R | 11 February 2004 (USA)
Renegade Trailers

U.S Marshal Mike Donovan has dark memories of the death of his first love. He keeps peace between the Americans and the natives who had temporarily adopted and taken care of him. The evil actions of a white sorcerer lead him to confront the villain in the Sacred Mountains, and, through shamanic rituals conquer his fears and uncover a suppressed memory he would much rather deny.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
hrkepler One of the trippiest and strangest westerns since 'El Topo', but besides visual exploration, don't expect too much coherence in story telling. The film goes deeper and deeper into the spiritual territories, but at the end leaves the viewer dissatisfied as by the end all the visual treats are just an hollow experiments and nothing more. The computer generated meditation and hallucination scenes are there just to be there for visual purpose. Although empty and somewhat confusing, they don't feel like some foreign bodies thrown in as these scenes beautifully melt in with the overall flow of the movie. The cinematography sometimes feel restless with its constant camera pans and rotations. We are never allowed to rest our eyes on steady shot. But the restless camera is supported with good editing so it doesn't start to distract too much.Unconventional western with unconventional hero and villain with unconventional motives. Not as deep and spiritual as it aspires to be, but nonetheless entertaining to watch mostly thanks to its great cast and lively cinematography. The film that is definitely meant for the big screen to get the full enjoyment out if it.
dragokin I'm one of those who watched Blueberry awaiting a comic book adaptation and, needless to say, wasn't impressed. Maybe the title itself was misleading, since i see there was a release called Renegade. That one i'd surely avoid, which, in turn, would have spared me the disappointment.Anyhow, if you're not familiar with the comic book, there's a whole level of discussion made obsolete. We're left with some nice visuals, yet they get swiftly forgotten by poor CGI which should represent psychedelic visions. Since Blueberry has been released in 2004, i.e. several years after Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon set new standards for special effects, there is no excuse for these visual blurbs.
treat long It is not often that the cinematography, composition, and script come together so well in a film. This film has enough depth in emotion and dialog to make person view it more than once.This story draws you into a gritty old western United States but there is no polish on the few stereotyped characters. This is the films first strength and if the viewer will allow himself to be drawn in by the excellent contrasts, sights, and sounds they will enter another place and time.The memorable portrayal by Vincent Castle as a simple man who's will is impressionable but none the less unbendable truly engages the viewer but doesn't allow you to predict where the movie is going.Finally, the commitment of the audience is either paid off handsomely in the end of the movie with a duel between good and evil like no other cowboy movie I have ever seen or the commitment to suspend disbelief will end right there. Truly the composition and cinematography create a world like no other and I found myself completely lost in the experience.Supporting cast and dialog and the sense of the mystical wrapped up in an old western tale like this is why we all want to go see a movie!
peterbp If you popped this disc into the player expecting a post-90's style, souped-up western (as I did), you'll be surprised, most likely in a bad way.In short and without spoilers, this movie is a cross between Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, with a touch of Indiana Jones, set in a Western environment. Calling it a Western movie is a serious misnomer, as it doesn't contain any significant amount of the good 'ol Western elements (hard boiled cowboys/lawmen/mavericks on the western frontier, men with dark pasts going up against each other in battles on gun skill. nuh-uh).The most impressive thing about the movie is the computer generated effects (WHAT! IN A WESTERN?! - exactly my point...), but unless you are a PC game aficionado, that won't be memorable at all, just odd.If you are over age of 40, and not an old hippie, I'd advice you to stay away from this movie.