Sinister 2
Sinister 2
R | 21 August 2015 (USA)
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A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
beorhhouse Depends on what you're looking for, but I, for one, am not at all into jump-scares, snuff films, and evil dead children. Living evil children, sure. But dead? It's not theologically possible. In any case, if you like the present-day Slasher Horror trend, you'll love this bit of Derrickson schwag. (His best was The Exorcism of Emily Rose.) This one ratchets up pretty high over the first installment, even giving the viewer a handful of unnecessary expletives and misogynistic terms from both psychopathic husband and soon-to-be-psychopathic son. I was raised on magazines like Creepy and Eerie, so there's not too much I didn't see before I reached my teenage years. Somehow, though, live action makes things that much more grittier and terrible than black-n-white, if well-drawn, comic stories. Only watch this one if you like fast-paced, jump-scare-filled, well-acted stories filled with "people having bad days."
leo_pcolle Terrible end... two adults running away from a kid.... please...
MJB784 I was disappointed. It was just ok. The movie had a few jolts, but it wasn't as interesting because the family was boring and it was also a custody movie about the abusive father taking the kids away from his ex-wife. It was very weird watching both a heartfelt drama about an abusive father and an evil creature wanting to take a child away and kill the family. I realized it's especially hard to make a sequel to Sinister because he's just going to haunt another family, take children and can't die.
farchettiensis To be brief, I will say that this is a different breed of movie than its prequel. Mediocre at best, while the level of violence seems to have increased, this a terrible horror flick and a bad movie. The drama is centered around a family conflict - a mother who has run away from her violent husband in order to protect her children. The husband is relentless is his pursuit for his children. Meanwhile, the vulnerable mother meets former sheriff deputy "so and so", with whom she develops a connection of a sort. This plot is almost independent of the Bughul subplot. It's almost an excuse rather than a genuine plot. Therefore, most of the movie feels artificial; emotions are not genuine. The first movie had the excellent acting of the protagonist (and the movie pretty much centers around him), whereas this one has a goofy former deputy and a troupe of cruel ghost-children. In general, it's not just the acting that has gone down a notch, but the very denouement of such an artificial, extremely clichéd plot made the acting feel much worse than it really was. For me, besides the attempt to create faux emotions, using violence as an instrument to shock, rather than a good story, one of the worst things of this movie was that it was effectively "dumbed down". It abused of the characters to communicate the entire mystery of the Bughul entity. With no mystery, there is no horror. This is why they had to recur to more violence, increased apparitions of supernatural figures (remember in the first movie when you hardly ever saw the Bughul?) to create reactions you can't create by doing a good, intelligent movie.There's nothing "dark" and disturbing in this movie. The word "disturbing" is what comes to my mind when I think of the first movie; not for this one, in spite of the use of some similar resources. I'm horror movie veteran, so I'm not easily shocked by gore. I don't mind the clever use of film-making resources to create an atmosphere, to elicit emotional responses, and so on. But, if that's all there is to it, then there really isn't much at all.The movie is watchable. It's not a good horror movie; it doesn't have any of the attributes of a good horror movie. It's a poor excuse for a sequel. 4/10.