Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
PG-13 | 24 April 2009 (USA)
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Follows three social outcasts -- two geeks and a cynic -- as they attempt to navigate a time-travel conundrum in the middle of a British pub. Faris plays a girl from the future who sets the adventure in motion.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
bowmanblue Ignoring Anna Faris' part in 'Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel' it's basically fair to say that the film was made with no major stars and even less of a budget. To claim that it's predictable may be a little unfair, but it probably won't surprise you too much. But that's not to say that it's not worth watching.Three British losers go to the pub and inadvertently get stuck in a time loop that will – no doubt – destroy life on the planet unless it's fixed. And, if you've seen the front cover, you may have read the tagline 'Shaun of the Dead meets Dr Who.' Yes, that's about it. I could almost leave the review there. That's pretty much all you need to know about it. It has the 'low budget' feel of an old (yes, not even the recent post-Christopher Eccelston) Dr Who interwoven with the lovable rogue kind of lads we rooted for in Shaun's zombie rom-com.In short, it relies on script over anything else. And the script isn't that bad. I've watched it twice now and, although nothing in it really made me laugh for a long time, there are enough chuckles in the banter between the three guys to make it worth watching. Plus if you're a fellow nerd (that's me, too – although the film points out that the 'n-word' is a way of keep us 'imagineers' down!) you'll probably get the multiple references to numerous science fiction films (Aliens and Flash Gordon being the two most notably ones).The acting is what you'd expect from three likable losers, although the 'love plot' when Anna Faris comes into it seems a little forced.Overall, if you like sci-fi, if you like script-driven humour over special effects and are forgiving on the 'made-for-TV' feel to the movie, then give it a go. It's the definition of 'cheap and cheerful' and it should just raise enough smiles to make it worth your while.
celestekent We've all seen indie films shot on a meager budget, or even complete failures due to an inadequate budget, but this film got the greatest possible bang for every buck of budget I can imagine.Plot and character melded well and if you don't ask too many questions, it holds together for a great ride. Yes in fact there are no questions and answers about Time travel so to speak, much less frequently asked questions.Chris O'Dowd, Marc Wootton, Dean Lennox Kelly all worked the action well and Anna Faris and Meredith MacNeil kept the mood light and the plot roiling This is definitely a keeper
Fortune_Sparkles This is a fun, entertaining movie not to be taken to seriously. It was very entertaining. A comedic take on time travel. I ran across it on Amazon Prime and it had a four star rating so I thought I'd give it a shot. Three average guys are in a pub, one of who just got fired; they are SciFi buffs talking about time travel end up wrapped up in a time travel debacle. I would not call it hilarious but it was fun. It's in the same Genre as Galaxy Quest. A light hearted romp through the SciFi time travel zone.Anna Faris plays in it. We all know and love her from the Scary Movies. She plays a small part but important to the movie. I really liked the Giant ant they threw in.
James Barker I didn't know what to expect when watching this, I read the two sentences of info at the top of the IMDb page and thought 'meh, why not'.Turns out it's actually a great little film! A lot of people have described it as Shaun of the Dead meets Doctor Who, which I'd say is quite accurate, possibly with a little touch of Memento added (In a good way), but if you haven't seen it don't assume it to be exactly that. I found this film creative in a way that a lot of films lack, it's constantly going in a different direction, and skillfully giving you plenty to keep you guessing, but not enough to make it obvious as to what's going on. There are few films that actually draw me into the plot enough to actually make me want to guess how the film will end, which I think is part of what makes this film special. I doubt this film will ever go down in history as a work of notable artistic merit, because personally I wouldn't say it deserves that title, however if you want to watch a lighthearted film that's got a great plot, you'll love this. The kind of film you'd recommend your mates when it pops into your head down the pub, sort of like I'm recommending it to you now :)
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