Girl Walks Into a Bar
Girl Walks Into a Bar
R | 07 March 2011 (USA)
Girl Walks Into a Bar Trailers

A sharp-witted comedy that follows a group of apparent strangers in interlocking stories taking place in ten different bars during the course of one evening throughout Los Angeles.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Ed-Shullivan I was really looking forward to watching this movie as the cast was in my opinion just filled with many of those near "A" star type actors that just really never get the credit that they so long deserve. One of my favourite under rated actors is Robert Forster and he did not disappoint me in his role as a guy named Dodge. Dodge first appears half way in to the film and he is the father of a son and a daughter. His son is a grifter named Henry played by Aaron Tveit, and his daughter is a stripper named Teresa played by Emmanuelle Chriqui. It would appear that Henry has learned his trade as a Grifter, from his dad Dodge, and his sister Teresa is not too fond of how their daddy has earned his living.Carla Gugino is the main star of the film and the only constant character throughout the film. She plays a private eye named Francine Driver who is working undercover as a purported hit lady who is hired by a dentist named Nick played by Zachary Quinto to kill his wife. Unfortunately for Francine after successfully capturing on tape a clear confession by Nick the dentist to kill his wife, Francine runs in to the handsome young grifter named Henry played by Aaron Tveit who picks her purse. Henry steals Francine's wallet and the video recording of the dentist's confession that he wants his wife murdered and is willing to pay $20K for the (phony) hit lady to complete the job.So the story line does sound interesting doesn't it? Unfortunately as Francine is seen travelling from bar to bar in search of the grifter Henry who stole her tape recording we are subjected to far too much irrelevant rhetoric from a cast of characters that just went on about nothing. This is where I felt the movie had lost me, and although adding bona fide actors like Rosario Dawson and Gil Bellows should have made the film more intriguing, I felt the film went flat.I was hoping for more of an entertaining story as the entire film takes place in a series of bars with characters that somehow intertwine. When you have stars such as Danny DeVito, Josh Hartnett, Xander Berkeley, Zachary Quinto, Carla Gugino, Gil Bellows, and Rosario Dawson, a viewer just expects more from the movie. As an example, I cannot say enough about the fine film Dinner Rush which starred Danny Aiello, and also took place entirely in a restaurant bar. Now Dinner Rush was just an awesome film which I am sure to watch again. As for A Girl Walks In To A Bar, the title is a misnomer, since the girl in question Francine Driver, walks in to a number of bars and I walked out of the film being very much short changed. I gave it a 4 out of 10 rating and that is based on two strong performances by Robert Forster and Carla Gugino, otherwise my rating would have been lower.
zif ofoz This is a quirky sort of comedy suspense story with twist and turns in plot. Easy to watch and be entertained by.The story starts with one mission for Kim and ends with her accomplishing something altogether different. At the end she is happy.This is not a movie to make you think. It's about a girl on a mission and what happens in pursuit of her 'changing' goal.Lite entertainment for an easy evening of TV watching ... that's about all it is. But its well done and I enjoyed the steely personality of Kim.Just don't analyze the story - it's for laughs only!!
witz-2 I had never heard of this movie before. I needed another movie for my BOGO. I noticed the cast and it description seemed interesting enough. Besides it has Emmanuelle Chriqui. I had not seen her in anything other than Entourage.I did like the cinematography.This felt like a game of "telephone" where the phrase just gets passed from one scene to the next and it keeps losing more of its original meaning with each scene. I usually like interlocking stories, but this one had just too many stories and loosely interlocking aspects.If this was sold as a comedy, they missed the mark by a mile. Almost no one in this movie was having fun. I did like the lead in scene with Rosario Dawson. You wondered why in the world people were just taking off and handing over their clothes to her. Somehow, the scene, once they got beyond the curtain could have been played funnier.If you want a good comedy about late night bar related activity, then check out "After Hours" with Griffin Dunne, Teri Garr, Cheech and Chong and others. That movie succeeds in some many of the places that this one fails.
Jimmy Collins So this movie is free, which is kinda strange, it's cool but I do hope that it doesn't become a common thing because I personally think a movie like this would be better enjoyed in a big screen. Anyway it is still a pretty decent movie, it boasts an amazing cast including the always awesome Rosario Dawson and the effortlessly cool Carla Gugino, the fact that this movie is free and it has such an amazing cast is very impressive.The storyline is fun and easy to watch, the intertwining story lines follow in from each other seamlessly and the dialogue is quite witty at times, (is it true that Mexican men love cunnilingus?). The only thing that let's this movie down is the lack of any type of soundtrack, music adds so much to a film and it would have been great to hear some cool indie tunes throughout this movie, but I suppose the budget has to be considered in cases like this.I think that the writer director could do something really great if given the right budget and, I'm sure in the future we will see some cool things from this guy. Lets just hope he is able to attract as excellent a cast as what he has in this movie. So yeah if you're looking for an easy watch with a few laughs, great characters and excellent dialogue then check this out.Kind of like 200 Cigarettes minus the 80's setting. Fun times. :)