Inside Deep Throat
Inside Deep Throat
NC-17 | 11 February 2005 (USA)
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In 1972, a seemingly typical shoestring budget pornographic film was made in a Florida hotel: "Deep Throat," starring Linda Lovelace. This film would surpass the wildest expectation of everyone involved to become one of the most successful independent films of all time. It caught the public imagination which met the spirit of the times, even as the self-appointed guardians of public morality struggled to suppress it, and created, for a brief moment, a possible future where sexuality in film had a bold artistic potential. This film covers the story of the making of this controversial film, its stunning success, its hysterical opposition along with its dark side of mob influence and allegations of the on set mistreatment of the film's star.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Dalbert Pringle Yes. As titillating and naughty as the subject of "hard-core" porn may be - I found "Inside Deep Throat" to be a decidedly "soft-core" documentary, on all counts.Instead of being all wet'n'juicy - This was a very dry and sanitized presentation. And, all that it did was lifelessly chronicle "Deep Throat" from its production, to its popularity, to its cult-status, to its inevitable battle with the self-righteous censors.You know, I've actually seen 1972's "Deep Throat" some years ago - And, if you ask me - It was, pretty much, just tiresome, z-grade garbage that didn't deserve (even one iota) all the attention that it got (and still gets).The only reason why this laughable film (about a woman whose clitoris was in her throat) has garnered so much undo attention for itself all comes down to the negative publicity that it's generated.You can be sure - Without all of this negative backlash, "Deep Throat" would have remained just another piffle-of-porn that would have quickly faded away into obscurity faster than an average ejaculation.Anyway - I don't completely write off this documentary as being a waste of time. It does contain some worthwhile moments. But, if you're expecting "Inside Deep Throat" to be a real hard-core production, then you are in for a big disappointment - 'Cause it's, pretty much, 90% talk-talk-talk, and, perhaps, 10% action.
Mr-Fusion Even if you've never actually seen the movie in question, you've heard of "Deep Throat". And the beauty of "Inside Deep Throat" is that the movie's place in American history is a fascinating story. For one, it's the most profitable movie ever made (it cost $250,000 and made 600 million), sparked national outrage and brought smut to the fore, was at one point banned in 23 states, and is probably the most iconic porn film in existence. And there are some riveting ins and outs to this tale; the mob ties, costar Harry Reems' exoneration due to Nixon's resignation, and the fact that the government led a moral crusade against this movie drove up interest to maddening heights. And what's hilarious is the prosecution's unbelievable ignorance during the trial. The documentary moves at a fast clip, with Dennis Hopper's assured narration. The interviews are insightful, archival footage a nice time capsule trip; it's well-produced, informative and surprisingly involving ... even if you're not a porn fan. 7/10
Michael_Elliott Inside Deep Throat (2005) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Wonderful documentary that takes a look at the making of Deep Throat and all the trouble that followed. I just watched the actual film earlier this year in order to see what all the controversy was about but the documentary did a great job showing it even if you haven't seen the actual movie. I wasn't too familiar with anything that went on so most of what was being said here was new to me and perhaps that's why it was so interesting. The fact that the government was fighting the film for being "harmful" plays out rather interesting in the final act of this film considering the effect it had on those involved with the movie.
vocal_warchild i am an unashamed porn fan, not in the sense that i sit around all the time watching th stuff, but in the sense that i find the people involved in the making and distribution of the stuff to be very interesting, if not somewhat shady and bizarre people but none the less they have a story to share that not many people can lay claim to and so i like to give any material broaching the subject, particularly in its formative years, a i haven't seen deep throat, and i don't really want to, if I'm going to watch people engaging in sexual acts i will buy something a little more intense and modern without all the premise of having a plot for arts sake. but this documentary is not about the film persae, it is about the people involved with it and how it affected their lives.we see and hear from a lot of people who's lives have been both positively and negatively affected by this film over the years and it gives the viewer an insight into what really makes these people get involved in the business to begin with, and surprisingly enough its not just the money as there wasn't much money in it for the actors as such back in the i suggest that anybody that has an interest in rights and freedoms should really watch this as it gives a deeper appreciation of these simple gifts that we have to live by today and are so readily taken for granted.if you like this kinda stuff also check out a film called Wadd which is about the life and death of john Holmes and also read How to make love like a porn star, the autobiography of Jenna Jameson.