PG-13 | 25 December 2009 (USA)
Nine Trailers

Arrogant, self-centered movie director Guido Contini finds himself struggling to find meaning, purpose, and a script for his latest film endeavor. With only a week left before shooting begins, he desperately searches for answers and inspiration from his wife, his mistress, his muse, and his mother.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
austrohungaro Just seen this movie in TV. Words to describe it? pretentious... and so boring. I was one of those who liked Chicago and I cannot imagine whatever happened into the director's mind to create such different musicals. To start with... the music is... awful. I happen to be very picky about musicals and this is the kind of easy plain American musical of the kind amateur companies do, and he songs are bad, the lyrics being simply ridiculous.The acting is good... even Cruz acts decently on it, but with that music and the European approach" of the director to the subject... there is no way they can save the movie.
BoyFabo First, I'd like to let you know the good things about this film:Well acted. It's not a surprise because all these well known stars are good and always have been. Penélope Cruz and Marion Cotillard give the best performances of the film, and of course Daniel Day-Lewis is a believable Guido.Nice musical numbers. The musical numbers are well acted too and have a good photography. Once again, Penélope Cruz and Marion Cotillard give the best dancing sequences, Dame Judi Dench is also very fun in hers and Fergie's voice shines in hers (she's the only one who's a singer). Good art direction and costume design.The bad things.Fergie's performance. She's clearly not an actress. It's not an awful performance, but she's below everyone else. Her best moment comes in her musical part when she shows that voice of hers, nobody sings as good as her. She's got a very little screen time, so don't let this make you not watch the film if you're interested.The screenplay. It's the only (and big) mistake of the film. It doesn't go anywhere since it's only some scene and then a musical number that don't make it advance at all. Without the musical numbers, the film would be like 40 minutes long.So... It's not a bad film, but it's mediocre, the musical numbers are the ones saving it from being a total bore. I'd recommend it if you like musicals and want to see all these good and beautiful actresses work with Daniel Day-Lewis who's also a very good actor. But don't even look at its poster if you want a good story to go along with the singing and dancing.
leplatypus This is one of the finest jewels in Hollywood crap crown! So much famous names, so much budget to shoot a stinker like this, it's amazing! There's absolutely no story as it's about a lousy director seeking inspiration! The music, songs are just horrible! The musical is poor as they kept using this dark roman arena and the dancing is just at the level of music videos now: lascivious girls jiggling. And for the cast, they found the exquisite idea to have them speak English but with a loud Italian accent, just to tell the movie happens in Italy ! Day-Lewis must be very shameful of his participation as he looks his feet, bent behind shades all the time. Fortunately, Penélope is here and brings the only good moments: she is truly the only one to show that's she's a fine dancer and a true actress...
dromasca There are many ways one can dislike Nine . For example trying to compare it with the films of Frederico Fellini, on whose figure the main character in the movie is based on. Or trying to compare it with Broadway musicals, as the one from the 80s on which the film is based upon. Fellini's films are unique, and by the time the great Italian director was making 8 1/2 Rob Marshall, the director of Nine was just born. Broadway musicals have their own laws of casting, of staging, of telling the story. The screen adaptation of a musical about the making of a film by Fellini is not a film of Fellini and not a Broadway musical. I liked Nine the movie, and here are my arguments.Nine is a musical about a film in a film. We are from the start introduced in the atmosphere with an opening song where the theme and the stars of the show are paraded on the kind of music that builds the entertaining score of the show. The sets are the ones in the Cinecita studios where the famous director Guido Contini prepares his next film. It is just that his film is not at all ready as the producer expects. The director's style of life is as chaotic as his manner of making movies. The personal history is a series of relations with women – from his mother (Sophia Loren, back on the big screens after many years of absence, still glamorous) to his wife, his lover, his inspiring actress, admirers, etc. Can he put all these relations together and make sense of his private life in order to focus on his art? Or maybe he is just destroying himself, and the people around him, especially the women he is involved with? I will just say that the result is entertaining and in my opinion does not make a bad service at all to the image of Fellini.I started by listing the reasons one can dislike Nine, but there are many reasons to like it as well. These include the presence on screen of stars like Sophia Loren, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Kate Hudson, Judy Dench. They all look beautiful, they all act, sing, dance and create characters that are distinct and expressive and find their right places in the story. But before all we have Daniel Day-Lewis. Let me say that Day-Lewis is an actor I admire but I do not necessarily love. Well, I may be starting the process of falling for him – as I absolutely adored his performance here. He is passionate, he is troubled, he fights with his past and Catholic upraising, he loves and sins, he is credible. However, my ultimate criteria of liking or disliking a film is whether it succeeds to create emotion. And yes, Nine succeeded to make me care for its heroes, made me remember Fellini and wish to see again his films, and it entertained me. On the IMDb scale it's a NINE.