The Curse of the Werewolf
The Curse of the Werewolf
NR | 07 June 1961 (USA)
The Curse of the Werewolf Trailers

A child conceived by a mute servant girl transforms from an innocent youth to a killer beast at night with uncontrollable urges.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Wizard-8 The Hammer movie "The Curse of the Werewolf" is without doubt never dull and has some genuinely good elements here and there, ranging from Oliver Reed's good (and sympathetic) performance to some effective atmosphere. However, the script does have some faults that prevent the movie from reaching classic status. I think screenwriter John Elder was trying for something different, which by itself is not automatically a bad idea. But in the particular way he tried to be different is sometimes a little baffling. For starters, there isn't even the slightest hint of werewolves in the first third of the movie! For the first third, the movie focuses on secondary characters who eventually make an exit and are forgotten about for the rest of the movie. And it's unexplained how Clifford Evans' character manages to narrate this portion of the movie when he wasn't even there. Subsequently, actor Oliver Reed doesn't make his first appearance until more than half the movie is over. Eventually we do get some werewolf action, but it does feel more limited than many other werewolf films. These portions of the movie are kind of fun, and as I mentioned in the subject line, the movie as a whole is entertaining. But if you decide to watch this movie, I would advise you to put your standard werewolf movie expectations aside and prepare yourself for a quite different treatment.
Morgan Hua I liked this because it wasn't your standard Universal Studios werewolf movie.First, it's set in Spain, not in Romania. The movie starts a bit slow as it's the origin story of how the werewolf is born and not via a gypsy curse. Then the boy's family and the priest are very sympathetic and even the werewolf begs them to kill him. This movie is so different. Even the ending where the werewolf, shot by his father, dies at the top of the church tower and does NOT transform back.The only issue I had was the rape origin story and potential rape by the nobleman. The rape was tastefully done and over dramatic, but I felt it wasn't necessary.
john_vance-20806 When it came out, this film was hyped at the local small town theater as a real shocker and the trailers shown in the weeks leading up to it were quite compelling - at least for kids.They did a good job selling it and were able to fill the seats even at an increased price (35 cents up from 25 cents for the under-12 crowd, not a minor sum to a 3rd grader). It actually did everything I hoped it would do, particularly the creepy seen in the jail cell. I went away thoroughly happy and entertained.When I ran across a Hammer films compilation that included it I couldn't resist reliving some childhood memories. Unfortunately, except for the one scene I recalled so well the rest of the movie was rather slow and not particularly interesting. Although I'm not sorry I took a second look and wouldn't discourage those who were kids in the era from doing so, I suspect I'll never take a third.
meisterburger23 If your looking for a good scary werewolf film, this is for youThe plot is simple narrated by Don Alfredo Corledo played by Clifford Evens. A beggar (Richard Woodsworth) wanders to a town in 18th century Spain, where he learns the town Marques is marrying and that the town people are forced to celebrate. The beggar decides why not try some luck and goes to the castle where the Marques (Anthony Dawson) treats him like an animal and cruelly tosses the beggar when he is finished with him in the castle dungeon.The beggar survives many years with only contact with the Jailer and his young daughter who was born mute. the old jailer dies not long afterwards with his daughter having blossomed into a attractive young woman. The servant girl (Yvonne Romain) now continue to feeds the beggar who has become more animal like living in his cellThe Marques meanwhile is alone and secluded in his room. His vile temper caused his young wife to go to an early grave and the few friends he possessed abandoned him. The old man attempts to seduce the mute servant girl, but when she bites and refuses his advances he has her tossed into the same prison cell with the beggar.The beggar having gone insane from his confinement rapes the girl and dies from exhaustion. When the servant girl is released back to the marques. she kills him and flees the castle. living in the woods like a wild animal for some months before being found half drowned in a lake by Don Alfred and brought to his homeDon Alfredo's maid Teresa nurses the girl back to health and informs him that the girl is with child and that a unwanted child born out of wedlock is an insult to heaven. The baby, a boy is born on Christmas day and the mother dies shortly afterward. They name the child Leon who a few years later has grown up to be a handsome boyWhen a local goat herders goats are found dead with their throats torn, by a wolf hunter. The mayor has the wolf hunter stay at the site to stake out for the culprit. The hunter shoots at a young wolf but as he hurries to check out the animal it is gone leaving a pool of blood.Don Alfredo discovers Leon injured and takes the bullet out of him. After learning Leon had a nightmare for a period of weeks as a wolf drinking blood, he consults a priest. The priest suggests Leon's conception and unlawful birth cursed him and he needs love and affection from his familyYears pass and the transformations have ceased and Leon becomes a man. He leaves home and gets a job at the next town where he falls in love with his bosses daughter.Unfortunately he turns into a werewolf and kills several people including the goat herder. Don Alfredo shoot Leon with a silver bullet and covers him with a clothThe film is very interesting especially since George Woodbridge is in this as well as Oliver Reed. I really do recommend this film its worth a shot