Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole
PG-13 | 16 December 2010 (USA)
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Life for a happy couple is turned upside down after their young son dies in an accident.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Rajeshkochar Excellent acting - mainly by Nicole and her mother. I especially loved the soothing calm and demeanor of the mom. It manages grief so very well, without being melodramatic (almost always).Story unfolds in an intriguing manner...cracks up gradually...with no jerks. You know whats going on, yet it looks interesting, not so predictable
zkonedog "Rabbit Hole" is not going to be a movie for everyone. It is "slow" by any standard, there isn't a lot of resolution present, and the tone is quite somber throughout. What the film does feature, however, are some of the best acting performances you will ever see, as well as a unflinching look at grief and how one couple try to cope with it.For a basic plot summary, "Rabbit Hole" focuses on Becca (Nicole Kidman) & Howie (Aaron Eckhart), a couple who lost their young son in a terrible accident. Each try to cope with that grief in their own way, with Becca turning to family--especially mother Nat (Dianne Wiest), who suffered a similar tragedy in the family--even when anger is the usual resolution, and Howie potentially finding solace in new group therapy partner Gabby (Sandra Oh). Becca also even goes so far as to stay in contact with Jason (Miles Teller), the perpetrator of the tragedy. Will they continue to drift apart, though neither of them truly want that to happen, or will they find some way to reconcile their grief and make things work?At some point in everyone's life, they will experience intense grief or a tragedy of some kind. Life makes this almost inevitable. After these tragedies occurs, there usually comes a point where life takes one of two paths: You either fully live within the grief, or you decide to try and move forward, even in small ways. That is what "Rabbit Hole" is all about. Becca & Howie are at that stage where "something needs to happen", yet neither person knows exactly what that is or how they should proceed. This makes for some incredible, emotional, and also rather difficult material throughout the movie.A film like this will either be made or broken by the acting performances, and fortunately they all shine here. In all honesty, this is some of the best acting I have ever seen on screen. Considering that the movie is only about 90-some minutes long, I consider it quite a feat that I was completely and utterly invested in the characters by the end. While it takes a good idea and a good script to do that too, just as much credit should be given to the emotional performances.Like all of us, I have experienced grief both myself and inside my family, and thus I found myself very much relating to what the principals here were going through. Grief is a confusing, sad, and confounding thing, which is why "Rabbit Hole" is so powerful and melancholy at the same time. I found that to be a fascinating and riveting mix.Overall, "Rabbit Hole" won't go down as one of my all-time favorite single films. Its scope isn't big enough for that. What I will remember it for, however, is its ability to accurately and emotional portray a realistic rendering of the grief and mourning process. If you don't mind a slower-paced film, and one filled with often conflicting emotions, "Rabbit Hole" will be a sort of unheralded gem for you to add to your film-watching experience.
billion_mucks Tragic piece "Rabbit Hole" is a character piece which centers on a grieving couple, and leaves some room for outsider interactions which in turn, become the most interesting plot subjects.No doubt both Echkart and Kidman pull the movie through: while the first is most passionate and fierce in his lamentations (and so more relatable) Kidman shines through little sickened gestures, boiling under the skin, irreparably broken. This performance is more subtle, and a little colder, so it may be harder to relate. Even so, her maternal instincts are plastered onto the figure of young Jason (Miles Teller), who looks like no teenager I know but keeps the grief motion in check and does a good job of looking battered down.In the end, the movie plays like an forced theatre piece that leaves little more than broken spirits, good performances and the always welcomed reminder that life sucks.
SnoopyStyle Becca (Nicole Kidman) and Howie Corbett (Aaron Eckhart) are holding it together after their son Danny is killed by teen driver Jason (Miles Teller). Her sister Izzy (Tammy Blanchard) is pregnant with her musician boyfriend. Izzy keeps rejecting her help like Danny's clothes. She's a former executive who feels lost. Tension rises between the couple about how to move on. Emotional eruptions occur especially against her mother Nat (Dianne Wiest). She starts connecting with Jason while Howie finds a confidant in group-participant Gabby (Sandra Oh).It's a bit slow sometimes. A lot of time, the tension exists below the surface until it blows up on the screen. Everybody is putting up a front. There is so much emotional tension that the eruptions actually feel liberating. Some of them bring out a nervous giggle. The acting is big time for everybody. Kidman, Eckhart, Wiest and Teller are all doing exceptional work.