NR | 04 November 2002 (USA)
Carrie Trailers

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
lorcan-61881 Carrie(2002)is a made for TV horror movie starring Angela Bettis,Patrica Clarkson and Katherine Issabelle. The movie is about a young misfit called Carrie who each day is traumatized by her classmates and then goes home to her mad religious crazy mother Margaret. But she has a secret even she doesn't know she has,she has the power of telekinesis,she can move things with her mind and when Carrie is invited to the prom by a popular boy in her school,Carrie thinks she will be accepted as a whole person but before she knows it,a huge prank is going to happen on Carrie but all hell breaks loose when she gets revenge on her classmates and her mother. Carrie and Carrie 2 are probably one of my favourite horror series's and I didn't really know what to think of this when I heard about it,I watched it knowing creepy Angela Bettis was in it who was one of my favourite actors back then. I really liked this film,the prom scene was awesome,the effects were really really bad but it's a TV movie so that's reasonable. I loved the acting but I didn't like Patrica Clarkson playing Margaret she just didn't seem the role. Carrie(2002) is a awesome TV horror film..a lot better then 'Omen IV:the awakening(1991)
harmonyrose10 Now, although this isn't the best Carrie Adaption, I still did enjoy it. I do love how it added a lot more from the novel to this adaption, but it does have it flaws. For example the Special Effects. The Special Effects really ruin the movie quite a bit. They are quite awful for a film made in 2002. The 1976 version looked more realistic. But does that ruin it entirely for me? No. It is the story that gets me. Angela Bettis made a great Carrie, her acting was fantastic. She had played a shy, awkward and lonely girl and she was amazing. Although I do think she overacted at some points, I thought she shook too much and she does go cross eyed at times, although it was extremely effective after she got dumped in blood. Most of the other Actors did a pretty good job and it was a fun watch. I still do prefer the 2013 Adaption out of all of them, but I still love this version and all of the others as well. Not bad.
OllieSuave-007 Based on Stephen King's novel and a TV remake of the 1976 original, Angela Bettis stars as Carrie, a shy high school girl who is a subject of bullying at her school and abuse by her religiously-fanatic mother Margaret White (Patricia Clarkson). Carrie later discovers she has telekinesis, and gets pushed to the edge on prom night by a humiliating prank, giving the perpetrators a lesson they will learn the hard way.Filmed with much suspense and horror, Angela really gave the Carrie character her own unique touch, giving her a even more fragile, vulnerable and timid personality than Sissy Spacek did in the original. Emilie de Ravin and Katherine Isabelle play mean girls Chris Hargensen and Tina Blake, giving them very snotty, cruel and condescending character takes. Jesse Cadotte gave a very sinister and sly portrayal of Billy Nolan; Tobias Mehler gave a more touching performance as Tommy Ross; and Rena Sofer gave a dramatic performance as Miss Desjarden. Patricia Clarkson didn't give as much as a wired and downright crazy portrayal of Margaret White as Piper Laurie did in the original, but she did portray her as someone who is disturbed and depressed.One element I like better in this movie is that the characters had more interaction and/or connection with Carrie, as you could sense more of Chris and Tina's tormenting of her and Miss Desjarden sticking-up for her and communicating with her more (as in the interaction scene during the prom night). You could also sense more of Sue Snell's (Kandyse McClure) remorse and understanding towards Carrie.Another element I like better in this movie is that the prom scene is much more longer and chaotic and has more carnage than the original. I also thought Carrie's revenge on her tormentors were much more explicit and forceful in this movie.Lastly, I like that this movie has more scenes that connect the course of events more closely and that made the plot were relevant, like the police investigation and interview scenes and the one-on-one scenes between Carrie and Chris, and Carrie and Sue. ***spoiler ahead*** I just wished some of the characters who were nicer towards Carrie at the end met a better fate during the prom scene*** Overall, it's an exciting horror story and one of the more tastefully done TV movies I've seen.Grade B+
freeist I love Stephen King's book and I couldn't get through this movie in one sitting. It seems long and the directing shows a flawed vision. Such as the child Carrie bringing fireballs down on her house. It would seem to me that people in the town would never, ever forget an incident like that. Scientists would be investigating it. Or when students have a prank planned for Carrie, why she doesn't notice the crowd gathered around like they're getting ready for a surprise party? One problem is almost all the actors look too old for their parts and the gym teacher (Rena Sofer)--who is older--looks younger than some of the purported high schoolers. Sue Snell's part was totally ruined for me because the actress Kandyse McClure couldn't convince me at any point that she was high school age. That character is so important in this movie. If can't believe her, it's hard to buy the rest of the story.The few that do get over the hurdle of looking like teens turn in above average performances: Emile de Ravin as Carrie's arch-enemy Chris, Meghan Black as Norma, Chelan Simmons as Helen, and Katharine Isabelle as Tina. Katharine Isabelle is a standout in this film. She's beautiful and she steals every scene she's in. Except for her death scene, where bad CGI ruined it for her. It also ruined the rest of the prom scene. I'm not against CGI, either, except when it is done this poorly.Nevertheless, this version does a few things I wish the two other versions would have done. Angela Bettis isn't as good as either Chloe Grace Moretz in the recent (2013) version or Sissy Spacek in the original (1976 version). She looks too old for the part (she's 12 years older than her character). However, they made her up and costumed her perfectly to look like a real harassed, depressed, high school outcast. I wish they had done that with the other two actresses. This version spends a lot more time with the secondary characters, so you get to know them much better. It takes its time setting up the prom scene for the famous "bucket of blood" prank. The movie unfolds as a police investigation, and so everything is a retrospective on events. They show Carrie suffering multiple pranks and incidences, letting you know bullying's a constant her life. All of this is good if the movie does seem a little long.However, I mentioned something in the directing is off. They overplay Carrie's powers at the beginning. There's no way a desk could move across a room and slam into a wall, as opposed to an ashtray falling off the desk, without people suspecting Carrie having a power. What should be unmistakable to people in the movie becomes laughable when the CGI is done so badly.They also implied that Carrie had something like a multiple personality, and after she's soaked in blood, she snaps and her unconscious takes over the power without her remembering what she does. I don't like that interpretation. It makes the rest of her character moot, also her unconscious appears to have some knowledge of electricity and water. In this one, she does wreck the town, as I always thought she should, but the CGI is so cheesy it looks like an early '90s music video.I'm not sure how much of it is the direction and how much is Bettis' performance, but Carrie spends a lot of her screen time rolling her eyes, squinting, and fluttering her eyelids. Other characters mention Carrie having had a seizure in the past. I can accept her being epileptic, the problem is, as they show this so much that you don't see much else about her character. Carrie's character shouldn't be reduced to a neurological dysfunction. They also have her having hid teen magazines in her prayer closet. That does not make sense for this character.Patricia Clarkson as Margaret White, Carrie's mother, is suppose to be a hyper-religious fanatic. She's supposed to be extreme even for a fundamentalist (which she isn't. She's a psychotic.) This must have some fire and brimstone to it. I hate to say, Clarkson is just boring in the part. The director seemed to be shooting for an "American Gothic" look to her, but to me she just looks and acts tired. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who could bully Carrie worse than her schoolmates do, and that's more what Margaret White is. Carrie as a character only makes sense if her mother is that way.If the special effects are a throwback to the 90s, the music is standard '70s TV-movie garbage.Read the book. See the other two version. If you like the story, you can miss this adaptation without any great loss. Except for Katharine Isabelle's parts. Find those on Youtube if you can.