniac. Bearing many similarities to DOG SOLDIERS in terms of dialogue, gore effects, and the always-welcome presence of Sean Pertwee, despite its predictability and lack of originality, WILDERNESS rocks! An engaging script, plenty of action, and some creepy isolated locales make this flick a winner, and it's also a genuinely exciting film with people fighting for their lives against an unknown oppressor.The movie benefits from the usual clichés that arise when people are stranded somewhere remote; it's all about group dynamics, and watching the characters fall apart or become leaders is always engaging. The acting from the young cast is surprisingly decent, with lots of stand out performances with Toby Kebbell's mad hero taking the honours. And, of course, with this being a modern horror film, it's very gory stuff despite a 15 certificate. Legs and heads are severed, there's a pack of vicious dogs that tear people to shreds (Sean Pertwee never has much luck, does he?) and things culminate with a nasty knife vs. axe fight which makes for really vicious viewing. Lean, pared down, and offering all the splattering you could ever want from an intense horror outing, WILDERNESS does just what it says on the tin – and for that it deserves top marks.
Matt Kracht The plot: After a youth offender is driven to suicide from bullying, his bunkmates are forced to go on a team-building exercise on an isolated island. However, they soon discover that they're not alone.Wilderness is a pretty obvious mash-up of themes borrowed from various sources: the island location, lack of adult supervision, and sadistic bullying of Lord of the Flies; the man vs man conflict of The Most Dangerous Game, as well as its hunter antagonist and island location; the revenge setup of Friday the 13th and countless other slashers; the survival horror of Deliverance; and "Broken Britain" thrillers about despicable, violent youths. There are also hints of other slasher and survival horror films, but, unlike some reviewers, I think Dog Soldiers and Battle Royale are kind of stretching it. So, obviously, the themes are not unique, and they have been dealt with in other media extensively. What makes this film worth watching? For me, it wasn't the plot, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.I'm not a big fan of teenage slashers. I got my fill back in the 1980s, and Scream did nothing to reinvigorate the genre for me. However, I liked the director's previous film, Deathwatch, and I'll never turn down an opportunity to watch Sean Pertwee in a low budget horror film. The cast ended up surprising me, because I thought some of them did a good job. The characterization was at times a bit minimalist, but it was put the good use. Steve, the main antagonist among the teens, was thoroughly despicable and the sort of character that you love to hate. He was played to perfection as a violent coward, and it's difficult to imagine how this film would have been memorable in any way without him. Unlike Deathwatch, the pacing is fairly brisk, and the writing is straightforward. The gore is, at times, comically gratuitous, but it avoids devolving into the torture porn that sometimes accompanies post-Saw survival horror (such as Rest Stop). Still, there are a few good SFX scenes that might stick with you for a day or two.Overall, it's a fairly enjoyable example of teenage survival horror, but it doesn't really pretend to be anything more than that. There are some interesting ideas about revenge vs justice, punishment vs rehabilitation, and the culpability of authority figures in teenage bullying, but none of them are given nearly as much attention as the melodramatic teenage drama. The gore might be too infrequent to satisfy true gorehounds, yet excessive enough to alienate some squeamish viewers. If none of this scares you off, I suggest you give this film a chance. It's not great, but it's enjoyable enough.
deatman9 This movie was not all bad but it really was not what I expected. I was hoping more for a lord of the flies/battle royal kind of feel to it and what I got was entirely different. The acting was good and there was some pretty intense moments though.This movie is about a group of boys in juvenile hall who tease another inmate until the point of suicide. So as the punishment the warden sends them off with a guard to live on an deserted island. As the boys are walking around they soon discover they are not alone.Overall it was not that bad of a movie I mean a lot of people seem to like it but it really didn't do it for me. I wish they had went another way with it and if they had I think it would have turned out much better.
DaveCooper It must be said, that if you can take a few good young up and coming actors, and pair them with a couple of solid older pro's, stick em' in a forest and chase them around, nine out of ten times you're going to get a pretty decent slasher. By no means is this film a seminal piece of work for anyone involved, and it barely registers on the radar in terms of top examples of the genre, but that said, this is an enjoyable ride. The young actors do well to flesh out there characters, given the limited information we are given. These kids are all borstal rejects who have committed violent crimes and as such do well to get us to care about their fates. Toby Kebbell shows us the early promise which he is now beginning to fulfill, and Sean Pertwee is always good value but it's Steven Wight who steals the show with his nastiest of the nasties Steve. Some of the other actors fare less well, Ben Mckay is whiny and annoying, more so than the part requires and Stephen Don is horribly miscast as the father of one of the young boys at the borstal. For a low budget British effort though, this is fun and well executed, and should be a platform for everyone to do better work.