Stockholm, Pennsylvania
Stockholm, Pennsylvania
| 23 January 2015 (USA)
Stockholm, Pennsylvania Trailers

A young woman is returned home to her biological parents after living with her abductor for 17 years.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
edwagreen An absolutely brooding piece where a girl is returned home 17 years after her abduction.It's as if there is a brick wall standing between the girl and anyone she deals with. Hesitant but universally religious, she has this wall around here when she speaks and it appears that she is either in isolation or totally spaced out. Kept in a basement, she still harbors feelings for the man who abducted her and even goes so far to visit him in jail.Saiorise Ronan and Cynthia Nixon are both excellent as daughter and mother, respectively.The father is a more upbeat type and is much more optimistic than the Nixon character.You can actually feel the tension in the air, but you would want the film to break out more, possibly with other characters.
hyltonstark Great movie. Cynthia Nixon was outstanding as a mother who has become unbalanced since her daughter was kidnapped from a park some 15-20 years ago. Ronan was also very good as the emotionally blank girl who has been rescued and returned to her family. The mother, who lacks insight into her daughter's problems, tries desperately to reinstall the bond between them, but ironically, only reinforces the distance between them. These agonizing attempts at therapy also parallel the professional help that the young girl receives, in the sense that both therapies fail to bring the empathy and insight required to heal. This is a compelling movie. Only watch if you love slow, but powerful, drama.
meesho 20 Pros: The movie was well captivated, it kept you in wanting to know what was gonna happen next. At times your feeling for all the characters and at the same time trying to find which to connect with. It's realistic and genuine thanks to the actors performances. Cons: I honestly think with time the film started being a one track plot and did not account for all the layers it was producing at the beginning. Some elements were lost when the mother ends up being worse than her captor which I believe wouldn't happen as such unless the mother was already a messed up person which could be true adding to a realistic situation. The doctor wasn't concerned as much as one would be in real life unless again to add some realism they ended up with a doctor who just wants to put in their hours and go home with that 9 to 5 attitude. In all: my cons were along the lines of critique personally... where there were nuances of dislike I easily found a way to ignore it or justify it in order to follow the story, the ending was intense and could not be truly felt by only watching that part, the whole build up to that point makes for one of the best endings I've seen in a film, a television film at that... because of that ending it was awesome.
loueymc This movie is very well acted by all of the cast. It was interesting to see how people can cope in the aftermath of someone's child being abducted, then many years later having them return and how they deal with this. Saoirse Ronan and Cynthia Nixon both have very strong parts, one is dealing with having to leave the only 'home' that she has known, having being brought up with a man who has brainwashed her with lies from a very young age, therefore knows no other truth, but also shows a caring side to her-therefore she develops a strong connection to her kidnapper, so feels as though she has been torn away from the only life she has ever known, even if it was all lies given by someone unstable. She then is taken back to her parents, who she does not know and clearly feels uncomfortable around them, this understandably is very difficult for all three of them. However, I must object to how the Mother deals with the situation completely, rather than giving her time that she obviously needs to form a connection with her parents at her own pace, her Mother basically just does the same thing the kidnapper did and tries to force a connection on her. And all due to the fact that not only does she not have the patience to allow nature to take it's course, behave selfless and be capable of putting her Daughter's feelings first, be understanding to her feelings and needs...but she also teaches her that 'love' means to lock someone you care about in a room, giving food and water on a schedule, ordering them to do things without a choice, keeping her locked away from any other people, tying a rope around her arm so she does not try to run away, therefore establishing no trust whatsoever and ultimately forcing her to create her own little escape. As difficult a situation something like this would be, no Mother should do any of those things and certainly not one who knows that she has already had that done to them. I do recommend giving this movie a watch, as they all played very well in it