Late Phases
Late Phases
| 21 November 2014 (USA)
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When deadly attacks from a nearby forest beset a secluded retirement community, it is up to a blind army veteran to discover what the residents are hiding.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Blarg Kliggle I gave the film a fairly high rating due to the fact that the main character is just so different in all the right ways. While I doubt too many viewers will find the monsters scary I feel that the way the monsters and the main character interact more than makes up for the lack of scary moments. Further on the subject of interaction, the way the main character deals with his new living arrangements and the new people that he has to deal with are what really sold me on the movie. All in all I would recommend this to anyone who likes a little comedy and a bit of drama with their monster movie.
pesic-1 This film has a slight comedic flavour, inasmuch as it steals from the famous 'Bubba Ho-Tep'. In that movie the residents of the rest home have to fight off a mummy. Here, it's a werewolf. They also stole the two geeky drivers who visit the rest home on a regular basis and hate their job as well as the old people. The problem is that this film is not funny, and it doesn't really try to be, so I don't understand why it flirts with this tongue-in-cheek semi-humorous stuff. On a positive note, the film has a couple of decent scary moments. But it is also poorly written. For instance, the main character switches between being nice to his new neighbors and treating them with psychotic contempt for no reason whatsoever. Then, after the werewolf attack, in which half the house is demolished and an entire wall is torn down, the police seem to think an animal did that. What animal is that? An elephant? Bigfoot? Not even bears tear down walls. And then they tell the people to lock their doors and close the windows at night. Again, the thing literally walked through the wall. Will a closed window in any way impede it? Watch this film if you have nothing better to do, but don't expect much. Do some housework during the moronic dialogue scenes and come back when you hear that action is about to start. Don't expect much, though. This is some cheap action. As far as I'm concerned, this is another wasted opportunity, and I am offended by the lack of respect the filmmakers have for their audiences. Nobody is stupid enough to write that drivel. They knew they were writing drivel and they didn't care. Well, right back at you. One star.
ikeybabe I really, really, really liked this film! I will watch any and every movie that Nick Damici touches. This is a throw back to those old horror movies of the past - low tech, but with plenty of highs. The acting was terrific. Damici plays an old crotchety Vietnam vet. He is bitter and un-amused by his circumstances. The support casting was cool too - and Ginger from Gilligan's Island was a special treat to see in front of the camera again!!! (There was also the love interest and dance partner of John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever). The script was well done. The movie has a good pace and while the werewolves weren't very impressive to look at, it was all part of that old style feel. *Spoiler Alert* And while it seems ridiculous that a blind man could shoot accurately and take out a den of werewolves - you can't forget that he was one really tough old guy!
narrowacres-550-659142 good movie plot back and forth, OK? main objective, Nick Damici looks a lot like Paul Newman in this movie. not scary enough. drags out too long. Nick should play Paul Newman in any movies. remake of Cool Hand Luke! just trying to open up more possibilities for Nick's fame. the life and times of Paul Newman! thank about it, this guy is a natural, looks and acts a lot like Paul Newman! I'm just trying to help , because I can see potential in a actor and this guy has the looks and caricaturists of playing the famous Paul Newman. If you cannot see this, then you are totally blind, I would love to see Nick portray Paul Newman in any movie or remake, he would be outstanding at anything Newman ever preformed!