The Atticus Institute
The Atticus Institute
NR | 20 January 2015 (USA)
The Atticus Institute Trailers

In the early 1970s, Dr. Henry West creates an institute to find people with supernatural abilities. When Judith Winstead comes to the facility, she exhibits amazing abilities that the military wants to turn into a weapon.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
murdermanmat Went in not expecting much but was pleasantly surprised.Acting was quite good and believableOne of the better mocumentries
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."The Atticus Institute" (2015) is a very bad movie. It's not a horror (there isn't a single scare scene), it some kind of thriller told in mostly in old footage and pictures. Nothing works here to create some interesting story or mood. Acting is bad, especially by lead actress. It's surprising that this picture was created by Chris Sparling, who once wrote a near masterpiece "Buried".Overall, "The Atticus Institute" is so bad it's not even funny. Although there is one hilarious scene with priest in gas mask - truly funny moment. It's not scary, not interesting, and at running time 1 h 19 min this movie drags beyond believe. Skip this stuff, it's not worth of your time.
Dimitris Koskinas This could have been a good movie. They have the cast, they have adequate budget from what I see, HOWEVER, they had a poorly structured script, attempting to create a scary "documentary". The result was a boring, "flat", emotionless and BORING movie. Me, as a viewer, did not manage to feel any sympathy for any of the protagonists, since they were only been interviewed like it was "the news at 10". So, when they start falling like flies it is more likely that you'll be cheering for the demon (who seems quite cool) than the boring humans... Like I said, the general idea of the movie was not bad. The typical possession followed by many killings. It was something we have seen many times in other movies, and it is always great to see a good possession movie as long as it is scary and well made ! But this wan not one of the good ones...
bowmanblue 'The Atticus Institute' is a documentary. Only it isn't. It's one of those films that is shot like one, yet scripted – I think they call them a 'mockumentary.' I've seen the genre before and they can be pretty entertaining; normally they're quite funny and this one is supposed to be scary. It's about the first 'government sponsored' institute which studies the paranormal. The story is about the facility's first 'genuine' patient with paranormal abilities.Therefore you get a load of 'talking head' interviews shoved in every few scenes. It's set in the seventies, so all the scenes 'recorded' back then are nice and grainy, while the 'interviews' are supposed to be filmed with modern cameras, therefore being clearer in picture quality. Yes, both sorts are well-filmed. The overall effect is certainly one of watching a documentary on past times. Only the interviews totally take you out of what little scary mood has been created (and there's not much of that to begin with). Whoever's being interviewed basically tells you a bit about what happened back in the past and then we see what they've already said in grainy 'stock' footage.So, everything that's going to happen is first told to us by an interviewee. And you can probably guess what's going to happen anyway. Once the institute gets its first 'real' person with psychic abilities then you know it's going to go wrong for them. And it does. Only it doesn't really crank up the mood to anything because it's being told to us in retrospect and you sort of already know what's happened because it's all taken place already (that's assuming you couldn't guess what happened anyway).And, what few scares are in here aren't that scary. The lynchpin of any 'found footage' film is that it doesn't have much of a budget. And it shows here. Basically, if you like horror films, there are better. And, if you like 'found footage' films then you'll probably have seen better also.Plus there's a British actress who plays one of the doctors who completely overacts every time she's interviewed. She wound me up.