The Gallows
The Gallows
R | 10 July 2015 (USA)
The Gallows Trailers

20 years after a horrific accident during a small town school play, students at the school resurrect the failed show in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy - but soon discover that some things are better left alone.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Wordiezett So much average
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Syo Kennex The Gallows is a found footage horror movie, released in 2015. From directors Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing, this is a school based found footage movie, focusing on the brutal accident of previous student, Charlie Grimille. Twenty years after a school production of "The Gallows" leads to the death of Charlie Grimille after a props malfunction, the high school drama club decides to remake the stage production to honour the anniversary of the tragedy. However, they soon find that some things are much, much better left alone. I admit, this movie started off extremely slowly. I wasn't that interested in what was happening, other than the very first scene that showed the accident with Charlie, but as with most found footage horror movies, I had to see it through. The beginning of most found footage horror movies are incredibly slow, something that I really wish had not become a trope of the genre, and this is definitely no different. I was very tempted to turn it off. It took around half an hour, forty minutes for this to finally kick in, and when it did, oh boy.I'm not weak to horror. I can gladly sit and watch what are considered the scariest horror movies, and come out of them bored and not scared at all but this movie, damn. The Gallows is an expert at building up the atmosphere, and making the goosebumps appear on your skin. It's absolutely brilliant at bringing up a situation that you know is going to happen, you know this one moment is going to happen, but when it does happen – you're creeped out and a little scared. The atmospheric build up is absolutely spectacular, and I don't think a found footage horror movie has ever made me feel so uneasy before – especially with the numerous night vision scenes. Of course, the plot is pretty basic; four teenagers trapped in their school, and a dead student is haunting them and killing them off one by one. It's not a terribly original entry into the found footage genre, but the acting is what really sets this apart from the others, in my opinion. I find in a lot of found footage horror movies, the actors don't seem to always put on a good show, they seem to be lacking. Maybe they know it's a bit of bad movie and they just don't really care, but in The Gallows, all four of the main actors did a brilliant job. You could feel their fear, you could connect in with their emotions, and really understand where they were coming from. Especially with actor Reese Mishler, who played the lead male, Reese Houser. There were pure moments with him where I was so scared I couldn't look away from the screen, I could not move, purely from him acting as scared as he was.This got a lot of bad criticism for a movie, and I'm beginning to feel this is more of a distaste for the found footage genre more than anything, and I think this movie definitely deserves a watch. It was atmospheric, it was scary, things were clear, and it wasn't just another ghost on a rampage. Not original in it's entry, but rather original within it's plot as a movie, and I would definitely give this another watch. This is one of those rare gems of the found footage genre, and I'm definitely glad that I gave this a chance.
Saiph90 When I go to review a film I look to look at the reviewers who loved and hated the film to see if I have missed something when I particularly disliked a film. I was surprised to read the following about The Gallows,"This is without a doubt, quite literally, the scariest movie I have ever seen! The Poltergeist remake scared me, but this terrified me. I still have a pit in my stomach, and my heart is still thumping as I type this." this poster must go through life in perpetual fear and basic household objects must send them into spasms of terror, looking at the other reviews the are children cartoons so that might explain it."I won't give away the end, but know that it is one of the greatest twist endings I have ever seen! Bravo!""Had no idea of what kind of terror it offered"I am sorry but these must be contrived reviews, this is truly an awful, lazy film. Found footage has been flogged to death and then flogged again. This has a ridiculously contrived story line and most of the action you see is in semi or permanent darkness with the occasionally shouted "awesom" or "dude" for dialogue, it is shot in the headacre inducing hand held camera. There was nothing in the film to give me the slightest scare, the characters are flimsy and you just want the ghoul to kill them and end this pathetic film. You can tell how lazy the film is as they use the actors real first name and maybe I should give it 2 as they unintentionally introduced humour when one of the actors repeatedly gets another characters name wrong, this takes some doing as they are using their real names. Not scary, nothing, avoid.
jacobjohntaylor1 There are so many found footage movies that suck. And this is one of them. I do not find these movie to all that real. Most just badly written and badly acted. I would be OK if there were more good found footage movies. It is just so many like this one. Are badly written and badly acted. And have an awful ending. This movie is not scary at all. It is about a hunted school. And it is not scary at all. It got a 4.3 which it not a good rating. But this movie is so bad. 4.3 is overrating it. It stink so mush it should be lower then 4.3. That does not really show just how bad this movie is. This is one of the worst horror movies of all time.
eddie_baggins For years mankind has wondered about the possibility of there being someone/something out there in the great expands of the universe. Another intelligent life-force that may one day visit our lowly shores to learn about us curious beings and hopefully not blast us away with advanced technology or decide to take us away for some good old fashioned experimentation. If indeed one day we find ourselves in communication with a great race equal to our technological advancements let us all hope that these visitors do not find a copy of found footage horror film The Gallows, as their judgements upon mankind may be non-recoverable.A film so daft and downright dumb it's hard to fathom how it came into existence in the first place, The Gallows as directed by duo Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing (seriously it took two people to make this turkey!) is the type of film where you can feel your brain cells disappearing with each passing minute as annoying characters make unintelligible decision upon unintelligible decision and seemingly solvable solutions are ignored in the sake of more shakily handled "scares".A new low in the past it's use by date genre of found footage horrors, The Gallows plunges to previously unseen depths of narrative drivel to tell the story of painfully badly acted teenage brats breaking into their seemingly medievally secured school to wreck the set to an upcoming play only to be haunted by an ominous fiend who locks them in the school facility (really there's not a single window that could be smashed to break out of?) to wreck all manner of nasties on them.Watch on in disbelief as these unlikeable creations knock pot plants down, "dismantle" sets by taking a piece of wood out of a stage setting and generally fail at their objective only to be bettered or worsened by the fact that their school break in just happens to be in a school that seemingly has forgone any type of security, whether it be guards, cameras, motion detectors or even the locking of a door that would take 1 minute to fix, this school does not care who wonders its grounds come closing time! It's almost as if The Gallows creators Cluff and Lofing decided they were onto narrative gold or perhaps just an easy paycheck and set forth on making their film no matter if anything actually made sense or if logic was totally bypassed, it's almost akin to a home movie production, just far less funny or enjoyable.The Gallows is neither scary or original and nothing about the film feels even remotely believable, even in a genre that's not supposed to be clothed in reality.Taking place around some seriously lax logic and scenarios, The Gallows gets its rating purely based around the fact it's something that needs to be seen to be believed as for those that thought modern day horrors and found footage films had reached their lowest ebbs, The Gallows is here to show us all that the bar has been set even lower.In other words, all copies of this film should be locked away or simply destroyed quick smart…… before the intergalactic visitors arrive! ½ an unsecured school facility out of 5