NR | 05 February 1951 (USA)
Tomahawk Trailers

In 1866, a new gold discovery and an inconclusive conference force the U.S. Army to build a road and fort in territory ceded by previous treaty to the the disgust of frontier scout Jim Bridger, whose Cheyenne wife led him to see the conflict from both sides. The powder-keg situation needs only a spark to bring war, and violent bigots like Lieut. Rob Dancy are all too likely to provide this. Meanwhile, Bridger's chance of preventing catastrophe is dimmed by equally wrenching personal conflicts. Unusually accurate historically.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Uriah43 A famous trapper by the name of "Jim Bridger" (Van Heflin) signs on as scout under the command of "Colonel Carrington" (Preston Foster) to assist him at a small fort in Sioux Country. While he has every intention of assisting the colonel, he also has an ulterior motive and that is establish if the killer of his Cheyenne wife and son is a cavalry officer named "Lt. Rob Dancey" (Alex Nicol) stationed at the fort. At any rate, rather than give away the entire story I will just say that this film turns out to be a pretty solid western, all things considered. While the acting isn't great and some of the battle tactics seem rather strange, the scenery was nice and the open terrain was definitely used to great advantage in the action scenes. Good performances were turned in by the aforementioned Van Heflin along with Susan Cabot as the pretty Cheyenne maiden named "Monahseetah". Likewise, Yvonne De Carlo did well as "Julie Madden" who happens to arrive at the fort en route to Virginia City. But in my opinion the best performance was by Alex Nicol who seemed perfectly cast for the part. In short, those who enjoy a good western probably won't be disappointed with this movie.
Spikeopath Battle of Powder River (AKA: Tomahawk) is directed by George Sherman and adapted for the screen by Sylvia Richards & Maurice Geraghty from a story by Daniel Jarrett. It stars Van Heflin, Yvonne de Carlo, Alex Nicol, Preston Foster, Jack Oakie, Tom Tully, John War Eagle and Susan Cabot. It's a Technicolor production filmed on location in the Black Hills of Dakota, with music by Hans J. Salter and photography by Charles P. Boyle."This is the Laramie Conference. A powder keg that may explode at any moment. It would take little to light the fuse. There are important and powerful men here. On one side the leaders of the Sioux nation-on the other representatives of the United States. But on this day it will take a great man to see both sides-Jim Bridger: pioneer, trapper and scout, is such a man."Coming a year after Delmer Daves' excellent and similarly themed Broken Arrow, Battle of Powder River appears to have been lost in the mix of Westerns sympathetic to the Indians. Much like Broken Arrow, and for that matter Devil's Doorway (1950) as well, this is propelled by a magnetic and strong central lead performance. Van Heflin as Jim Bridger gives the film a believability factor, important for a film that's based around historical events in Montana Territory 1876/7. Thankfully the film built around Heflin isn't too bad either. The plot essentially involves Bridger, a man who married a Cheyenne woman, caught in the middle of an impending war between the Indians and the American military. The army are ordered to build a road and fort on land previously ceded to the Sioux by a previous treaty. This they want to do because of gold having been discovered in the Dakota's. Bridger sets about trying to keep peace but is undermined by personal conflicts and violent bigots like Lieut. Rob Dancy (and effective rascal turn by Alex Nicol).Naturally for a film of this type, budget, era and running time, it's not an actual history lesson, so folk should not expect as such. But the makers are thoughtful as regards the events of the time and neatly tell their story via the fluctuating perspectives of the characters standing either side of the brewing conflict. It's also nicely shot by Sherman (The Battle at Apache Pass/Comanche) and Boyle (Horizon's West/Gunsmoke), the location work integral to the plot so as to understand what these people were ultimately fighting for. While Salter scores it in standard Cavalry Vs Indians style. The minor problems come with de Carlo's character and the shortness of the action. The former, admittedly lovely in Technicolor, serves only as romantic surplus who does a real dumb thing, and the latter is annoying since Sherman was more than capable of crafting exciting action (for example see the finale of The Battle at Apache Pass). Here the final battle of the title is swift and basically a compilation of charge and be felled sequences, while a buffalo scene is all too brief and only hints at what excitement could have been garnered from that passage of play. Annoyances for sure, but not enough to drag the piece down to B movie fodder territory.Although it's trumped by two, thematically similar and better movies the previous year, the story, Heflin and the scenery make this a must see for the Western fan. 7.5/10
padutchland-1 Just found a video of Tomahawk at a yard sale. The filming itself was beautiful in glorious Technicolor! If you are a Western fan you will like this one, so give it a watch if you have the opportunity. Van Heflin played Jim Bridger the famous mountain man and scout. Mr. Heflin was a wonderful actor, but I think I would have chosen someone else to play the legendary Bridger. He just didn't seem rough and tough enough for the part. Maybe he did such a good job in Shane that I type cast him myself. Still, he did a very good acting job in this one. Good old Jack Oakie was the side kick and added the light touch of humor. His acting experience was always welcome in any movie. Another great character actor, Tom Tully, ran a traveling medicine type wagon show with Yvonne De Carlo as his assistant. I don't remember seeing her lovelier. Preston Foster as the always reliable man in charge as the commander of the fort. Alex Nicol played his part well as the bad guy (who kills Indians from hate). An early bit part for Rock Hudson as Hanna. By the look on his sleeve he was a corporal. Watch fast or you will miss him. Ann Doran was Preston Foster's wife Mrs. Col. Carrington, always a reliable actress (remember her as James Dean's mother in Rebel Without A Cause?) The very lovely Susan Cabot played an Indian girl who travels with Jim Bridger since her family was killed by the Chivington gang (Susan was murdered in 1986 by her son who suffered from dwarfism). Red Cloud was played very ably by John War Eagle. He was a veteran of many movies and TV work, mostly westerns such as Winchester 73, Annie Get Your Gun with Betty Hutton, Sgt. Preston, Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill Jr, Roy Rogers show, etc. Capt. Fetterman was played by Arthur Space a long time character actor along with Russell Conway as Major Horton another great character actor. It is just a good old fashioned Western with plenty of action. Don't worry about historical facts or get caught up in the old treatment of Native Americans debate. We are all aware that the Indians got a raw deal in many a treaty and that white, black and red people were murdered without reason. The movie is meant to entertain. Let it do its job and just enjoy the movie for what it is. Well worth watching!
alexandre michel liberman (tmwest) This film, as its main character Van Heflin, is sympathetic to the Sioux and their reasons for fighting. This makes it very unusual as was "Broken Arrow" which was released the year before. Rock Hudson at the beginning of his career plays an officer and shows up in a few scenes. Yvonne de Carlo is the woman who falls in love with Heflin, and Susan Cabot the Indian girl who is always with him. Alex Nicol, as usual, is the bad character, in this case an officer who is trigger happy and ready to start a war. Unlike "Winchester 73" where the soldiers where under equipped, here they have a big advantage because of the "breech-loading rifles". Fast paced from beginning to end, good action scenes.