House of Dracula
House of Dracula
NR | 07 December 1945 (USA)
House of Dracula Trailers

A scientist working on cures for rare afflictions, such as a bone softening agent made from molds to allow him to correct the spinal deformity of his nurse, finds the physical causes of lycanthropy in wolf-man Larry Talbot and of vampirism in Count Dracula, but himself becomes afflicted with homicidal madness while exchanging blood with Dracula.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Stevieboy666 You get your money's worth here - Dracula, the Wolf Man & Frankenstein's Monster in just over an hour. It doesn't hang about either, quite fast paced. Sure, Carradine as Dracula is no Lugosi but he still gives a good performance, though Chaney Jnr is the real star of this monster fest. Some decent effects too, for the time.
mike48128 Not broadcast yet this Halloween on TCM and hard to find on disc, Universal now has "control" of this feature once again. It wandered into public domain for a short while. A better and more complex story than it's predecessor! We once again find ourselves in Transylvania, so naturally the gang's all here. Dr.Edlemann tries to cure Dracula (John Carradine) of vampirism, so the blood transfusion backs up, which starts to turn the doctor into a blood-sucker. This drives him mad and he finishes reviving The Frankenstein Monster. Lawrence Talbot-The Wolfman appears to be cured, but of course he isn't. There is a beautiful hunchbacked nurse (or is it just bad posture?) and a blonde nurse who gets to "date" both Dracula and The Wolfman. Lionel Atwill again plays the Inspector of the village, as in other "chapters". Intended to be a chapter once again, Frankenstein catches on fire, so you know he will be back, in 3 years (1948), for "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein". Great and monstrous fun. Quite tame by today's standards, but much more intense than "House of Frankenstein". It should have been called "House of Dr. Edlemann", as most of the action takes place at his house! Note: Dracula also dies again, but manages to return in 1948 anyway.
Leofwine_draca A hugely entertaining slice of Universal hokum, this is from the period in the 1940s where they tried to increase interest in the films by having all the monsters appear together. The cast list of this film reads like a who's who of classic horror actors. They're all present and correct, apart from Bela Lugosi, who is missed in the proceedings; John Carradine is a good actor but no match for Lugosi's presence as Dracula.The main actor, Onslow Stevens, who plays the doctor, is great when he turns mad, and Lon Chaney Jr. is also given a large part in his most famous role. The only monster receiving a raw deal is Frankenstein's Monster, once again played by Glenn Strange. He is only revived in the last five minutes of the film before being apparently killed by fire.The film contains almost constant action, going back and forth between the three monsters. The doctor even has a hunchbacked assistant, although she is female this time around. There are many special effects, and those where Dracula turns into a bat are probably the most fun, although Chaney does get to turn into a werewolf again. With a film like this, typically not much thought is given to plot, but who needs plot when you have a synopsis like this? If you're into the Universal monsters then you really do have to see this film for the sheer fun value.
AaronCapenBanner Erle C. Kenton returns to direct this final entry in the "Frankenstein" & "Wolf Man" sagas(not counting the farcical "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein") Here, through an unfortunate case of lazy & indifferent writing, both Dracula(again played by John Carradine) & The Wolf Man(played by Lon Chaney Jr.) are alive again without explanation, seeking the aid of Dr. Edelmann(played by Onslow Stevens) to finally cure them of their maladies, though Dracula is insincere, and will once again be destroyed by sunlight. Larry Talbot and Dr. Edelmann also come across the Frankenstein monster in a cave(with the skeleton of Dr. Niemann) that harbors a plant that will enable Talbot to be finally cured of his curse. Sadly, Dracula poisons the good doctor with his blood, causing him to become a killer, forcing a most tragic end for him and his hunchbacked assistant Nina(played by Jane Adams).Poorly written and paced film is a most disappointing end to the series, though it was nice to see Larry Talbot finally cured, the lack of explanations here is annoying, and the plot incredibly contrived and coincidence driven, leading to a rushed and abrupt ending. A shame.